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MakeItSo1701's avatar

Am I/Was I dehydrated?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13425points) October 12th, 2022

I drank half a bottle of rum last night and threw up a lot. I woke up this morning with a bad headache and super thirsty but I threw up the water I drank. I fell back asleep and literally slept through a tornado warning lol.

I felt super weak and my head hurt so bad when I woke up for work.

I have drank a lot of water today but have barely had to pee. Does that mean my body is just holding on to the water?

My boss at work had commented how I seemed “out of it”.

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28 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Most likely. That’s a lot for a work night, especially if your boss noticed.

chyna's avatar

Edited to add: hope you weren’t driving.

canidmajor's avatar

Yes, you’re dehydrated, and hungover, and have already damaged your systems with your over-drinking. After a while, your hydration capacity will not re-equalize.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

Not my first time going thru that much. Just didn’t drink enough water.

canidmajor's avatar

Well, unless you are the size of André the Giant, you are way overdoing it and endangering your health every time you do that.
I hope like hell you don’t drive.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

No I dont drive.

jca2's avatar

@SergeantQueen: Do you smoke?

Jeruba's avatar

Your boss is noticing. That comment was a warning. You were probably emitting fumes.

JLeslie's avatar

Do you drive to and from work? Your level of alcohol might still be high in the morning. Your boss is noticing. Do you have insurance through your job to get some help with your drinking? Maybe they have an 800 number for psych help, and you can get some free visits.

canidmajor's avatar

@JLeslie She doesn’t drive.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

What the fuck are you talking about? Emitting fumes. Yeah, sure I’m emitting fumes 12+ hrs after I drank

MakeItSo1701's avatar

I went to bed at like 3am that night. I work at 2pm.

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smudges's avatar

A person cannot get rid of alcohol breath for a long time after alcohol is consumed. The detectable odor of ethanol (drinking alcohol) or its metabolites (burn-off products) like acetaldehyde, stays on the drinker’s breath for as much as 12 plus hours.

MakeItSo1701's avatar

K. Still not relevant. I appreciate the faux concern, I was wondering if I was dehydrated and I obviously was. I’ll drink more water next time.

smudges's avatar

In my case, it’s not faux concern. I do wish you’d stop drinking. I SO see myself in you at your exact age. Alcohol was my best friend. It got so bad that 3 years later I took thousands of mgs of my meds and wound up in a coma for 3 days. Doctors said I wouldn’t make it and if I did I wouldn’t be normal. I was lucky and proved them wrong. But I still didn’t stop drinking for another 23 years.

It doesn’t have to be that way @SergeantQueen. If you give yourself a chance you can actually be happy at some point. It’s so worth it.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Damn, half a bottle? Ok @SergeantQueen, shit, you’re descending into alcoholism fast. It’s time to kick that to the curb! This will kill you, get out now before you are in the position where you can’t stop. I imbibe myself, sometimes too much, but never in my whole life that much. Dehydration was a factor sure, but I’m going to wager you were really hung over if not suffering from alcohol poisoning. You know what dehydration feels like and that this was different so be honest here.

jca2's avatar

@SergeantQueen When I was about 18, I hung out with an older crowd (most were in their mid 20’s) and the majority of them were serious alcoholics. This was 35 years ago. Now, of those heavy drinkers, almost every one of them is either dead or totally sober via going to rehab and AA. One got a DWI and was made to go to intensive AA through the justice system. I tell people this all the time, and I tell my daughter. When I tell her about someone I used to be friends with, and she asks “where are they now” it’s very likely my response will be “they died.”

Jeruba's avatar

An alcoholic close to me once said, “You can’t scare an alcoholic.”

JLeslie's avatar

Just walk into a behavioral health hospital. Let them evaluate you. Let them help you. Hopefully, you have a place near you that takes walk-ins.

A friend of mine helped to create a place (a house) where people who are newly sober can live for a very reasonable price and have support. When people go through rehab and then back to their old lives it’s often hard to stay sober, so being able to live in a supportive alcohol free place can bridge the gap. There are links on the site to locate help around the country.

Here’s the link to recovery resources.

You can always call the national suicide hotline too. 1–800-273-TALK (8255) They should be able to help you find help to feel better. Even if you don’t feel suicidal you are doing a lot of self harm. It’s more than dehydration.

flutherother's avatar

Re dehydration: drinking more water will help but not as much as drinking less rum.

kruger_d's avatar

You might want to take look at this site. I put In numbers for a 155lb female drinking 350ml 40% alcohol over four hours. Blood alcohol level was over .2 with 14 hours to return to 0.

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