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bob's avatar

What cell phone should I buy?

Asked by bob (3236points) August 6th, 2007

I'm switching to AT&T; and need a new phone. At the moment, at least, I won't be buying an iPhone. What phone should I get? All I care about is call quality -- I want the sound quality of the phone calls to be as close to land-line quality as possible. If there's a website with good reviews or forums, let me know that, too. (On a side note: why don't any phone manufacturers realize that sound quality is important to their customers?)

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7 Answers

dwalla's avatar

I've got an iphone and its great. Other than, that I would buy a Moto V3xx or Samsung Sync. Check out or
good luck

kevbo's avatar reports extensively on performance across a bazillion metrics, including call quality (both in terms of voice quality sent and received).

mzgator's avatar

I have a new iphone and love it I also used a Motorola razor for over two years and loved it too. Before buying the iPhone I checked out the at& t smart phone and the sync. I liked both of them. My second choice would have been the new at&t; smart phone.

gooch's avatar

The Iphone it's a no brainer. You buy it then your happy!

andrew's avatar

With ATT you're not going to get sound quality like a land-line, no matter what phone you get. I've had a nokia, 2 motorolas, a samsung, 3 ericssons, a treo and an iPhone. The provider, in my experience, is the biggest factor in sound quality -- much more so than a phone. On your side note: all the cellular companies compress the hell out of their signal so they can squeeze the most data with the equipment they have -- much more so than the land lines.

Really, though, what are your needs? What type of computer do you have (important for syncing your contacts, which really comes in useful if you lose your phone)? Do you want a smart phone? Get an iPhone, then, don't even bother with a Treo. But it sounds like you don't.

Get a RAZR. It's a great all-purpose phone, will probably be super cheap, has nice features, and is really great to carry in the pocket. The one thing I didn't like is that the recent call list was only 10 items lang (but that may hve changed). I've also been a big fan of the Ericssons of yore; they had a great GUI.

Slackadelic's avatar

this answer would have never found its way to you w/o the iPhone!! Do you want the the best phone ever?

bob's avatar

I was hoping there was a phone out there that was really good at making phone calls.

@Andrew: I have a Mac. I would definitely use the iPhone calendar, along with some sort of to-do list web app. I have an iPod but wouldn't mind leaving it at home. In other words, I do want an iPhone, I just don't want to *buy* an iPhone. I agree that the iPhone is the best smart phone ever (although it doesn't have superior sound quality). I may go for the new RAZR v3xx, or one of the Sony Ericssons.

When I got my Powerbook I remember thinking that you couldn't pay me to go back to using my old HP laptop--or any Windows machine, for that matter. The price of the Mac pays me back 10 times in ease of use. I haven't applied that logic to my cell phone yet, even though every cell phone I've ever owned has been extremely frustrating at times. Maybe I'll take the plunge soon -- but as I see it, I can switch to AT&T;, get a RAZR for 0-30 dollars, and then upgrade to the iPhone any time I want. Since there's no discount on the iPhone, there's no downside to getting the free or almost-free phone.

Thanks all for the suggestions!

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