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What do you do that is supposedly absolutely unhealthy that you know makes no difference in your health?
I eat butter. Not just a little. When I put butter on my toast every morning, I like to put on enough that it soaks through and makes little puddles on the plate.
My cholesterol is fine, and I’m a completely healthy weight (6’3” and 171 lbs. – 190cm and 77.5kg)
I eat very small amounts of processed sugar. When I want something sweet, I usually eat fruit.
I firmly believe that the American authorities who made the nutrition charts were completely wrong. The average American eats 3 pounds of butter annually. The average Frenchman eats 18. Who’s fat? The Americans are giantly obese. The French are svelt. I also believe that processed sugar should be avoided whenever possible and only eaten in very small amounts.
What do you do that is supposedly very unhealthy, but you believe is not?
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