Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

Have you heard of any specific uptick in antisemitic chatter or violence following Trump’s recent statements about American Jews don’t appreciate him?

Asked by JLeslie (65978points) October 17th, 2022 from iPhone

Here’s in an article about his statement:

Taken from the article:

“No President has done more for Israel than I have,” Trump wrote before saying it was somewhat surprising that “our wonderful Evangelicals are far more appreciative of this than the people of the Jewish faith, especially those living in the U.S.”

An online friend messaged me this afternoon making sure I knew about it, and asking me to be aware of my surroundings.

What do you think? What have you heard? What are every day Republicans saying about what he said? What are Evangelicals saying?

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16 Answers

jca2's avatar

This is the first time I heard of it. I haven’t heard it mentioned on the news.

JLeslie's avatar

I saw it on TV too, but I don’t remember which channel. I wonder if some news stations don’t want to give it a lot of play because they worry about the consequences.

cheebdragon's avatar

“Despite a national political environment that is very difficult for Democrats, Jewish voters strongly support President Biden and Democratic candidates for Congress.
•Biden’s 63 percent job approval with Jewish voters is 21 points higher than it is with the general population.
•Democrats lead the generic Congressional ballot by 35 points among Jewish voters, compared to a 2-point Republican lead among the general U.S. population.
•American Jews are a base constituency for Democrats.
•In addition to their strong partisan identification with the Democratic Party, Jewish voters are driven by their intense opposition to the Republican Party and its leadership.
•The Republican Party (73 percent unfavorable) has abysmal standing with Jewish voters, and cannot make substantive gains with such high levels of negativity directed toward them.
•American Jews strongly oppose Donald Trump (77 percent unfavorable), believe that he has a tremendous level of influence over the Republican Party (96 percent a great deal or some influence), and hold him responsible for the January 6 attack on the Capitol (79 percent).”

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon What does that have to do with Trump sending signals to the extremists among his voters that Jews are against him?

I saw Netanyahu in an interview this morning and he flatly said all American presidents have supported Israel. He was complimentary to Trump regarding recognizing Jerusalem as the capital, he was very complimentary to Obama for deals made during his time as president, and Clinton too. The Republicans see fit to market the Democrats as anti-Israel. Netanyahu also said Americans Jews overall are very supportive of Israel not just the presidents. He knows the truth, I’m not sure why Republicans don’t, except that that’s what they are told and many of them don’t interact with lots of Jewish people.

Sure most Jews are Democrats, that’s well known. Yes, a bunch of us are afraid of a president who uses words like Nationalism and says things that encourages white supremacists.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve heard very little chatter on the subject other than most see it as 45 being jealous of Kanye West stealing his thunder & he is just trying to get his press back from Ye.

Nomore_Tantrums's avatar

Not in Texas, so far anyway. Keep your eyes and ears peeled, but at this point I feel it’s just Trump having a pity party. And catering to his “Wonderful Evangelicals” that he really doesn’t give a rats butt about. But you can’t fix stupid.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Nothing here in the middle. I’ll pay attention though.

flutherother's avatar

Trump said Jewish Americans who vote for the Democratic Party show “either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty” back in 2019 as reported by the BBC

KNOWITALL's avatar

@flutherother Politically I understand his pov but it shouldn’t be verbalized. They’ve been pushed around enough.

Demosthenes's avatar

Trump thinks Israel is the only issue Jews care about. From my personal experience with the Jews I know in my life, that is not true at all. Many left-leaning Jews are critical of Israel.

I haven’t noticed any anti-Semitism tied to Trump’s statements. The anti-Semitism I do encounter (mostly online) is just the same old Kanye-type “Jewish cabals control everything” narrative, blaming them for the pandemic and everything else wrong with the world. Little has changed on that front in the past couple thousand years.

LostInParadise's avatar

That executive order would categorize Jews who criticize Israel’s Palestinian policy as being anti-Semitic. Doesn’t that seem a bit odd?

flutherother's avatar

I get an uncomfortable feeling just looking at that photograph

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon You only look at half of what Trump does. Trump constantly says and does conflicting things. It’s his method, it’s very successful. It’s double speak.

He knows the different media outlets will clip and edit to show whatever will give them viewership and ratings. Moreover, the human mind selects information that fits the person’s pre-existing beliefs and narratives, so basically we all have some amnesia regarding information we hear and see. What stays in our memory is what makes sense to us, it’s a form of confirmation bias.

It’s a little unusual to do an executive order like that, hate speech is already addressed in other laws, but aside from that, no matter what positive thing he does for the Jewish people it doesn’t change that he supports and incites violent antisemitic groups to carry on with their hate and feel supported by the president. Plus, his executive order seems to limit valid discussion of Middle East policy? I’m not sure how far the order went.

I actually don’t think Trump is antisemitic, but he will do anything to get votes and money, and that includes pandering to antisemitic groups and telling them they are wonderful people. Or, telling his more extreme religious-right Christian supporters that some Jews aren’t good Jews because they don’t support him, which means in their minds those Jews don’t support Israel. To them those Jews are standing in the way of the prophecy.

cheebdragon's avatar

“Trump’s Executive Order rests squarely on the principles of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of religion, race, national origin, and gender, particularly in education and employment.1

However, the president’s order also closed a loophole. Religious discrimination per se was excluded under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act that outlines anti-discrimination requirements for educational institutions in order to receive federal U.S. funding. Title VI states, “Simple justice requires that public funds, to which all taxpayers of all races [colors and national origins] contribute, not be spent in any fashion which encourages, entrenches, subsidizes or results in racial [color or national origin] discrimination.”2

The exclusion of religious discrimination under Title VI left a civil rights loophole – a vacuum for bigotry – that had in fact seen a dramatic rise in anti-Semitic assaults against Jews and the Jewish state since 2013,3 many of them on U.S. campuses, according to the Anti-Defamation League.4 Much of the college and university anti-Semitism is comingled with and masks itself as “legitimate political criticism of Israel.” President Trump’s expansion of the definition of anti-Semitism under Title VI to include “other aspects of anti-Semitism including ethnic, racial or national characteristics,” closed that technical loophole.”

JLeslie's avatar

^^I’ll just reiterate you look at half of what Trump does. You probably aren’t even aware of some of what he does if all you watch is Fox. Even if we tell you here on fluther things he does that really scare us, you most likely dismiss most of it or don’t look at the links given or simply value the good things you think Trump does more than the bad things. You are not the target of the bad. What if you were?

An analogy would be a man who tells his wife she’s beautiful, he was an amazing husband when she was sick, he provides well financially for the family, but beats her so bad every few months that sometimes she winds up needing to be hospitalized.

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