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JLeslie's avatar

What stocks are you buying?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) October 10th, 2022

Many stocks are down right now, which ones do you think are good to buy and why.

Can be ETF’s and mutual funds too, not just individual stocks.

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10 Answers

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elbanditoroso's avatar

@JLeslie None. No stocks.

I am buying 4-week, 8-week, 13-week, and 26-week treasury bills at

Stocks are way too iffy at this point.

JLeslie's avatar

@elbanditoroso Did you buy Ibonds? I bought $10k a few months ago (the limit) and recently I bought $10k for my sister and she bought $10k for me. You can gift something like $50k to someone (if I understood it correctly, that’s my lay person interpretation) and the money earns the current rate 9.6% but an individual can only access and cash out $10k a year. Something like that. You can do up to $5k in tax refund for yourself also, in addition to the $10k.

I’ll look at the T-bills you suggested.

Stocks might be at a low right now for some companies.

What about companies that do well after hurricanes? I was going to look into that more.

Forever_Free's avatar

I can’t tell you. There are laws related to insider trading.

gorillapaws's avatar

I still love Desktop Metal—even if the market doesn’t. It’s extremely high risk and not for someone without a very high risk tolerance, but the upside has such huge potential imo that it’s still worth the gamble for me.

hat's avatar

Chicken and vegetable soup stock.

Entropy's avatar

I never buy individual stocks. If you do that, you have to stay on top of them personally. you have to know the news and the context of that news to stay informed. Too much work. ETFs and mutual funds are the way to go. Just come back periodically and check on their performance relative to the sector, make sure you’re in alot of different sectors and morningstar categories, and then leave it at that for awhile again.

Blackberry's avatar

A co worker told me about WeBull and Robinhood for buying stocks.

I bought some fractional shares of Microsoft and for signing up I got some random stocks that don’t matter.

I won’t be putting much else into, because I just wanted to see how it worked.

I have bought bonds before and matured them which was pretty cool.

I think I may only invest in governmental bonds and treasury bills since they’re the biggest mob of them all and will always have money.

rebbel's avatar

Usually thigh high, held up by garter belts.
Preferably black in color.

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