What’s a good example of a movie that everyone either loves or hates?
Asked by
Jons_Blond (
September 28th, 2022
from iPhone
Please tell us if you love or hate the movie you chose.
I’ll start; People love or hate The Blair Witch Project. I love it.
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30 Answers
Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Starship Troopers
and I love it
There isn’t a movie in existence that doesn’t have some varied opinions of it.
I’m also unable to think of and find a movie that has genuinely polarised opinions where the largest median ratings are above and below average.
There’s some highly rated films that I personally wasn’t impressed by or actually hated: The Witch, The Lighthouse, Avatar, Inception, Shawshank Redemption, Citizen Kane, and all of Nolan’s Batman movies.
Napoleon Dynamite (I love it)
Synecdoche, New York (I love it)
^ ”You gonna eat your tots?”
Hmmm…I don’t love or hate any of the movies listed so far.
Trying to think of movies that I love. I don’t think they elicit one extreme or another.
Maybe I like lukewarm movies. :P
Mamma Mia has to be a prime example.
How the fuck any sane person enjoys that shit is beyond me.
A Place Beyond the Pines was a movie that almost made me cry, then I went online and saw people act like it was nothing lol. I was blown away by people’s reactions toward it.
It was from 2012, so I think reactions had some time to get a bit better, though. People probably understood it more in hindsight.
@Blackberry I really liked “A Place Beyond the Pines.” One of those guys was the guy in “Brooklyn.”
Hated it: “Vanilla Sky” with Tom Cruise. I am not a sci fi fan so that might be part of why I hated it.
Probably one of the few things @hat and I won’t get into an argument over: Vote for Pedro. How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
The Disney star wars movies. I mostly liked the Force Awakens but absolutely hated the last two.
@rebbel. Is the love/hate gap for this film generational? It was considered progressive when it came out, but by now people focus on the n-words and gay jokes. If you were living in the time it came out, you understood what it was parodying, but now it’s all, why are you putting that toxic shit in my feed?
I think you are right.
Then it was considered edgy, by a group.
Now it can be seen as insulting, and/or lame.
(Although I can’t recollect the entire movie).
That movie made a mockery of people who were racist. It was ground breaking at the time. You can’t show it now because people can see past the language.
Casablanca. Never knew any one who saw it and didn’t like it.
Hudson Hawk, I really liked it.
Most people and critics did not.
I loved it because Cameron had obviously read all the same books that I had as a kid.
I don’t like the majority of sci-fi movies, like Star Wars. They are very popular but they’re not for me.
Snyder’s Man of Steel.
It’s CRAP!
@rebbel That is a great answer. Blazing Saddles was designed to make fun of society as a whole. It was hilarious. Today, though, as you and @Smashley discussed, people would get wrapped around the axle of the identity politics of the show, missing that it is making fun of the people that were denigrating blacks and gays. By today’s standards it would trip a ton of triggers by people that are looking to be tripped. In the day, it was seen as the ridicule it made of every close-minded racist in the country. Not to mention career politicians.
Deliverance +
Three Amigos –
Casino +
Basically every movie with Charles Bronson -
“The Way We Were.” Women cry, guys snooze…
@seawulf575 – an alternative perspective that still tracks is that society isn’t seen as being overtly racist anymore, and thus a world populated by overt racists is painfully anachronistic. We don’t need to lampoon overt racism, because lampooning posits overt racism as a common feature of the culture that needs to be mocked to be stripped in its power. For the jokes to be funny, you have to deeply understand they are about the world as it used to be, and not, as comedy usually presents, about the contemporary world.
I don’t think anyone is complaining about the depictions of corrupt governors.
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