Social Question

Demosthenes's avatar

What do you think of GOP governors flying/bussing illegal immigrants to blue states?

Asked by Demosthenes (15432points) September 15th, 2022

This has been going on for a while but recently made headlines because instead of the usual big city destinations, this time a plane of migrants, mostly from Venezuela, were sent to Martha’s Vineyard, an island off the coast of Massachusetts that has a small year-round population and doesn’t have the infrastructure and resources to support incoming migrants in these numbers.

Ron DeSantis (who else?) has taken credit for it, despite the flight apparently originating in Texas. As far as he is concerned, Massachusetts has billed itself as a “sanctuary”, so they should not be bothered by receiving planeloads of illegal immigrants (that GOP governors obviously want out of red states like Arizona and Texas, for fear that they may become Democratic voters). This was supposedly done with the migrants’ consent, though some are claiming they were told they were going to Boston.

Is this simply what happens when border security is lax? Are blue states realizing the downsides of claiming to be a sanctuary? Is there any legal way to stop this from happening?

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150 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I think it is a technique to help encourage put pressure on blue states to build Trumps Wall.

hat's avatar

Well, I live in MA. Not sure what to think about this. First, this is a despicable act by someone who deserves to be six feet under. He used real lives and little kids to score points for xenophobes. Fuck him. Someone needs to do their job and end him.

Seriously, though. This stunt should get him on an international list of criminals, and he shouldn’t be able to travel. It’s all based on lies that the Democrats support open borders or some shit. This is shit that would (or should) get other countries concerned and ready to “intervene”. Fuck him and anyone who is ready to type, “well, actually…”.

janbb's avatar

I believe Greg Abbott was the one who started it. He’s being sending busses to DC and NYC for weeks. Perhaps De Santis has too.

hat's avatar

Also, @Demosthenes: “Are blue states realizing the downsides of claiming to be a sanctuary?”

I really doubt people will see racist xenophobes abusing people and think, “man, I guess we were wrong about not being racist xenophobes”.

mazingerz88's avatar

There is no end in sight to the assholery of cruel politicians who do these pathetic stunts. De Santis is clearly another asshole like trump.

Seemingly losing momentum on the mid-terms because of issues concerning abortion, these politician assholes are on a shameless political rampage. Coldly calculating deplorable human beings.

HP's avatar

Perhaps its only fair. After all, since the best and brightest of their kids are destined to flee to the bluelands anyway, why deprive refugees some exposure to rational enlightenment.

hat's avatar

Also, @Demosthenes: “Are blue states realizing the downsides of claiming to be a sanctuary?”

Massachusetts is not a “sanctuary state”, and has a Republican governor.

And, @Demosthenes: “Is this simply what happens when border security is lax? ”

I’m not sure what that is supposed to mean? Since Republicans promote policies that increase poverty, should states like MA start rounding up the poor and unhoused and put them on planes to red states?

ragingloli's avatar

It just shows that they do not regard immigrants as humans, but mere pawns to use in their political posturing.

janbb's avatar

There could be so many intelligent ways to process immigrants and house them in various states that could use their skills and labor. Nobody seems to have the will to imagine and implement a humane immigration policy. Instead, as loli says, they are being used as pawns in a terribly evil and immature game.

YARNLADY's avatar

I think there should be a system in place that humanely busses them to every major city to receive the help they need.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Typical Republican racist ploy, to score points with their racist base. Need I say more? I live in Texas, and they don’t seem have a problem with illegals they can exploit. Go to any construction site in this State and you will find most of the workers are Latinos. Republicans seem to have no problem with cheap labor for their cronies and donors.

hat's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums – Exactly. Republicans (and Democrats) can’t afford to actually limit the number of immigrants entering the country. What they want, however, is a criminalized, scared, dehumanized pool of labor that they can pay nothing and will demand nothing for fear that they will be deported.

Republicans are very good at convincing a part of the voting population that these immigrants are a threat to their jobs and lives, rather than fellow victims of a system that benefits these politicians and the corporate interests they serve.

chyna's avatar

Abuse of humans.

WhyNow's avatar

Reading down the answers I forget what the question is. All I read is how racist
xenophobic and just plain republican the republicans are.

These migrants walk across countries with their children. Are dying, being preyed upon by
the cartels who make 400 million a week is a number I’ve seen. They are saying up 40%
of girls are trafficked into sex brothels. There are images of trucks loaded with dead migrants.

Out of two million entering this year how many are finally getting safe passage? That is
the abuse? I have the answer!!! Abolish ICE and border enforcers? After all Kamala
says the border is secure.

WhyNow's avatar

@chyna You mean the abuse of humans start when the migrants get on
air conditioned buses?

chyna's avatar

No, when they are dropped off in a place they have no idea where they are.

WhyNow's avatar

^ But they know where they were.

mazingerz88's avatar

Not sure about use of the term illegal in this question. Aren’t these migrants who went through some processing, their info recorded and awaiting court hearings?

chyna's avatar

@WhyNow Aren’t they freaking lucky then?

LadyMarissa's avatar

I see it as human trafficking which is ILLEGAL unless you’re rich!!! Where I live, we used to have a lot of farmers & the migrant workers were more than welcomed every year because they did a lot of work NOBODY wanted to do!!! Except for a few yamn dankies who transplanted themselves here, I don’t think there would be a lot of complaints!!!

WhyNow's avatar

@chyna May I submit a peace offering the only way I know how?
Melissa Etheridge… Sometimes this is where I go.

janbb's avatar

Greg Abbott had a few busses of migrants dropped off at Kamala Harris’s residence in DC. Classy move!

RayaHope's avatar

I’m not the brightest bulb in the box, BUT the fact that they are ILLEGAL (not legal to be in the country) why are they being brought into the country in the first place? I’m also sure that the criminal GOP Governors are using public funds to do this. How is it that these governors are not in jail?

Blackberry's avatar

Abuse has more than one definition. I can abuse a woman without even hitting her. Don’t feign ignorance.

WhyNow's avatar

^ Please help me understand… I have been called feeble minded.
Have you seen these border towns, dirt poor, inundated with no relief.

Leftists are against the busing… why?

WhyNow's avatar

I have worked too many hours and my posts are becoming gibberish.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@WhyNow May be persona;l but I don’t think you know what you are talking about !

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Blackberry's avatar

Fair enough man. We still need more details, though. It’s an issue if these guys got paid for this, along with everything said above.

WhyNow's avatar

What details? It is almost 3am and a cool 58 degrees here in nyc.

Response moderated
WhyNow's avatar

@LadyMarissa I might agree with you under these circumstances. Biden was shipping
migrants into the interior… but those with an address of friends or family that could
pick them up.

I agree with that. So maybe abbott tricked them into thinking they were getting
lodging etc. before going on the bus… but that wasn’t mentioned anywhere above.

But listening to mayor Bowser in D.C., Adams in nyc and Lightfoot in chicago.
I’ve come to realize they don’t give a crap about any migrants!
They only care about showing hatred for republicans!
And getting more dem voters.

JLeslie's avatar

When I heard the Texas governor was doing this I wondered if the people he was busing out had court dates in Texas and would definitely miss the date now, or if they move a hearing to a court in the state where he was sending the people who had come across the border? Then the Republicans could say these people miss their court dates too.

I think if it’s coordinated with other states it’s fine, but it sounds like it’s not, it’s just political theatre.

How did these people get to Florida if DeSantis is doing it? DeSantis is just copying what Abbot did. I want to just ignore it all, because I feel like these stories just help DeSantis, except that we are talking about real people being shipped around, so it can’t be ignored.

Probably, the city of Boston was referenced when they were told where they were going. That’s not so unusual.

They are Venezuelan so they didn’t likely come across the Mexican border, although not impossible, but it’s a long way around. We deny visas to Venezuelans all of the time, so the back story might be worth knowing.

There are a lot of people from Venezuela in Florida, but most flew over with some money, and higher education for that matter, a while ago.

1 in 5 people in my Sunshine State are immigrants. They’re everywhere. Including my house.

I figure DeSantis is doing his typical play to the far right of his party, and Democrats and much of the media are reacting in their typical fashion, which is what DeSantis hopes for too.

These are real people being toyed around with and used for ratings and political points. It’s horrible. I assume they are being taken care of in MA.

WhyNow's avatar

Good read from @JLeslie in the early morning hours.

The ‘bus people’ can go to any federal ‘immigration’ court. It is a
federal matter.

What are they doing in your house?

Texas, Arizona and even Fl. are not getting any coordination from the feds.
The feds say there is no crisis at the border… just a ‘challenge.’ (Mayorkas)
Kamala Harris says the border is secure. Yet we see the video.

If you say we can absorb these migrants, I would most definitely agree.
but first we must prepare for them.

JLeslie's avatar

@WhyNow Is immigration actually scheduling court dates in the new states? Or, is the left hand not talking to the right? You don’t just show up in court and get heard, you’re given a location, date, and time to appear in court.

WhyNow's avatar

You do get date time all that. But you show up anywhere anytime they will sort you out.

seawulf575's avatar

For years the border states have called out for help. They have shown the damage the Democrat’s open border policies have caused. And all the time they heard those same Democrats bragging about how humanitarian we are as a country to be able to just let anyone in. They have bucked federal laws with their “sanctuary cities” trying to pander for votes by showing the illegals how much they care. And the whole time the problem on the border persists. Biden even set the precedent by flying illegals all over the country. He even flew them into Florida.

So now the states that have the heaviest influx of illegals are finally fed up. The only way they have left to battle this and to finally get the Dems to admit their policies are crap is to let them enjoy some of what they are pushing for others. I have a really hard time thinking this is wrong or unexpected. MAYBE if those that crow to others about how they are supposed to deal with illegals have to abide by their own words, they will stop saying those words.

Forever_Free's avatar

They are racking up some serious frequent flyer mileage!

RayaHope's avatar

@WhyNow “Leftists are against the busing… why?” Ummm..because they are illegal!

JLeslie's avatar

So, was DeSantis quiet about it until this murder happened? It’s actually right now much after that, because it was back in Nov ‘21 that one of the immigrants became a suspect according to the article.

Florida probably needs people to fill jobs. Flipping people keep coming down here for tourism and retirement. The state population is growing and growing and we get a disproportionate amount of people who don’t work.

My guess is DeSantis and local businessmen don’t mind some new immigrants being here, but have to posture for politics.

@WhyNow Do you have a link stating that? I hope that’s correct, but that seems to me a court could have very erratic levels of how many people show up on a certain date.

When my SIL had to appear in court I’m pretty sure the address was specified, but she was going for a slightly different situation. The immigration officer at the airport felt she did not come into the country when required to keep her green card in force.

janbb's avatar

The “coastal elitist” Vinyarders seem to be rallying around the immigrants so the joke may be on DeSantis.

However, I do think this is a national issue that should be solved fairly by all parties. Fat chance!

Demosthenes's avatar

Obviously DeSantis is doing this for cynical, political reasons and his only priority is becoming the next Trump, in more ways than one. That said, I agree that it’s unfair for a handful of states to shoulder the entire burden of illegal immigration because the federal government won’t do anything about it, after all this time. If this helps drive home the point that more needs to be done to solve the immigration problem, then so be it. That said, they should not be lying to migrants about their destination, as appears to be the case with this Martha’s Vineyard flight.

hat's avatar

@Demosthenes: “If this helps drive home the point that more needs to be done to solve the immigration problem, then so be it.”

We have an “immigration problem” like Germany had a ‘Jewish problem” last century.

LadyMarissa's avatar

How did these people get to Florida if DeSantis is doing it?

My understanding is that DeSantis spent $12 million of Florida’s taxpayers’ money to fly 2 private jets to Texas to pick up the undocumented immigrants & take them to Martha’s Vineyard. He’s using Florida’s taxpayers’ money to run for president. As it turns out, once on the ground, the citizens of Martha’s Vineyard fed the group, gave them all a place to sleep, & welcomed them to their new home!!!

Forever_Free's avatar

@hat That’s a fairly big stretch. Genocide is not something to tie to this nor make humor about.

WhyNow's avatar

^ He spent $12 million! Jet Blu would have done for a lot less… He’s an idiot.

RayaHope's avatar

This DeSantis guy should be in jail!

ragingloli's avatar

And it is actually a lot worse than anyone could have imagined:

seawulf575's avatar

DeSantis hit upon a perfect action to point out all the garbage rhetoric of the left. MV is full of people that have gotten rich off the backs of others. They have extraordinary white privilege. Many of them have been outspoken supporters of open borders. And like Joe Biden said, illegal immigrants are not a burden, they are a gift. Now the left is trying to spin it that the illegals were mistreated somehow. They just worked their way through several countries to enter this one illegally. They don’t have families or jobs or anything. They could live on the street in El Paso or they could be held in overcrowded holding facilities. They could be used for human trafficking or drug smuggling. OR they could be sent to a VERY nice part of our country…one that has a median income higher than most. But the left would have you believe that the immigrants would be better off if they were not sent to MV. I’m sure there are some that are buying it, but every argument against the immigrants being there points to a flaw in the Democrat’s policies concerning the southern border.

RayaHope's avatar

@ragingloli Okay, DeSantis guy should be sent to Antarctica without a coat!

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

The people in Martha’s Vineyard embraced them; found them food, clothes and shelter more the DICK DeSantis did. He is playing to the backward right wingers; he hopes to get nominated for President in 2024 !. Sending immigrants out of the court jurisdiction maybe problematic for DICK !

The visitors probably average six figure incomes. Willing to give to the immigrants that is more than DESANTIS THAT TREATS THEM AS JUNK OR TRASH.

jca2's avatar

To anybody who thinks “the people of Martha’s Vineyard have extraordinary white privilege” does that include the ample African American population there?

jca2's avatar

Thanks TW!

Caravanfan's avatar

It’s a cruel political stunt, of course.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I know DeSantis’ name is Ron but he is a DICK !

jca2's avatar

Republicans think it’s hilarious and they’re rubbing their hands together with glee.

A Republican friend told me today that the migrants should be happy because many working people can’t afford to go to Martha’s Vineyard, and the migrants are being flown there for free. She also told me that the migrants are being put up in luxury hotels in NYC. It’s really ludicrous that people believe this shit.

JLeslie's avatar

Being flown there on Florida tax dollars I would think. Abuse of funds in my opinion.

To say the immigrants should feel happy, because many people can’t go to Martha’s Vineyard is the most ludicrous thing to say. I mean really that is just unbelievable. Many people can’t vacation in Florida either, so maybe we should have kept them here in the land of Mickey. Like these people are on some sort of vacation and not displaced, and just think how powerless they feel. They are at the mercy of people treating them decently.

WhyNow's avatar

@jca2 The Milford plaza was a luxury hotel… changed to The Row. Now it houses
migrants along with 14 other hotels. Welcome to nyc baby!

WhyNow's avatar

The dems have a meltdown over 50 migrants sent to Marthas Vineyard by De Santis
yet have no problem with this

Dems have no problem beckoning these poor people to sell everything and take
their children on a horrible and brutal journey preyed upon by savages… that is
ok trafficking for dems.

Giving 50 migrants a plane ride to MV has become a human rights issue.

WhyNow's avatar

Some mortuaries along the border are overfilled with migrants who tragically
perished before reaching the dem promised land

I see the next cynical ploy by office seeking republicans… fallow for a sec.
No room to store dead bodies so…

seawulf575's avatar

@HP The entire question was what we thought about GOP governors moving illegals to blue states. There are an awful lot of negative comments here about the GOP governors…all from leftists. So yeah, there are an awful lot of people arguing against the illegals being in MV.

But you rant against the illegality of the action is even funnier. You talk about how stupid people are very easily, but then come out with stupid statements like that. Let’s evaluate because it ALL comes back to the Dems and the leftists and we can see just how illegal things are.

1) entering this country illegally is against the law…by definition. We have immigration laws that the Dems fight against enforcing. If there is this sudden concern for a crime being committed, then let’s look to the Dems as abetting millions of criminals.

2) You rant about people bragging about trafficking illegals across state lines. This has two idiotic statements in it. The first is that apparently it is okay to traffic people INTO our country, just not around the country…if it inconveniences Dems. The Dems do NOTHING about the human trafficking that enters this country. Well that isn’t true…they ignore it and deny it and deflect away from it and actually support it with their policies. The second stupid statement you make with this has two parts to it as well. The first is that the GOP governors are somehow trafficking people. They are gaining nothing. In fact, they are paying for these people to move to another part of the country. Can’t really say they are being trafficked. The other stupid part about this is that there are not laws against people moving from state to state.

3) This “clear violation of federal laws” was already perpetrated by Biden and the Dems when they were making secret flights of illegals around the country to put them in areas they wanted to inconvenience.

Face it…the GOP governors are just doing everything the Dems have shown over and over to be okay. They are doing things the Dems have fought for. They are doing things the Dems have done. They are doing things the Dems have done to the southern border states for decades. The Dems are just mad because THEY are having to suddenly support, first hand, their “noble rhetoric”.

Let me throw some of that rhetoric at you. Illegals are a gift. They bring diversity. If you are against illegals entering this country you are a racist and a xenophobe. We should all welcome these people who are only seeking a better life. Not enforcing laws is okay as long as it is to help people. The list goes on and on. But in the end it shows that, once again, the Dems are hypocrites.

jca2's avatar

Martha’s Vineyard is part of Massachusetts. Massachusetts is not a blue state. The Governor of Massachusetts is a Republican. Learn more about him here if you need a link:

HP's avatar

The thing to note on this publicity stunt is that it achieves nothing toward facilitating any solution to the influx of people from the world’s hell holes. The intent of the regressive governors clearly backfired in that the imagined wrenching and shrieking on the part of the blue lands which wulfie imagines, failed to materialize. The staged catlle drive only serves to reinforce the image of the confederacy as the land where treatment of people
Iike animals remains the tradition. The destinations targeted for ruin, embraced the migrants to the embarassment of the dummies and their ironic reenactment of the underground railroad. It’s actually pretty funny. This time it’s the bigots who are financing and facilitating the escape of brown people from the miseries of the retarded South. You know, you just gotta love America.

JLeslie's avatar

There are many more registered Democrats in Massachusetts than Republican. That state has a lot of unaffiliated voters though. The Republican governors there tend to be moderate on a lot of issues. Mitt Romney was pragmatic and reasonably moderate when he was governor there. I don’t know if there has been another Democratic governor since Dukakis? Hasn’t the state voted for the Democratic candidate for president since Reagan? Or, am I confusing it with a different New England state?

Hogan in Maryland was a Republican governor in a blue state.

Demosthenes's avatar

Massachusetts is a “blue state”. “Blue state” doesn’t mean there can’t be a Republican governor (even California had a Republican governor in the 2000s). As far as I know, that terms refers to the percentage of voters who are Democratic and the way the state votes in presidential elections. In either case, what I was referring to was the fact that many states that are common entry points for illegals (Arizona, Texas, and Florida) are red states with Republican governors. Illegal immigration is a federal issue and it’s up to the federal government to deal with it. So while I think DeSantis’ political posturing and “lib owning” is a blatant attempt to replace Trump as general of the right wing of the “culture war” and become the new GOP frontrunner, there is a valid point in taking the burden off these few states that happen to be along the border. If certain areas are refusing to prosecute illegal immigration and bill themselves as “sanctuaries”, why shouldn’t they take in more illegal immigrants? Surely it’s better than waiting in a cage in the desert.

And yes, I’m sure there was an “own the libs” faction of right-wingers that was hoping the MV residents would be like “eww Mexicans!” in their reaction so they could say “see, the liberals are the real racists!”, and I guess they “owned the cons” by treating the migrants nicely, but at some point your politics have to go beyond “owning”. Lol

WhyNow's avatar

@HP The retarded south… First they were bitter clingers,then deplorables,
white suoremesists, maga, ultra maga, mega maga, terrorists, nationalists,
quasi fascists, cultists, hitler wannabes, did I miss something?

We hired hundreds of talented southerners. They are whip smart, problem solvers,
clever and they always find a solution.

But hey you know better! SO demonize them, take away their police, their guns,
their culture… and then you can round them up and “re-educate” them.

Good luck with that.

JLeslie's avatar

@WhyNow What the hell are you talking about? Which talented Southerners are you referring to? Who are the WS, Nazis, cultists you are talking about exactly?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@WhyNow Your link from Washington Examiner is bogus, just like the Washington Examiner !

DICK DeSantis claimed without any proof that Biden was flying them to Florida.

ZERO evidence

WhyNow's avatar

@JLeslie I am referring to the retarded south that @HP so eloquently talks about.

Did not Biden himself. in his speeches use all those terms, YES he did.

@Tropical_Willie Sorry, if I give more then one reference I am scolded on this site!
If you don’t believe me, I am ok with that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Zero proof just DeSantis saying it is happening. . . . and Washington Examiner is not truthful!

HP's avatar

@WhyNow I don’t generally use retarded as a substitute for mentally insufficient. Dumb and stupid are more direct and I admittedly toss them around at the drop of a hat. Retarded above refers more to the persistence of the region in resisting the realities around advancement and progress. That is the retardation I had in mind.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@WhyNow still no proof un-named air traffic controller . . . . Not right-wing BS.

All articles are based on . . . DeSantis says !

seawulf575's avatar

@HP “The thing to note on this publicity stunt is that it achieves nothing toward facilitating any solution to the influx of people from the world’s hell holes. ” You know what achieves nothing toward facilitating any solution to the influx of people from the world’s hell holes? Telling them we have open borders. Urging them to travel thousands of miles to be raped, tortured, used by the Cartels and sold into sex slavery. And as for the publicity stunt, again…Biden started this. He was getting embarrassed by the mass of illegals at the border so he started shipping them around the country. He thought no one would find out, but they did. Funny that the Dems complaining now didn’t say boo then.

“The destinations targeted for ruin, embraced the migrants to the embarassment of the dummies and their ironic reenactment of the underground railroad.” And you obviously are a racist that entirely misses the point of the entire thing. Those thousands of illegals that have been shipped to DC and NYC and Chi and MV were all being left by the Democrats to burden TX and AZ and any other border states. And no, they didn’t embrace them. They put up with them, but Bowser in DC wanted to call out the National Guard. Adams in NYC has been screaming that his social services are already stretched to thin. No, they didn’t embrace them. That is just leftist rhetoric. If they embraced them, the story would be thanks to TX and AZ and FL for ensuring these poor souls are getting the help they so desperately need.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
HP's avatar

You keep talking as though there are people here advertising open borders and good living for all. I agree with your line of thinking, that if we simply shot these people on sight, the migration might slow down as word got back. I Also believe the day may well come when we do EXACTLY that. But meanwhile, desperate people will pile up on our borders if America regardless of its faults, is comparative heaven. This stupid and idiotic talk of some cult here promoting open borders is nonsense and you know it. The people coming here are doing EXACTLY what you and I would do given their circumstances. This is the only reason we don’t shoot them on sight—yet.

Demosthenes's avatar

^Good point. People who come here don’t do so because they think we have “open borders”. They come regardless of who is in office and regardless of all the many impediments and dangers. They will continue to come as long as there is poverty and suffering in their countries of origin and the US seems like a viable alternative. It has little to do with perception of “open borders”. A similar thing occurs in Europe, with migrants from Africa and the Middle East. People will always try to leave poorer countries for wealthier, more prosperous ones. It’s not going to stop just because there’s a wall.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@all I guess the “bring us your huddled masses”, deal is off now?

HP's avatar

Yes, we should acknowledge the truth and throw a tarp over the thing. Those days are over. And already the uptick in the demographic crises of global warming and economic disruption are placing ever more people on the move. The gates here are swinging shut, sanctuary cities or not. The pressure to pull up the ladder grows ever more irresistible. The inevitible day approaches when the problem must be reduced to the current backbiting redneck governor view of the deluge as a matter of “pest control”. They’re coming, borders open, borders closed, THEY’RE COMING

WhyNow's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 The new saying is “huddle your asses someplace else!”

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@WhyNow Snicker. Snicker. Funny and sad at the same time.

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mazingerz88's avatar

Asshole trump was willing to meet with Dems on immigration and the border and the Dems were on their way to the WH but worse assholes like Stephen Miller advised against cutting any deals.

Humane and logical potential solutions to immigration problems which naturally includes the border have always been there for the taking but both parties, and mostly the asshole Republicans refused to compromise.

My guess. Dems would agree to a 100 ft. border wall, all the wall Republicans could eat if undocumenteds who had been here for at least 15 to 20 years are legalized.

Compromise is the only way forward. In the meantime, asshole Republicans might think they are winning but just look at the
number of happy migrants coming in. And will continue to come if saner heads fail to cut a
serious deal that MIGHT actually make a difference.

Our politicians are failing us. There is so much more that needs to be done in order to stem and discourage migration to the US from the south. But the only rallying cry for the
assholes is wall! Wall! Wall! Along with demonizing migrants. trump being the fattest and ugliest pig who
does that. And now desantis. And small-minded
people feel inspired and vote for these sickos? Sad!

Response moderated (Unhelpful)
HP's avatar

Our troubles at the border are the testament to just how far we can get in attempts at isolating ourselves or operating here to the detriment of the world. The average American has no idea that a very large percentage of our Latin American refugees are the end products of our policies regarding the region. To this day, it isn’t recognized that the Mexican influx is the result of such schemes as NAFTA which rendered rural life impossible in a place where rural life is virtually all there is.

seawulf575's avatar

@HP “You keep talking as though there are people here advertising open borders and good living for all.” There are. Trump worked hard to stem the flow of illegals into this country. He even had Mexico agree to a “stay in Mexico” deal where the illegals would stay in Mexico until their claims of asylum were evaluated. The flow of illegals dropped significantly. The word had been passed that trying to just blatantly walk into the USA was being blocked. So people stopped making the caravans of thousands of people coming to this country. Then Biden got into office and one of the first things he did was to undo everything Trump had done. That WAS advertising to just “Come on in!”. And the sudden formation and flow of caravans showed it. The hobbling of CBP showed it. As usual, the Dems support the criminals and punish the cops.

There is a firm fact you cannot dispute: If our southern border were actually secured, this entire discussion about who sent illegals to where in this country wouldn’t be occurring. Tell you what…name me one single country in this world who has such an open border policy as this one? None of them do because it is, as with most Dem policies, a destructive policy to this country. All for bringing political pawns into this country. And as usual, lefties are accusing others of what they are doing themselves.

WhyNow's avatar

It is 6am Sunday morning here in nyc. The sun is still sleeping.
I am getting a lot work done but the sun seems reluctant to do it’s job.

My sister and family stayed the night and yet I feel alone.

HP's avatar

@seawulf575 It is a direct, obvious and open lie to state that this country has an open Southern border. The United States probably has the most sophisticated, heavily patroled and rigidly enforced borders in the world. Conservatives LIE about open borders, because conservatives are stupid and just as their mascot, lie about EVERYTHING. The child abuse policies of carrot top had nothing to with the decline of migrants during his clown show administration. It was the covid induced economic collapse in the country and the world that temporarily caused the dip AND EVEN YOU KNOW IT. It is the disease YOU and the pig told us was no big deal (another stupid and obvious LIE) nothing more. And to equivocate the rejection of the duplicitous lying psychotic pig’s despicable treatment of desperate people as proof of an open border policy is once again nothing more than a STUPID LIE believed only by stupid people. And finally to claim that to qualify as a Democrat one must advocate open borders is preposterous on its face. It is a deliberate LIE.

LadyMarissa's avatar

After letting it play out for a few days, I think DeSantis gave the Dems the PERFECT opportunity to look MORE Christian than the right’s Christian Nationals!!!

Today he’s saying that he’s going to send MORE in order to protect Florida. Hell, the first group NEVER made it to Florida. He flew 2 private jets to Texas to take them to MV, so it sounds like to me that he’s protecting Texas with Florida’s taxpayer’s money!!! The right is always bitchin that Biden is doing everything for political points. IF this isn’t being done for political points, then somebody has gone BLIND & deaf!!!

seawulf575's avatar

@HP are you even close to being serious?!?! Who do you think you are fooling? 200,000 illegals entering this country just in July of this year. THAT IS SECURE?!?!?! Please. Go peddle your horseshit to someone else.

seawulf575's avatar

@LadyMarissa They are moving illegals from cramped, squalid areas to wealthier areas that profess to love illegals. How is this not Christian? Meanwhile those lovely Christian Dems you are squawking about are the ones complaining the illegals are there. Even in that bastion of caring, Martha’s Vineyard, they are relocating the illegals that showed up to a military base…back to more squalid settings. Do people on the left really believe the garbage they are shoveling?

LadyMarissa's avatar

@seawulf575 Sorry, you returned with the expected bias I saw coming. I STOPPED listening to you a long time ago!!!

seawulf575's avatar

@LadyMarissa And I was not surprised at all by your bias…it is expected with just about every post.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

The 200,000 immigrant getting into and staying in USA in July is only in GOP biased media like FAUX newz and the GOP’s own website; no confirmation just propaganda.

DeSantis has lost backing in lower Florida like Little Havana, the mistreatment of fellow Lantinx is not building support his running for office.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

@WhyNow at least someone showed compassion, not like DeSantis and Abbott !

It backfired on both of them !

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@seawulf575 “This whole debacle is because the Dems want to flood the country with illegal immigrants. They don’t care if it is a burden on Texas or Arizona or New Mexico or even Florida. ” Source and not some right wing media like Washington Examiner or Faux newz.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

@HP . . didn’t Trump want shoot them with 50 caliber below the knee when entered the US ??

Maybe mistaken !

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HP's avatar

I hadn’t heard that one TW.

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seawulf575's avatar

@HP you did indeed talk about legal asylum. You said they had the legal right to enter the country and ask for sanctuary. That is true. They can ask for asylum, but they have to prove they are being persecuted in their home country due to some aspect, be it political, racial, etc. Not just that they are poor or want a better life. They also have to show they are not a criminal. And the burden of proof is on the illegal, not our country.

What I find interesting in your arguments, though, is that you keep talking about the LAWS but never once actually show a citation. Tell you what…start showing a citation or you will be considered to be just hot air.

seawulf575's avatar

@jca2 Yes, I know you can give citations and I thank you for them. It is HP that needs to start backing up his words. They will continue to be so much hot air until he does.

JLeslie's avatar

The second I heard about these immigrants being moved to Massachusetts I wondered if they were going to have trouble keeping court dates in other states, and then accused of not showing up.

Below is a video one of our jellies posted on another site. Watch the first 5 minutes and the lawyer says the people were instructed to call USCIS, which according to the lawyer is the incorrect agency. First, I’m surprised they aren’t processed under USCIS, second, this supports exactly my fears. It goes further to say they were given addresses that make no sense.

Here’s the video:

I’ll also add, Massachusetts had no warning these people were coming. The states should be coordinating. It’s too much to ask only border states to absorb all of the people coming across the border (note: Florida is not a border state) although, states like Texas often see fit to not want to support the central government, rather they prefer to slam it, nor do they have a history of coordinating with other states.

jca2's avatar

@seawulf575: I wasn’t trying to give a citation on behalf of @HP. I wanted to show first hand information about what types of asylum there are and how one goes about seeking asylum. I prefer first hand information (links) so there is no misinformation.

mazingerz88's avatar

On and on this epic stupid immigration and border debacle goes because republicans use it to get votes from the easy to distract and immigrant-fearing and hating voters.

If any of these repub politicians are sincere in fixing anything for real they would stop playing their cruel ANTI-ILLEGAL political games, show that America is not dumb, cruel and fearful of immigrants by crying “but they’re ILLEGALS waa waaa waaa” and instead DEBATE the Dems on serious policies that might once and for all stem the tide if not stop migration from the south.

And it can’t be just a wall. Because I’m not sure it will even work when people are desperate enough to bring their kids and risk drowning them crossing a river. An electrified high wall even with trump-gargoyles on top will not deter them from trying.

Serious repub leaders who are neither ghouls nor clowns pretending to be statesmen should PUSH dems into a corner by cutting serious deals that would come across as sensible and humane to all voters not just to gullible “make America great again” voters who had no idea why their bullshit slogan is so divisive.

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WhyNow's avatar

@HP Right… what?

@mazingerz88 Waa waa waa go the rupublicans. How many migrants are too much?
How many deaths at the border is too much? How much trafficking of sex slaves
is too much? How many drug overdoses is too much? I know the answer.

As long as migrants stay in red states, who cares what is too much.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^You’re on the right track asking those questions…grass…hopper? Carradine was good but maybe Bruce Lee might have been the better choice.

WhyNow's avatar

I am a grass… smoker. Can all those things be happening if the border was secure
like Kamala Harris says. Don’t believe your lying eyes… she says.

WhyNow's avatar

^ Funny… you seem to have chosen a verse from that song ‘wheels on the bus’
just sayin’.

JLeslie's avatar

@WhyNow What are you talking about? You don’t think there are Latin American immigrants in blue states? LMAO. New York, California, Washington, Oregon, Colorado, Illinois, also I am loath to call Florida a red state when it is extremely purple. My mother who lives in extremely blue Maryland, and has been a Democrat her entire voting life, is tougher on immigration than you might guess, she is tired of MS13 and tired of tax dollars being spent on what she feels is not fair. She also understands that the vast majority of people coming here are just looking for a better life and looking for WORK and safety, not for handouts. I agree with her on some points and not on others, but my point is there is room for discussion and compromise if the politicians cared about compromise and truth, rather than splitting apart the electorate, which means splitting the country. She also has not forgotten that our families came here as immigrants and thank God my family was able to leave their former countries. Part of my family likely would have wound up murdered.

Edit: Not mention we need labor right now, the US seems to be short on staff for many jobs.

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HP's avatar

His logic fails you because (as always) there’s no logic involved. @seawulf575 If the migrants are here already, how can Newsome be accused of enticing them to come? Sanctuary cities don’t protect anyone FROM federal laws. The feds operate in those cities just as they do in the redlands. The cities simply refuse to participate in that pursuit, just as I as an individual am not required to snitch out illegals or shoplifters or any other petty criminal. And once more, the tired old rag about political bias on the part of the FBI and DOJ. It’s straight up crap. Those agencies are in hot pursuit of organized rings of traffickers——which is PRECISELY what your 2 redneck governors are. They are not going to run down some poor tattered woman and her kids for the crime of being tattered and seeking a better life, even if it is a crime. Once again, her crime is NOT a felony. Which brings us to the issue once more. Why isn’t the crime of coming here illegally a felony. I assume that since you’re back here a full day later, you’ve once again attempted to let the internet do your thinking for you, and came up with zilch. But doesn’t it seem to you that your empty headed conservative cohorts should be whining LOUDLY that illegals should be classified as felons? The question matters, because it is the key to the collapse of the ENTIRE rightwing argument on punitive inhumane measures as the remedy to our border problems. And the answer to that question is staring you right in the face if you are actually capable of sensible reasoning. THINK about it. Or admit that its difficult for you to think about ANYTHING, and we can move on. And by the way, Newsome might (just like the statue) offer migrants that are in the country that thousand dollars if they make it to California, it is NOT a crime. He clearly cannot be busted for trafficking. On the other hand, the 2 rednecks FACILITATE and FINANCE the trafficking of illegals. If the FBI and DOJ were truly biased, those twin jackasses would suffer the exact fate their equally moronic dummy undergoes now at Mar a Lago. The law has them dead to rights It’s open and shut case.

Caravanfan's avatar

It’s “Newsom” Not “Newsome”.

HP's avatar


Caravanfan's avatar

@HP The spelling “Newsome” is used by Trump MAGA wackos who think they’re being clever and insulting by misspelling the name.

HP's avatar

It also pops up if you dictate audibly to this tablet. I often rush and do a bum job of editing.

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Tropical_Willie's avatar

Conservatives have joked that Martha’s Vineyard residents will be tearing down woke yard signs proclaiming that refugees and migrants are welcome after Ron DeSantis flew 50 of them to the wealthy island.

Right-wing commenters believe many residents of the ritzy enclave will be tearing down the popular signs for fear of being asked to put their money where their mouths are, and take in some of the mainly-Venezuelan incomers.

‘Whole lotta Martha’s Vineyard residents about to take down the ‘all are welcome here’ lawn signs sitting in front of their mansions,’ joked Andrew Wagner, a GOP operative in Minnesota, in a tweet.

All right wing REP / Con statements, get you story straight @WhyNow ! !

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HP's avatar

And now the appeals court of the 11th circuit has ruled as we have stated that wulfies’ sad argument is a “red herring”. What a surprise! And get this. 2 of the 3 judges rendering the decision are again TRUMP APPOINTEES. How’s that for political bias?

LadyMarissa's avatar

FPOS is furious that DeSantis stole HIS idea!!! For someone so brilliant, people sure do steal from him a LOT!!!

Newsweek reports he wanted to separate the rapists, murderers, & druggies & then send them to Dem cities.

Entropy's avatar

I mean, let’s be honest, it’s a political stunt. But as political stunts go, it’s the most valid one. I’m pro-immigration, and am generally rolling my eyes everytime my conservative friends talk about the border….but there IS a problem, and the left is not taking it seriously enough. There is a town, I forget which, that has a population of about 100,000 that is being asked to house 250,000 migrants while they await hearings on their refugee status.

There are logistical problems that need to be dealt with and the left refuses to acknowledge them. If these stunts get those problem to be paid attention to, then good.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@Entropy I’d love to see your link to that source as I can’t seem to find anything to verify!!! I did notice that you said they were “asked to house” in place of “dropped at the airport” or “bused in & dumped”.

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