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MakeItSo1701's avatar

How to get rid of headaches caused by barometric pressure changes (storms)?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13736points) September 11th, 2022

No matter how much ibuprofen I take, it hasn’t gone away. It’s been raining pretty much 12hrs straight.

I can’t sleep either.

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9 Answers

SnipSnip's avatar

Move to the desert.

I’ve never heard of this but I read this article.

JLeslie's avatar

First, let’s make sure you took enough Ibuprofen and waited long enough. It takes about 50 minutes for Ibuprofen to kick in. If you only took one (200mg) that’s not enough, if you took the second one two hours later, you only have about 300mg in your system, also very likely that’s not enough. 600mg would be a prescription dose when taken at once.

Remember to drink a glass of water with ibuprofen, even better to take with some food, it can be just a few bites of food. There is a such thing as too much ibuprofen so don’t just pop a whole bunch.

You could try Tylenol instead of Ibuprofen. Has it been more than 4 hours since your last ibuprofen?

Assuming you don’t have any trouble with antihistamine, you could try one along with Tylenol if the Tylenol doesn’t help enough. Beware, some people get wired from antihistamines, so that won’t help trying to go to sleep.

Any chance you drank less caffeine than usual during the day or delayed having caffeine to much later than usual and that’s causing your headache?

A normal rain usually doesn’t change the barometric pressure much, it’s things like hurricanes that usually causes big enough changes that people get affected. I’m not saying it’s impossible, but if you usually don’t have a problem during rain, your headache might be from something else. Even covid causes a headache, but it doesn’t sound like you have other symptoms.

jca2's avatar

Are you sure that your headaches and inability to sleep are not caused by something else? Were you drinking a lot and perhaps are hung over?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I had sinus headaches from flying, try Mucinex .

gorillapaws's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Sinus congestion was also my thought for this. At least it’s easy enough to try. I’d try some over the counter decongestant to make sure your sinus cavities are clear. That might help. Of course we’re not doctors, so it’s best to consult with a professional. It could very well be related to alcohol but none of us could say. Have you checked your vitals like your BP?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I get headaches everytime it rains

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Here’s what the weather is doing now, it is a weird pattern so I wonder if that’s why.

It was doing that pattern yesterday, but the storm cloud was large, circular, and over a larger area

Pandora's avatar

Here is some information on how barometric changes cause headaches and what you can do to help alleviate them. I also get them occasionally and I found this pretty interesting. Since I take Magnesium every once in a while, it could be the reason I don’t get them all the time now and my husband still gets them all the time. But then he has sinus issues. Magnesium is great for bone, nerve and muscle. I usually would take 800 Milgram worth of tylenol. That always seemed to help. Anyhow, this it the article.

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