@Lady Marissa
Thanks still surviving.
No evacuation needed as the Wildfire that destroyed the main Power lines to our Town has disrupted services
( no power, no ATM’s, No lights,heat,refrigeration,dry goods only,tourists still coming in and taking all the little food that the grocery stores had and not idea when the next shipments will arrive, as no refrigeration….so only dry goods.
Ate a lot of protein bars for breakfast/lunch and was fortunate the the local Seniors Lodge for more older seniors had a Generator the supplied everything.
We were treated daily with free chef cooked meals once a day ( suppers) as most of the invalid seniors with oxygen tanks , walkers etc were airlifted to another nearby City that has all the amenities..they will be there for a week or more before been able to return..but I think it will take much longer than that.
Seven major power poles supplying Power to Jasper National Park burnt in that fire and thus will take time to replace , but since the fire is still burning not soon that’s for sure.
On top of that snow reported on top of the mountains and thus with no heat in our homes we use lots of blankets in the meantime.
Otherwise I get out in the day time to get sunshine and light as when I get back we are in darkness in the apartment block.( and homes) I like many use flashlights to get around.
Now we have intermittent power in our building ( limited to heat and lights for now).
I get up a 6 am to use the computer before the power wanes.
Well a good memory of this experience for my autobiography,,as I keep a journal of everyday happenings.
This one’s for the book.
All OK I have a roof over my head, suppers provided,company,contact with my son in another Town of which he goes online when I can’t to find the daily updates on the situation.