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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What do you do that is supposedly absolutely unhealthy that you know makes no difference in your health?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) October 7th, 2022

I eat butter. Not just a little. When I put butter on my toast every morning, I like to put on enough that it soaks through and makes little puddles on the plate.

My cholesterol is fine, and I’m a completely healthy weight (6’3” and 171 lbs. – 190cm and 77.5kg)

I eat very small amounts of processed sugar. When I want something sweet, I usually eat fruit.

I firmly believe that the American authorities who made the nutrition charts were completely wrong. The average American eats 3 pounds of butter annually. The average Frenchman eats 18. Who’s fat? The Americans are giantly obese. The French are svelt. I also believe that processed sugar should be avoided whenever possible and only eaten in very small amounts.

What do you do that is supposedly very unhealthy, but you believe is not?

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24 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Go on cruise ships.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@filmfann You’re living on the edge!!

janbb's avatar

Sometimes eat ice cream sundaes for supper.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@janbb What does the nutrition chart for penguins look like?

janbb's avatar

^^ Mainly fish and ice cream sundaes!

raum's avatar

Eating a ton of carbs.

Probably genetics. Pretty sure my ancestors inhaled carbs without much detriment to their health.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@raum You know, the Japanese eat tons of rice, and they’re not fat.

janbb's avatar

@raum Me too. When people talking about going gluten free and how wonderful they feel, I think, “But what would I eat?”

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^ Now I want some Lay’s Chips.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Red meat including pork, lamb and beef. On Keto since April lost 26 pounds. 40 to 50 grams of carbs a day.

Also 6 to 12 eggs a week.

RayaHope's avatar

I only eat one small meal each day and sometimes (don’t tell my mom) I don’t eat anything all day. I am a healthy weight at 105 for my height of 5’ 5” and I don’t go out to eat at all. yuck!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@RayaHope Rush University says you’re actually underweight. A person who is 5’5” should weigh between 114 and 149 lbs. I know this is something you are concerned about. We share your concern.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sit at a desk all day typing. I get up and move many times a day, take zumba, and do my cardio daily plus lifting weights.

I think it CAN be unhealthy if you sit all day and all night, every day though. Especially if you have unhealthy lifestyle in general.

YARNLADY's avatar

@Tropical_Willie I also started Keto in April. I’ve gone from 174 lb to 147 (I’m 5 ft tall) and my
daily glucose count has gone from 165 average to 105 average. My doctor is very pleased.
I love bacon.

RayaHope's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake But I like looking good. I don’t want to ever be fat. I feel good except for the other thing.

smudges's avatar

^^ Reinforces what I think people think of me…“ewww she’s fat. I’d never let myself get like that!” The vast majority of men prefer a few extra pounds on a female rather than one that’s too thin.

smudges's avatar

@YARNLADY & @Tropical_Willie Good for you guys!

I eat too much pasta and rice, too many things with sugar in them (but not candy bars, etc) and oh yeahhh…butter.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Mayo and butter are okay on Keto @smudges.

smudges's avatar

^^ My sister lost 50 or so pounds on the Whole 30 diet, which I think is similar to the Keto. At any rate, I’m proud for you.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The big number is 76 pounds since Labor Day 2015.

smudges's avatar

^^ omg! <clasps hands to heart> You’re my hero!

Forever_Free's avatar

I put my pants on two legs at a time.

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