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Koxufoxu's avatar

What would you change in your life if you were 18 years old again?

Asked by Koxufoxu (1701points) September 13th, 2022

What would you change in your life if you were 18 years old again? And why?

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14 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

If I had all the knowledge that I have now when I was 18, I would have invested more in the stock market. Why? Compound interest. Plus the knowledge of how the stock will trend over the next 50 years. I didn’t start investing until I was 30. The earlier the better.

Of course no one knows how the stock market will preform in the future. But it’s a gamble worth taking using a conservative approach (dollar cost averaging and staying the course).

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I wouldn’t have started smoking. The “why” is self explanatory.

Zaku's avatar

I’d focus more on my creative work, on making and keeping up good friendships with good people, and on my self-knowledge and integrity in romantic relationships (i.e. understanding myself better, and not falling into co-dependent relationships).

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This is a tricky question. I wanted to come out in my late teens, but there simply was no support at that time and in the place I lived. Plus, my parents would have kicked me out of the house. My only option then would have been hustling. I would certainly have died when the AIDS crisis was at its worst.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Not changing much, I’d take advantage of a couple of opportunities to date girls I missed out on. One in particular.

rebbel's avatar

I would have asked her.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I would have taken grade 12 physics again and again until I passed it and the same for grade 12 chemistry (while they where $14 a course). Or would have finished my highschool at Jasper National park and worked weekends at the hotel.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Maybe I’d go professional musician.

Inspired_2write's avatar

I would had made my boyfriend wait longer before sex and marriage.
I was at a point of thinking of travelling Europe since my older sister had saved and gone on a nice trip with her friend.
Plans then were in the “possiblity” stages when I was trying to figure out a plan to finance a place of my own, a good paying job,travel, then LATER settling down.
All of that got trashed when boyfriend just couln’t wait!

And to think that now he blames ME ( divorced with 3 children and so much chaos and disruption because of it.
Only good part was having three children that gave hope and meaning to my lonely life then.

Forever_Free's avatar

Not a damned thing!

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I would never have reported my abusive ex to the police.

Too much pain of reliving for nothing, and he gets out in 6 months and I’m probably dead.

Poseidon's avatar

I am 75 now and I would change virtually everything if I were 18 again.

I have messed up my life when I could have been virtually anything I wanted. I did want to be a writer, but I was too eager to earn money so despite my being asked to stay on at school I left and although I have had a reasonable life7 St Andrew’s Rd, Exeter EX4 2AA I have made a myriad mistakes.

Of course, the only person OI can blame is myself

seawulf575's avatar

I’m pretty content. Changing anything would change who I am and where I am. And even things I didn’t like in my life (my ex for example) I can’t say I’d change that. She was a horrible, horrible woman…lots of mental issues that developed. But I ended up with three wonderful children I wouldn’t trade for the world.

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