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luigirovatti's avatar

Without time, do humans exist?

Asked by luigirovatti (3024points) September 13th, 2022

In other words, I’m looking for a scientific theory, a person who formulated it, or even a wiki page, any explanation about the theory that time is the only true unit of measure and gives proof to the existence of matter.

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27 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

how can you prove that humans exist?
Based on the Touring Test, we may all be computers.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

The Holographic Universe, by Michael Talbot, is a good book that you might be interested in. A good library will have it. You can get from Amazon for $10.
He has some YouTube videos for free.

He is not exactly what you are looking for, but you might enjoy.

flutherother's avatar

Without time nothing exists, but you could say the same about space.

rebbel's avatar

Without me, a human, nothing exists.

kritiper's avatar

Only a human could conceive of the concept of time.

gorillapaws's avatar

Space-time is a thing in physics as in, one thing not two. When you distort space, you necessarily distort time as a consequence. It’s not a cause/effect, but simply the idea that spacetime is one kind of thing. At least that’s my understanding of physics. This spacetime concept originates from Einstein’s theory of relativity I believe.

filmfann's avatar

Without a definition of time, there is no definition of existence.

RayaHope's avatar

This is way past my pay grade. I may be an ensign on a star ship, but I don’t know anything about this subject.

eyesoreu's avatar

Without time humans become immortal

Caravanfan's avatar

@gorillapaws is correct. Spacetime is one thing and is derived from the General Theory of Relativity. Spacetime would exist whether or not humans are around to observe it.

smudges's avatar

How could time have anything at all to do with human existence? Seems more like time exists because of us. In fact, the more I think about it, it seems that the question would be, “Does time exist without humans?”rhetorical question, not looking for a lecture

Ltryptophan's avatar

The present exists, and only the present. We may experience the illusion that the present is changing. Instead, our minds interpret the present in a linear causal manner.

Inspired_2write's avatar

The seasons change and do so with or without humans.
Humans developed a measurement of the seasons and results.
There we developed time over centuries of observations, I’d assume.

WhyNow's avatar

In theory, at c (the speed of light) time does not exist.

Maybe something does exist at c.

Maybe humans could evolve (or something) and find out.

Smashley's avatar

Without The Time what human would want to exist?

kritiper's avatar

I agree with @Ltryptophan . There is only now.

Caravanfan's avatar

@kritiper @Ltryptophan Define “now” or “present”. Be specific.

WhyNow's avatar

Now is a local construct to where you are. To each person the now
is very local… I am here now. In terms of the cosmos the now is only ‘local’
to you.

Issac Newton postulated that the now is the same anywhere in the universe…

Until Einstein proved that our now is relative to our prospective and that now is
very different to a clock on the other side of the galaxy. All time is local.
You see stars across the galaxy as they were a million years ago.

How do we know time passes? Nobody knows exactly, but the best answer we have
is… because of entropy.

How do we stop time? Only my opinion but we travel at the speed of light.
This is how stars talk to each other in real time.

To me, being in the ‘now’ is rare but sometimes you are at the place you
are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing, with the person
you are supposed to be with. My best wishes to someone is “enjoy the now.”

gorillapaws's avatar

@Caravanfan I think it has to be defined as something like: “the briefest possible non-zero interval of spacetime (Planck Length?) currently occurring relative to a particular entity.” Or something like that?

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Caravanfan's avatar

@kritiper I wasn’t trying to be cute. I was trying to make the point where @WhyNow and @gorillapaws expanded upon. “Present” is relative to the particular object. Here’s an example. You have an observer on the Moon who is talking to an observer on the Earth. There is a 2.5 light second delay for return communication. What is “now” for each of those observers?

Or take a geosynchronous satellite. A satellite in geosynchronous orbit has to have its clock set at a different rate because it’s not in Earth’s gravitational field.

Strauss's avatar

Time is what keeps everything from happening all at once. Space is what keeps everything from happening in the same place.

Ltryptophan's avatar

A fixed reality, outside of causality, is not a very palatable idea. But, that’s it. Oh no, our minds can’t make sense of it!!! ¯\(ツ)

kritiper's avatar

Now is relevant to the observer and only to that observer, no matter who (or what) the observer is. My reality at the moment is mine just as your reality at the moment is yours.

Entropy's avatar

We are beings that exist within time. Our ability to conceive of existence without it is poor. Just as is our ability to conceive of life in a universe with more or fewer dimensions. Our brains evolved in this universe where the laws of physics are what they are. We can try to imagine others, but it’s largely just fun thought experiments.

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