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elbanditoroso's avatar

How many more freedoms will the Supreme Court take away this session?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33701points) October 2nd, 2022

Keeping in mind that the republican conservatives have infested the Court.

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11 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

As many as they can. The more they take, the more we are under someone’s control. That’s the aim, and one way or another it leads to dollars. Cherchez le buck, say I.

The marvel is that the fans of hands-off government, the ones who are constantly bleating and bellowing about their freedoms, are the ones supporting this travesty. Obviously they mean other people’s freedoms are okay to trample, but not their own. They don’t see that they’re all tied up together.

Demosthenes's avatar

Well, they may certainly make it so that there is no state judicial review for district maps, leading to more out-of-control gerrymandering. All in an effort to make sure Republicans win the presidency in 2024 as states like Georgia become more blue. Of course this could also end up backfiring on them down the road, given that both parties gerrymander. But right now it’s pretty obvious what this is about (and what the ruling will be).

hat's avatar

@Jeruba: “The marvel is that the fans of hands-off government, the ones who are constantly bleating and bellowing about their freedoms, are the ones supporting this travesty.”

Yep. I can’t count the number of conversations I’ve had with gun-toting “patriots” who swear that they need their guns to protect their freedoms (and mine) from government. Yet, the government reaches into the uterus of their moms, wives, and daughters, and they are suddenly quiet. Or shooting squirrels. This was a near perfect test of their sincerity, and it was clear that they were full of shit the whole time. Where is the revolution?

To answer the question: As many as it can.

But there are some disturbing aspects of this that make this far worse than just a SC decision.

- Basic human rights, like control of the body and access to healthcare, should never have been so fragile and sitting in the hands of an unelected entity. This should have been codified many years ago. The fact that it wasn’t is an indictment of both parties and the whole concept of the US as a civilized nation worth saving.
– There are people opposed to the removal of Roe who still support the institution of the supreme court. Even the temporary solution of stacking the courts is offensive, as the institution itself is worth saving. Civil rights, voting rights, etc being left to the unelected, unaccountable ideologues who have the job for life should be a concept that should at least cause pause.

jca2's avatar

I wouldn’t be surprised if they go after gay marriage.

Republicans that I know had told me, in the past, that they (they personally) were pro-choice and they didn’t expect the right to an abortion to be taken away. Well now, look. So when people tell me that they don’t think gay marriage will be on the chopping block, I think to myself “yeah, I heard the same thing about abortion.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Gay marriage is on the line and wild ass gerrymandering with be okay by the SCOTUS of Trump !

Demosthenes's avatar

They tried to ban gay marriage nationwide before, so if they go after it again, I definitely do not want to hear more “it’s up to the states” bullshit. The goal will be a nationwide ban, which is the ultimate goal of overturning Roe as well.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Bush appointee Justice Alito says that US citizens are NOT allowed to question the SCOTUS decisions. Sounds like they’re preparing us to be bent over the desk more than once!!!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Just wondering if they would fine swearing on the internet or even in real life? Like in the movie Demolition Man?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

They could also ban real red meat and sugary drinks. A real nanny state hell.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Something I heard on the news a bit back from now.

They are banning different race voiceovers on cartoons.
Like APU from the Simpsons.

I’m not sure what governing body passed that law, but it’s real.

JLeslie's avatar

The more they take away the more they can stay in power once they hold power again. If our rights as citizens are weakened, then we have less power not only over ourselves, but the country too.

This morning somehow our TV wound up on some crazy programming talking about the Gods (yes plural) being at work. It seemed to me they were talking about Pagan Gods. This man who was speaking was saying how important it is to not rely on the courts, and that we need to have our representatives be able to change the vote, because the judges are appointed. Holy shit! He said it was unfortunate Pence didn’t overturn the vote, something to that order. These people are nuts.

The only chance I see for the country is for Republicans who know this is all crazy talk to stand up against it. We need to hope sane Republicans get elected in very red areas and not the brainwashed extremists.

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