If a Federal election was held today, and Trump was running do you think he could win with all his legal problems now?
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September 9th, 2022
Do you think his base is big enough , and could care less about Jan,6th, the tax problems in New York, or the Document scandal?
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41 Answers
Oh and I forgot ,SAVE AMERICA PACT that is now under investigation as well.
Is his base that dedicated to forget all these issues ,or keep believing it’s all Hillary’s fault and vote him in?
Yes, he could win.
Here is the thing: it does not really matter if his legal troubles, or his attempt to overthrow democracy alienates part of the republican base. If he is the republican candidate, republican voters will vote for him, even if they dislike him, because he is the republican candidate, and they would rather have the Orangutan win again, than have the Democrat win.
I think that Trump’s legal issues are not his big problem. Trump’s big problem is his big mouth that seems to utter any and all crazy thoughts that comes to his brain.
Can he win? I think not. I doubt that he would get the Republican nomination.
@Forever_Free without emojies I don’t know if that is a laugh of, of course he can don’t be stupid, or are you fucking kidding me ,he is toast?
Who is he running against? Is the Democratic establishment going to ram Kamala down our throats? Buttigieg? Another milquetoast corporate Democrat?
@gorillapaws Does that even matter to his base they hate all democrats the same,well except Hillary they have a special hate for her.
It’s an interesting question. And we might have some hint through gauging what happens to Trump endorsed blockhead candidates in the elections between now and November 2024. Loli makes a good point. I don’t believe Trump could be the Republican nominee today without the virtual disintegration of the party as a cohesive organization. He is just too toxic and his established criminality too pronounced. And it is the fact that his upcoming courtroom adventures will only intensify this perception that gives me hope for 2024. It would be interesting to have our first convicted felon as the front runner campaigning from prison.
@SQUEEKY2 Both of our notes are appropriate to my open laughter. Wait, going back to rolling on the floor with this thought.
@SQUEEKY2 “Does that even matter to his base they hate all democrats the same,well except Hillary they have a special hate for her.”
His base will turn out for him. Likewise the fervently anti-Trump will happily vote for a generic, uninspiring Democratic candidate. But if COVID-19 had been snuffed out in China in 2019, I’m extremely confident in thinking Trump would be president today and Biden would have been crushed.
@gondwanalon Don’t underate Trump’s legal problems. For all its deficiencies, it is our legal system alone that has derailed the malevolent idiot. Sit back and watch as the creaky machinery grinds the venomous bug to dust.
To be fair, according to legal experts, Trump could run, and govern from prison.
So even if he is convicted and jailed, and if that does not bar him from running for office, if he runs from inside a prison cell, his followers would still vote for him, because to his followers, he is innocent, and any conviction would just be the result of a witch hunt in a kangaroo court.
@ragingloli I will not dispute that Trump is without question the acid test on the stupidity of the American electorate. I still believe the magnitude of those afflicted has not exceeded the critical mass required to topple it all. I also believe events unfolding around Trump’s courtroom revelations between now and November 2024 will further dampen enthusiasm for the hopeless turd.
Unfortunately, I have to agree with what @ragingloli is saying. His followers explain and excuse everything he has done, and will defend him and vote for him til the bitter end.
Hell, even if he comes down with severe dementia, they still think he can run this country better than anyone.
@HP Trump derailed Trump. Trump is the reason that Trump lost the 2020 election. I can’t believe that I voted for him twice. I doubt that the legal system can send him to prison. He’ll drag discovery out to whatever limited time he has to live. I wouldn’t be surprised if he just drops dead any day now.
^ You voted for him twice, yet now see him for what he is?
That honestly gives me hope that not all trump voters will continue supporting him.
@chyna only the intelligent ones will drop him, that is why the Don Father loves the uneducated so much.
He voted for him twice. Why am I to believe he will not do it thrice?
I really do believe that what is revealed in his legal proceedings
will ring a bell in all but the wulfies. There will be those who will vote for him even when he removes his disguise to reveal the hooves and horns, but as all these poor souls throwing money at him come to understand he played them for suckers, his fan base will be depleted. Fox has dropped him, and there isn’t a corporation remaining to openly back him (other than My Pillow, with that guy himself on his way to jail). I view the downfall of Trump the way I would a protracted war. The material arrayed against him is just too overwhelming for him to prevail.
I am about as political as my cat, but I don’t think he could possibly win. Even “some” conservatives are turning their back on him. I think he would lose big time.
I think it’s possible with gerrymandering and voter suppression laws taken into account, but I don’t think it’s likely without those and some fraud, at this point.
But yeah, his “base” doesn’t generally care.
I think the Trump lovers/loyalists will vote for him regardless, unless he’s convicted of a felony and therefore will be unable to be elected President. Otherwise, the majority of Trump lovers think the charges are bullshit and they disregard the lawsuits and legal charges.
If Biden ran against Trump, I think Trump will win. There’s a Conservative radio host I listen to occasionally who thinks Trump would not win against Biden, which is a surprising opinion, coming from a Conservative, I think.
If Trump ran for President, the Dems would have to find a great candidate to run against him. In my opinion, Biden is not the right guy. He appears to be too old, too frail, too daft, appears to lose his train of thought, sometimes can barely get a sentence out. I know people will defend him, but many Dems would not like him to run again (surveys show). Can we not have a candidate who is 80+ years old?
I would really like to say I doubt it, but I honestly just don’t know. I didn’t think he had the ghost of a chance the last time. Time will tell.
No. Too much division in the Republican party.
Trump aint that much younger than Biden.
There is only a 3 year gap between the two I think the Rep/cons better not play the age card too much.
Trump is 76
Biden is 79
That’s what matters. Biden is certainly not the sharpest tack in the box, but Trump was almost certainly a slimebag at 26. A dottering Biden is not my choice for President, but Biden in a coma before Trump in his prime. Which of the 2 would you prefer your 6 your old point to the picture in his classroom and tell you “I wanna grow up to be him”.
@HP “Which of the 2 would you prefer your 6 your old point to the picture in his classroom and tell you “I wanna grow up to be him”.”
Both are absolute monsters. Biden’s one of the most evil politicians in modern American history. His crime bill was disgusting as was his bankruptcy bill, he helped push us into the Iraq war and sexually assaulted his intern, told her “you’re nothing” and then fired her.
I am unaware of the intern business. That is indeed disappointing.
The fact we’re even discussing the possibility that someone so morally reprehensible would even be considered a viable Presidential candidate is proof positive America is declining or that it was never as great as people want to believe.
@smudges This piece does a good job and is a good place to start. It’s worth hearing the full interview. I don’t think it’s possible to listen to the full interview with Ms. Reade and believe she’s been fabricating this story for 30 years. There are other corroborating pieces of evidence as well such as a contemporaneous phone call to Larry King’s show by the victim’s mother around the time of the accusation.
Yes I think he could win the election. His legal troubles solidify his base. They believe in him, and that the government is the problem. If he sold poison Kool-Aid his base would complain that there isn’t enough.
@RedDeerGuy1 his base is15% to 30 % of the voters.
I agree about the Kool-Aid ! ! !
They elected him after his “grab em by the pussy” comments, so I believe they don’t care about anything other than their love and devotion for the man, the myth and the legend lol.
@gorillapaws Thank you. That’s disappointing. Kind of like finding out your father’s been cheating on your mother.
I have no idea if Trump will run in 2024. I suspect he probably will, but I’m not sure. Remember that he is VERY old, and he doesn’t want to break his hold on the GOP by potentially losing again. So it’s not inconceivable that he might be content to play ‘king maker’ rather than be the king. Still, I think the guy is a narcissist and the political rallies and love he got from his base was like the purest and most uncut heroin to him. If I had to guess, I’m guessing he runs in 2024.
If he runs, I have ZERO doubt that he wins the nomination of the GOP. He just was too large a stranglehold on a substantial part of that party. it’s not that he controls the whole thing. I’m not even sure he controls a majority. There’s alot of Republicans who held their nose voting for him in 2016 and 2020.
The problem is that you would need pretty much the ENTIRE GOP that isn’t Trump’s rabid base to coalesce around ONE challenger. And that’s not usually how primaries work. They’ll split the anti-Trump vote.
The problem for Trump is that I don’t think there’s any way whatsoever he can win the general election. I think the Democrats could nominate LITERALLY ANYONE and they’d beat Trump. Warren, Sanders, AOC…they could pick the looniest and most radical person they can find, and they would beat Trump in a landslide.
And I don’t think Trump’s base ‘gets it’. They really believe there is this large silent pro=Trump consensus in America. They really believe the ‘steal’. I know a couple of these people. They are not dummies. Don’t think this is an intelligence thing. It’s cognitive dissonance. Confirmation bias. They simply can’t believe any information that runs contrary to Trump’s narrative because everything that contradicts him must be some ‘attack’. The ones I know are even CRITICAL of Trump. And they still fall for it.
In a general election, I think Democrats, independents, and most moderate Republicans will vote against Trump. There’s no one the Democrats can pick that they’ll hate more, unlike in 2016 where Trump won mostly because alot of people hated Hillary more than Trump.
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