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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is Trump dumb enough to still have documents in his possession at Mar-a- Lago?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23572points) September 10th, 2022

I heard the DOJ is considering another search warrant to look for still missing documents.
Do you think Trump is dumb enough to still have missing Government documents in his home?

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15 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And what will your or the public’s reaction be if they do indeed find more missing documents?

kritiper's avatar

Yes. And they are so scattered, they could be anywhere.

HP's avatar

Perhaps the government knows there are specific documents missing. Trump himself is probably too inept and slovenly in his personal housekeeping talents to exert the effort required to rummage
through the stuff in that huge rambling place. But who can he trust in the household staff to do it for him that won’t later snitch him out? But more likely than not, upon leaving the White House, there were revealing incriminating documents in those now empty top secret folders which Trump ordered whisked away for destruction. Unlike previous Presidents, Trump’s exit was a disheveled rush job. He obstinately stalled in packing up on the chance that his insurrection would succeed. When his trial comes, his attorney will claim this as the reason he snatched up the documents in confusion.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@HP is probably correct. Trump is/was so careless that he doesn’t even know what he has. And his enablers were so blind that they paid no attention (and don’t care).

Trump is dumb in so many respects, not just because he may have other documents at Mar-a-lago.

I wonder if there are sensitive documents at his NYC apartment or his golf club in New Jersey?

LadyMarissa's avatar

He also took 49 empty file folders marked TSSCI & God only knows where what was in them went!!! IF I had my way, his ass would already been in jail!!! As far as the general public goes…half agree with me & the other half will be bitchin shortly!!!

ragingloli's avatar

Maybe it is time to waterboard the guy.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Could be client’s rooms like Saudi and Chinese nationals he has a guests,

Zaku's avatar

Dumb enough? Certainly.

Also dumb enough to be worth interrogating.

flutherother's avatar

He’s not necessarily dumb, just so conceited he thinks the law doesn’t apply to him.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah @flutherother No one is above the law, but Trump has never been no one so he doesn’t count.

HP's avatar

As a practical matter, there is a high probability that Trump himself has no idea where to find most of the things in that monstrosity he lives in. Think about it and ask yourself when would you guess that Trump last washed a dish or did a load of laundry? Could he find the detergent, or even tell you the location of the washer and dryer? Devoid of all curiosity as he is, If the power went out in that place in the middle of the night, I bet he’s not only incapable of locating the breaker boxes, but couldn’t find his way out of that oversized whore house in the dark.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He can’t find his ass with BOTH his small hands !

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Yes. Pretty damn dumb.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Tropical_Willie He has short arm syndrome as well!!!

filmfann's avatar

He is dumb enough and more.

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