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Pandora's avatar

What's the dumbest comment you've read in the past 2 weeks?

Asked by Pandora (32601points) September 10th, 2022

I just read a comment from some idiot religious podcaster, Dale Partridge. He said that today great sadness is seeing God denying 39-year-old women staying intentionally single and childless because they won’t have anyone to take care of them in their twilight years. There was some more nonsense in there, but basically, he was trying to make it seem women are selfish for choosing to live their lives their way and they will regret it later.

My first thought is that he apparently doesn’t know that retirement homes are filled with elderly that are ignored and lonely and have a family.

There is another one I heard today. Republicans saying AOC is racist against her own kind because she’s marrying a white man and so therefore it proves she’s a liar and a bigot.

I can’t seem to decide which one was best and figured before I decide maybe I should hear from my fellow flutherites. Maybe there is more stupid out there.

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25 Answers

rockfan's avatar

I made a comment on YouTube saying that I loved the Little Mermaid trailer, especially the casting of Halle Bailey. Someone responded back by saying “What if a movie was made about you and they cast someone that wasn’t your ethnicity, wouldn’t you be upset? Ariel is WHITE, not black.”

I didn’t even bother responding because I didn’t feel like getting into an argument. It’s obvious the commenter didn’t take the time to make an intelligent comment in the first place.

HP's avatar

I read it right here. It was that Trump could declassify documents by simply stealing them. If he has them in his basement—they are therefore declassified. It was explained that this is no big deal. Most Pesidents take documents as memorabilia. This implying that plenty of ex Presidents must have boxes of classified documents lying around in their cellars.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Nothing that Evangelists or Republicans say surprises me any more.

RayaHope's avatar

I was gonna say probably something I said. But your two examples are far dumber than anything I’ve said lately. “They” never consider the women that can’t have children for a multitude of reasons. And marrying someone because you LOVE them doesn’t seem to make it into their crazy vocabulary either!

Pandora's avatar

@rockfan Just Wow! Apparently, they don’t know that Mermaids aren’t real, but that’s how bad racism has gotten.
@HP, oh, that whole declassified documents story is just unreal from beginning to end.
@RayaHope, the day you say something close to my two examples is the day you are beyond hope. LOL
@Nomore_Tantrums Yeah, it doesn’t really surprise me either but if I’m not laughing I’m crying for the lack of brain cells they seem to have or not have, that is. It’s a sad state our country is in with these morons leading the way.

RayaHope's avatar

@Pandora If I ever say something as bad as those two examples you have my permission to kick my butt! ;}

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait Wait! I gotta go find it!

RayaHope's avatar

@Dutchess_III I thought you meant you gotta go find my butt! I hope you mean my bad answers. :D I’m getting silly now it’s getting late.

Brian1946's avatar

This isn’t a recent example, but extemporaneously I’d say it’s something to the effect of, “Forcing women to give birth even if it kills them is pro-life, but contingently requiring people to wear a mask and/or get vaccinated is Nazism”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Background on this; this is new neighbor and we’re still learning about each other.
We had this brief conversation about Charles ascending to the throne. The “he” I mention refers to Charles. I’m Valerie.

JLoon's avatar

At a deposition I transcribed :

Our attorney -“Doctor how many autopsies have you preformed on dead people?”
Witness – “Well…all of them.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

That was internet stuff. There are a whole bunch of them, and according to Snopes they’re true.

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SnipSnip's avatar

@JLoon I’ve read that before as part of a joke. I hope you don’t work for an attorney who actually asked that exact question.

JLoon's avatar

@SnipSnip – She actually did say that, and the coroner played along.

LuckyGuy's avatar

3 weeks ago they were saying the high gas prices are Biden’s fault and you should vote againt his party in the mid-terms.
Now that prices are dropping they are saying Biden did it on purpose so you should vote against him in the mid-terms. High gas prices? Low gas prices? Which is it?
Has anyone forgotten there is a war going on in the Ukraine? Pipe lines are being disrupted. Sanctions and embargoes are affecting supply chains.
Drivers are driving more and consuming more gasoline. A 1% increase in oil consumption moves the price 10–15%. .

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Zaku's avatar

There SO much competition – I tried looking back, but it’s too hard to choose.

Especially if you visit places such as r/insanePeopleZuckface . . . or anything with MAGA or QAnon people.

Zaku's avatar

Oh, wait here’s one:

”“In fighting for religious liberty, there’s no one that’s done more for Christianity than Donald Trump. No one.”
– Eric Trump
( )

WhyNow's avatar

Oh no! Reading my posts… I need to be crowned.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

It’s basically the same as an overdue library book!

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