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Mimishu1995's avatar

Do you think mourning Queen Elizabeth's death is supporting colonialism?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23807points) September 8th, 2022

So the news has broken out that Queen Elizabeth has passed away. I was opening FB when I saw a post about the death. I tapped on the comment section and an overwhelming majority of comments were overjoyed at the Queen’s death and shamed the people who expressed condolence to the death. The logic behind the hate is that Britain was the father of colonialism, so they paved the way for the French to invade my country, therefore Britain is an enemy and they should be hated. There is also an unconfirmed “fact” that Queen Elizabeth supported the Vietnam War twice.

I know FB isn’t a reliable source of news and opinion, but you have to keep in mind that FB is very big in my country, to the point of being the entire Internet to many people. So FB isn’t just a niche place where some crazies gather and say crazy things in their own bubbles. There are a lot of different types of people on FB. So the hate I’m seeing right now could be the opinion of the majority.

What do you think about this?

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15 Answers

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I don’t know about colonialism but any support of the monarchy is support for a lot of sick shit, including pedophilia.

But let’s be real, supporting almost anything major today, hollywood, any political party/government, religion is supporting sick shit in some way.

So take that how you will.

Zaku's avatar

No, I don’t think that, at all.

Queen Elizabeth really had practically nothing to do with colonialism, except in the thought-associations of some people.

Jeruba's avatar

Good grief, no.

False equivalencies, assertions that if a, then b, with no rational justification, are a plague.

I felt sad at the news of Gorbachev’s death. That does not make me a fan of the Soviet Union. I grieved at John McCain’s, and that does not make me a Republican. I reserve the right to mourn as I see fit without being answerable to anyone for my sentiments.

I think the late Queen Elizabeth II deserves great respect for staying the course and fulfilling her vow, steady to the end. One can acknowledge the fulfillment of her role in her country, her Commonwealth, and the world without endorsing everything she said and did or everything she stood for.

eyesoreu's avatar

The response across social media & indeed, these pages, is as common as it is predictable.

Miserable, willful ignorance from attention deprived morons who think they’re being edgy & clever.

Hey, it’s the Internet…who knew!

flutherother's avatar

The national anthem still includes this verse:

“Lord grant that Marshal Wade,
May by thy mighty aid, Victory bring.
May he sedition hush, And like a torrent rush,
Rebellious Scots to crush, God Save the King.”

Which some of us in Scotland have never been too happy about.

janbb's avatar

To an extent it is. However, Britain was not the first colonial power, the Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese were colonizing before Britain and the Chinese are exploiting Africa now. Colonialism seems endemic and it is wise to condemn it. Having a monarchy at all is exploitative of its subjects. Yet one can still mourn the passing of a respected figurehead.

chyna's avatar

Not at all.

Forever_Free's avatar

Mourning the loss of Queen Elizabeth is mourning the loss of a person.

zenvelo's avatar

Those who decry “Colonialist” in describing Queen Elizabeth are ignoring that she actually reigned over the complete dismantling of the Empire. When you look at the list of countries visited during her coronation cruise on Britannia, they are all now independent or only confederated as part of the Commonwealth.

KRD's avatar

I think all that crap their saying about the queen is BS. She was a good queen. I’m still morning her death today.

Blackberry's avatar

Not at all. The internet is just making jokes, because it’s just such an easy unoriginal joke to make.

These are the same people that probably made helicopter and sexual assault jokes after Kobe’s death. Best not to entertain internet memes too much.

Smashley's avatar

Somewhat. She represented the colonialism in our hearts.

The fact that hate for her is all over Vietnamese FB implies that it is state sanctioned, officials happy for these narratives to propagate.

Blackberry's avatar

Britain was definitely the bad, evil entity to a lot of people and they deserve whatever bad stuff comes to them.

It’s just important to separate one old lady from an entire empire.

Smashley's avatar

@Blackberry -ok, but that old lady’s purpose was to be a symbol. She was the state embodied in person. Yes, she fitted the slippers on the feet of Britain’s descending empire, but the well was already poisoned for much of the world, to mangle a metaphor. She wasn’t a person; she didn’t even vote, we didn’t give her that dignity. The people owned her. Her fortunes rise and fall with the country, as does the public opinion of her. L’etat c’est moi. She was a queen.

Blackberry's avatar

Yea I totally understand. Thousands of different people are going to see it different ways.

A response on reddit from a man from India basically said he’ll never, ever forgive Britain, and I stand with him.

But british people definitely know what they did. It appears the queen made attempts to right the empires wrongs.

I still don’t give a darn about her, but I’m not gonna pretend to hate her because it’s cool now. It’s just a big grey area.

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