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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do any universities have admission requirements higher than 4.0 GPA?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25149points) September 14th, 2022

Seeing that some schools award students with grades over 100%.

It seems a depressing future.

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14 Answers

Zaku's avatar


Well, at least not for schools that don’t have any grades over 4.0.

When there are schools which do give grades over 4.0, and/or inflate GPAs in other ways, good college admission departments will adjust GPAs based on those practices. Ideally, they have stats per school on what the average GPA is per school, and other data about what those schools are like, so they can take that into account.

SnipSnip's avatar

No. A 4.0 is a perfect GPA. Scores higher than 100% include ‘bonus’ points which, in my opinion, should not ever take a score above 100%. Bonus points should do no more than get a score to ‘perfect 4.0.’

hat's avatar

Weighted GPA is more relevant today. My daughter graduated with ~4.75 weighted GPA. The system takes into consideration the difficulty/level of the class (honors, AP).

RayaHope's avatar

I thought a 4.0 is the best you can get. Isn’t that a perfect score? How do you get more than 100%?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@RayaHope For example in grade 6 I scored 236% in optional vocabulary lessons.
In grade 5 I received a negative -65% for a weaving assignment that took me a year to do because I broke my wrists too many times, over the years. I spent every waking moment on it and the teacher should have cut me some slack. It helped me to get use of my hand again. Also I realized that the only grades worth working for are 9,10,11,12 and university/college if you need a license to practice like nurse/doctor/psychologist/lawyer, because they are used to decide what university or trade that you go in after High school.

Also you can get bonus points for extra work that you can ask for. @RayaHope you can try asking your teachers for extra credit assignments. They can raise your grades a bit.

RayaHope's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I might try that if I need to, but I’m kinda tapped out all ready.

zenvelo's avatar

The average admitted GPA for the College of Letters & Science at UC Berkeley is 4.2.

(Cal is the top rated public university in the country, and the best university in Northern California, not like the junior university across the bay in Palo Alto).

Zaku's avatar

I’ve never attended a school where there was any way to get more than a 4.0. There were AP courses in my high school, but if anything, they’re tend to reduce your GPA, because they were even harder than the regular and advanced courses, and the highest grade in any class was 4.0, with no “extra credit” (except for some assignment within a class, but they couldn’t give you more than 4.0 for the class).

Forever_Free's avatar

An A+ in an AP class in some schools result in a 5.3 towards your GPA. A GPA on the weighted scale takes into account the difficulty of a given course. One student even managed to land a stunning 10.03 GPA by taking 17 advanced classes at a school that awarded bonus points.

Many Public schools are trying to ditch the A to F system and go more towards a standards-based grading with a pass/fail.

It is not the future, as many colleges are going away from the weigh of a GPA during admissions review taking more consideration on other areas like SAT score, essay, interview, community activism, etc.

zenvelo's avatar

@Forever_Free But many schools are no longer requiring the SAT or ACT for admittance.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

SAT/ACT scores don’t correlate very well to performance in college courses but high school GPA does. That’s why those requirements are being dropped.

Forever_Free's avatar

@zenvelo Agreed. This is the trend away from scores of any kind.

RocketGuy's avatar

If the family has resources for SAT/ACT prep programs, their kids get an advantage over other kids. Performance in class is harder to game, although family income plays into that too.

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