Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If you get to 90 years old, what will you be saying in Fluther?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 7th, 2022 from iPhone

As asked. Thanks.

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45 Answers

chyna's avatar

Can anyone recommend a good laxative?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

^ hahaha

I’ll be talking about aches and pains.

filmfann's avatar

Pull my finger!

janbb's avatar

What is Fluther, anyway?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Those were the days my friend…..

raum's avatar

We thought they’d never end…

Brian1946's avatar

Can somebody give me directions to my 30K party?! ;)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Should I take a Geritol or a One-a-day and two shots of bourbon?

mazingerz88's avatar

@chyna trump fans had been doing that here since 2016.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I still can’t believe Republicans are still so batshit crazy!

RayaHope's avatar

Probably something like this: 1100010 110001010 100001 0 011 01 1000 10 0001

KNOWITALL's avatar

Kids these days (shaking head.)

YARNLADY's avatar

In 11 years, probably the same as now, will I ever reach 50,000 ?

filmfann's avatar

@Brian1946 Sadly, I have maxed out on giving you lurve.

RayaHope's avatar

@KNOWITALL (sticking out my tongue at U) :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@RayaHope Dusting off my cane, watch out!

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I won’t make 90.

RayaHope's avatar

@KNOWITALL Oh, yeah well take this…1001 1010001 001001111 01111000!
Haha :p

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

I won’t make 90. Not sure I’d even want to.

janbb's avatar

@Nomore_Tantrums You’re already repeating yourself. lol

chyna's avatar

And @Brian1946 forgot what he was going to say.

Brian1946's avatar


You can use binary to represent the alphabet:

a=1. b=10. c=11. d 100 e 101 f 110 g 111 h 1000 i 1001 j 1010 k 1011 l 1100 m 1101
n 1110 o 1111 p 10000 q 10001 r 10010 s 10011 t 10100 u 10101 v 10110 w 10111 x=11000 y 11001 z 11010

E.g., “bite me” would be 10 1001 10100 101 1101 101!

Brian1946's avatar


10 1001 10100 101 1101 101! 1010 1011 ;)

smudges's avatar

@Dutchess_III & @raum ♫ We’d sing and dance, forever and a day…♫

smudges's avatar

What will I be saying?

Dagnabbit you young whippersnappers…here I am 90 years old and still fluthering!

Jeruba's avatar

“I used to know the answer to that.”

tedibear's avatar

Can anyone help me to get these kids off my lawn?

RayaHope's avatar

^^ I love your cat :)

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Forever_Free's avatar

Remember when a loaf of bread was 25 cents.

Smashley's avatar

Most likely “Echo!”

Followed by only @RayaHope:


RayaHope's avatar

@Smashley You mean I’m the youngest one here? :)

Smashley's avatar

Just the newest regular, but probably youngest too, plus you’re enthusiastic. Just a little joke that you’ll be the last one here when the rest of us have shuffled on.

RayaHope's avatar

^^That is beautiful and sad at the same time, I don’t want any of you to “shuffle on” ever so you guys have to stay here as long as I do :) (((HUGS)))

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

@RayaHope If I last that long, I’ll be sitting in an old folks home asking where my pet kangaroo got off to.

Strauss's avatar

“It used to take me 3 hours to swim to the tidepool…I was swimmin’ against the current both ways!”

Strauss's avatar

@Brian1946 Maybe it should be “10 11001 10100 101 1101 101”?

Dutchess_III's avatar

1100 1101 1100 1

RayaHope's avatar

LOL! I see I started something with the binary speak. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Now the trick is to decode them all!

Brian1946's avatar

According to my chart, 1100 1101 1100 1=LMLA.

YMCA=11001 1101 11 1

Strauss's avatar

Not even gonna try to decipher that as an anagram!

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