General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How long does it take for the hinge to wear out on the Samsung flip phones?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13653points) September 25th, 2022

Like something like the Galaxy Z flip 4?

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7 Answers

SnipSnip's avatar

I’ve never had the hinge to wear out on a flip phone and that is what I have carried since the first one…that big ole Motorola Flip*. I just had to give up the one I have really loved, Samsung Gusto. It was a 3g unit and I had to get a 4g because of the networks shutting down 3g. I did find another flip phone that is 4g and I’m quite happy with.


Brian1946's avatar

My Samsung flipper is 9 years, 8 months old.
I’ve dropped it several times.
The battery cover is secured by tape, but the hinge still has optimal hinginess.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I am not talking about that kind of a hinge. I said what type of phone it is in the description.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@SnipSnip it’s the new flip phones where the screen is folded. The actual mechanical hinge probably won’t wear out but the stress of folding the LCD display and the fact that the LCD is less protected from dust etc than normal would increase the risk of it failing. Having said that there are tests where the phones have been opens and closed hundreds amid thousand of times with out issue in lab conditions.

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Pita365's avatar

I wanted one, but my friends don’t like theirs. I saw a YouTube video that showed that the hinge is flimsy.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I love mine.

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