What are your favorite fictional acronyms?
Acronyms like:
Library Computer Access/Retrieval System)
LCARS . From Star Trek.
Or T.A.R.D.I.S. “Time and Relative Dimensions in Space.” From Dr. Who?
Or S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division)? From the Marvel universe.
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17 Answers
“UNCLE” as in The Man From Uncle TV show. Forgot what it stands for. United Nations Council on Law Enforcement? Something along those lines.
Also SPECTRE of 007 fame.
SMERSH – Joseph Stalin coined the name ”СМЕРШ” (SMERSH) as a portmanteau of the Russian-language phrase Смерть шпио́нам (Smert’ shpiónam, “Death to spies”). Originally focused on combating German spies infiltrating the Soviet military, the organization quickly expanded its mandate: to find and eliminate any subversive elements—hence Stalin’s inclusive name for it.
see wikipedia
I also like the, “League of Super Evil”, anime (L.O.S.E.).
Interestingly, KAOS and CONTROL (in the TV Series Get Smart – were not acronyms.
Fun fact @elbanditoroso The actor from Get Smart “Maxwell Smart”(Don Adams) , was the voice for Inspector Gadget in the cartoon series in the 80’s.
Trotter’s Independent Traders
Only Fools & Horses.
@Nomore_Tantrums United Network Command for Law and Enforcement. Sadly, I didn’t need to look that up.
For me, ir’s E.D.I.T.H. from Spiderman Far From Home.
From The Simpsons:
SSCCATAGAPP – (pronounced like “suscatagap”) Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays Against Parasitic Parents, the anti-family group formed to get rid of child and family accommodations in Springfield.
PPASSCCATAG – Proud Parents Against Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays, Marge’s counter-group to oppose the above and keep the family-friendly amenities. Dr. Hibbert also insists that “papascatag” is the name of a disease of the brain stem, and that’s how he’ll remember the acronym.
In the Marvel Comics and Movies it stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.
It used to have a different meaning in the comics decades ago
VIKI. Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intellignce from I, Robot
ROUS rodents of unusual size from The Princess Bride
“The Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society.” from Red Dwarf or CLITORIS
The hooker’s union founded in the Sixties by Margo St James was named COYOTE for Cast Off Your Old Tired Ethics.
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