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Caravanfan's avatar

What do do for a half day in Leeds, UK?

Asked by Caravanfan (14153points) October 1st, 2022

Hi all,
In a couple of weeks I leave for my trip to England to be a roadie/groupie for Caravan. I’ll be travelling to Leeds. Is there anybody on Fluther with local experience on the cool things to do in a half day in Leeds? (Please don’t link to google searches or Tripadvisor as I’ve gone way deeper than that). Is the Royal Armories Museum worth a visit or do you recommend something else?

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16 Answers

eyesoreu's avatar

Leeds is two hours down the Road from us & home to my football team LUFC.
Plenty of places to visit from the City Museum, Victoria Square, Roundhay Park & not least, the official oldest fish & chip shop in the world, served since 1865.

ragingloli's avatar

Gorge yourself on fish and chips and spotted dick.

Caravanfan's avatar

@eyesoreu What is the name of the fish and chips shop?

eyesoreu's avatar

Literally called The World’s Longest Serving Fish & Chip Shop :D
It’s in Yeadon

eyesoreu's avatar

Scratch that…
The Oldest Fish & Chip Shop in the World is the name above the door.

Kropotkin's avatar

Yeadon is a fair few miles from Leeds centre, however.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Kropotkin Yes, I saw that, thanks. I’ll probably skip the fish and chips thing.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The Royal Armories Museum is definelty worth a visit if you are interested. Also its free so you cant go wrong. If I remember corectly the Leeds industrial museum is nearby and I enjoyed that as well. (Although they charge for enrty I think. The capitalist pigs)

janbb's avatar

I saw there is a medical museum you might enjoy as well.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Lightlyseared I don’t mind paying for entry to a good museum.
@janbb Thanks. I saw that too

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Caravanfan That was borderline sarcasm/humour… the majority of national museums in the UK are have free entry… and its a museum about the industrial revolution.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Lightlyseared Oh, I see, sorry. In the US the federal museums at the Smithonsian are free also. In Leeds I think I have it narrowed down to the Industrial museum and the Thackroy Museum of Medicine. I might change my mind and go to the armory museum but I’m more interested in history than looking at cool weapons and armor.

janbb's avatar

Oh the other hand – and this is probably off-topic for your Q – but I’ve been pretty surprised in several visits to the UK in the past few decades that you have to pay (or donate) to enter and view a cathedral. They used to be free to access.

Caravanfan's avatar

@janbb The last time I was at a cathedral in the UK was in Edinburgh. It was free but I came back for an organ recital that cost 10 quid. And as I said before I don’t mind a nominal payment or a donation. They have to get their upkeep from something.

janbb's avatar

@Caravanfan I get that. I just have found it odd that religious houses of worship ask you to pay to view. Although when we were at York a few years ago we would have had to pay 10 quid to view the Minster but we could attend a vespers service for free – which we did. It could well be that the state supported the C of E more in the past than they do now which again is understandable.

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