Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Do you buy gifts for friends and family when you travel?

Asked by JLeslie (65974points) September 11th, 2022 from iPhone

Souvenirs or some sort of local item. Do you do it every time? Only when it’s a foreign country? What’s your parameters for lugging extra stuff home to give as gifts?

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15 Answers

RayaHope's avatar

I really haven’t traveled too far from home. But whenever we go to a beach I love to collect seashells and pretty little stones I find and sometimes give them to family. So this may not qualify. I have never been to another country…ooh that would be so cool!

JLeslie's avatar

^^It qualifies.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t enjoy traveling, so nothing to bring back!!! At the same time, I buy gifts for my friends almost daily. Anytime I’m out & about & I see something that I think a friend would enjoy, I buy it & give it to them the next time I see them.

On the other side, I receive numerous gifts from friends who travel extensively, so I guess lugging extra stuff doesn’t bother them!!!

janbb's avatar

Hardly ever. I rarely buy things even for myself when traveling any more. I’m a fanatic about keeping my luggage light and manageable. Occasionally I will get something small for a grandchild.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Sometimes, if it’s a special trip

HP's avatar

No more silly trinkets.
In the days when I traveled quite a bit, I would hit the used book stores in various cities in this country, and the other English speaking places. My excuse was that I was checking for books on my list of things sought by other hoarding relatives and friends. Most of those stores are gone now, wnich is just as well. My jet lagging days are no more.

jca2's avatar

If it’s a big trip, we may buy souvenirs for a few select close friends and/or family.

My mom used to always get us a souvenir or two when she was on a big trip, meaning a trip abroad to Europe or something. It would be something useful like earrings or some beautiful silver candle sticks or something like that.

We just took a trip out west and I let my daughter buy some magnets and things for some of her friends.

My family will also send post cards. Post cards are not too common now, but I think of them as a sweet way to show you’re thinking of someone when on a trip. I sent a few post cards to family when on our past trip out west this summer. I treasure post cards I have received from my mom and others in the family. Nobody else seems to send post cards but they’re fun and inexpensive.

raum's avatar

Domestic trips, usually just a small thank you for neighbors that are taking out our trash bins and grabbing our packages.

International trips, gifts for family.

cookieman's avatar

Years ago, my wife and I would always bring back gifts for our parents, my aunt, her brother, nieces, nephews. Then we noticed that nobody really cared about what we got them and nobody, when they travelled, reciprocated. So we stopped doing that.

RayaHope's avatar

@cookieman oh that is so sad, I think you and your wife deserve a big (((HUG))) If someone would take the time out of their day to think of me and do something like that I would be all over them with gratitude!

cookieman's avatar

Aww. Thank you @RayaHope.

JLeslie's avatar

@cookieman Do you appreciate not having to bother with it? Or, you miss doing it?

SnipSnip's avatar

I do if I see something really interesting and unique. This would be happenstance; I don’t shop for souvenirs.

cookieman's avatar

@JLeslie: I’m good with it now. At first, we sort of missed it, but it is less to worry about.

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