Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

What is something that you flatly and stubbornly won't do?

Asked by Jeruba (56253points) October 15th, 2022

Not twenty things, just one.

Why won’t you do it?

Do you give people a true reason? Do you give people any reason? Or do you just keep it privately to yourself, your own silent rebellion?

Does anyone besides you even notice or care if you do it or not?

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23 Answers

Jons_Blond's avatar

Parties. I’m the definition of an introvert. I don’t like crowds in confined spaces. It makes me physically ill during and afterwards.

My small inner circle knows my reasoning. I make excuses for everyone else.

I’m sure people notice my absence. This is why my circle is small. It’s how I prefer it.

This is such a good question!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Vote conservative.

YARNLADY's avatar

Eat liver.

janbb's avatar

Eat eggs

canidmajor's avatar

The one I most recently thought about (because there really are lots) is run to keep up with taller people. After a lifetime of it being assumed that the shortest needs to keep up, I let them go ahead. I know where I’m going, I’ll see them there.
Yes, I tell them why when they ask, and when they get annoyed with me I just make sure not to walk with them again.

gondwanalon's avatar

Play pickle ball.

gorillapaws's avatar

Eating offal. And I’m usually willing to try most foods at least once.

JLeslie's avatar

Shop in a store before 9am if it typically opens at 10am.

During Christmas shopping season some stores that typically open at 10am will open midnight Black Friday Morning or 6am. Close to Christmas some stores stay open until midnight when they usually close at 9:00

I won’t do it, and yes I told and tell people exactly why including writing it all over Facebook and here on fluther. Retail workers were and still are being abused. It’s unsafe to work hours you are usually sleeping. Preventing people from getting sleep is a recognized form of torture. Driving is unsafe. People can shop just fine with a simple one hour extension on normal hours.

I understand the business model is to get the shopper in your store first, but I don’t care.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Lie, even when it’s over something I should lie about. I will be blatantly honest even if it’s hurtful so I try to just shut up in those cases.

jca2's avatar

I will not put ketchup on my hot dog.

RayaHope's avatar

Go out at night by myself. Nope never.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Take anything a Trump supporter says seriously.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You guys took all my answers!

@canidmajor‘s made me think of something. When you and another person are driving to the same destination they want to desperately tailgate your ass. I guess they’re afraid that if they lose you they’ll spend the rest of their life wandering aimlessly.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Eat a cucumber, I have an allergic reaction in my gut with severe cramps. No Greek Gyros :>(

flutherother's avatar

Buy a car. I can afford to buy a car and I appreciate it would make life easier but I manage fine without one and I don’t like them. A single vehicle might be beautiful but rows of parked cars spoil the natural appearance of our streets and of course they produce polluting emissions. I don’t often give reasons for this solitary and ineffective rebellion. I am trying to simplify my life at this time and a car is just another thing that might go wrong and be a source of worry and expense.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That is perfectly fine @flutherother , as long as you don’t burden people that do own cars with your need to go places.

flutherother's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I am never in a car apart from a very occasional Uber. I mostly walk, or cycle or use public transport.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Then great! Where Mrs Squeeky and I live we need our vehicles, she needs hers and I need mine.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I think location is really the key. I don’t know where @flutherother lives, but it must be a place that has superior public transportation, and a well populated urban center with a large variety of commercial establishments.

I’m not a big fan of cities. I live in an area which is borderline country, farms, agriculture, and so on. No public transportation for miles. If I didn’t have an automobile I would starve because I wouldn’t be able to readily acquire food.

SO Bravo to you, @flutherother if you can make that work for you.

flutherother's avatar

Public transport is pretty good here and I get free bus travel which makes owning a car even less desirable. I appreciate that isn’t the case for everyone and that a car is a necessity for most people. Each to his own I say. My response to the question is personal one and isn’t meant to apply to any one else.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I refuse to drive because I don’t trust my feet.

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