What will the U.S.A. be like in 100 years from now?
Asked by
RayaHope (
October 19th, 2022
Will we have social unity, space travel to other worlds, a sustainable environment, zero emissions energy?
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31 Answers
The center will be reclaimed, terraformed, wasteland, from former desert. They will have multiple space elevators. There is might be five super states. Center, east coast, the west cost, Canada and Mexico.
There will be decentralized vertical farming and safe, individual nuclear power generation.
I have no idea. I think it could be fabulous and modern with almost no poverty, shorter work weeks, better health. Or, it will be awful, with a very powerful few.
Some of the coastline might be changed, because of climate change.
I think immigration will get much much more extreme. As the climate changes there will be more migration within the US and from outside of the US.
100 years is a long time, we need to get past the next ten.
You mean Greater Canada?
I think everyone will be pansexual, personal spacecraft will be powered by beer, incomes will be assigned at birth, and my hologram will be available for recreational use.
I think the USA will become strictly socialistic. And that indigenous people within the continental USA will take back their lands to become separate countries. Also native Hawaiians will control Hawaii and succeed from the USA.
However soon after that the USA will go further to the left which will completely wipe out the middle class. There will remain only the rich elite leaders and the masses of ultra poor. Many millions will die of starvation. Then a communist rule will take over the USA. At which time the country of Hawaii and indigenous countries within the USA will all become part of the UCSA (United Communist States of America). It all will fall under the leadership of China.
Also by 100 years the big deal of climate change will have been revealed as a big hoax. It was all part of the plan to crush capitalism under a mountain of debt. And it worked perfectly.
No way to predict; there are too many crosscurrents happening now to make any sort of guess.
We could be living in worldwide theocracy. Or we could be living in a democracy.
It could be that we’ll live in blissful peace and prosperity, but it’s just as possible that we’ll be recovering from nuclear winter and just be starting to reinvent technology.
One thing for sure – we’ll be living a poorer environment (pollution, climate, heat, humidity) than we are now.
It won’t be a very nice place.
Climate change will be a done deal with all of it’s curses and blessings. New Orleans will be a walled city 50 miles from shore. Miami will be just buildings sticking out of the water 100 miles from shore.
Anyone and everyone living near the oceans of the world will have to move inland. FAR inland.
There will be no edible fish left in the oceans due to overfishing.
The Un predicts the human population of the Earth will stabilize just after the turn of this century at about 9.5 billion. For that to happen, at least 95 million more humans must die every year than die now.
Mass starvations will be a norm.
These are just a few of the things that will take place, like it of not.
Other worlds other than Mars are just too far away to contemplate going to and humans don’t do well in space if they stay for too many months. And it will take 14 months or so to get to Mars.
Sorry to sound so morbid but that’s what I do here: I answer honestly.
After the neoliberals have completed the process of undoing all of the worker protections, pro labor policies and market firewalls that were put in place to restrain the recklessness of unchecked capitalism, the US will enter a period of neofeudalism. We will all work for Elon Musk’s son: ”‘X Æ A-12” He will determine who gets the privilege of committing to a 25-year-period of indentured servitude to travel to the Martian colony. The rest of us will live in squalor as the robots prevent us from rioting. Conservatives will keep telling us about how if we removed even more regulations things will get better. EVENTUALLY “X Æ A-12’s” wealth will trickle down to us, which is why his tax rate will be negative.
I believe the truth is closer to what @kritiper wrote, plus throw in robots.
I’m not sure what @RedDeerGuy1 wrote, don’t know what @JLoon means by “Greater Canada” and am wondering how @gorillapaws thinks X AE A-12 is going to live over 100 years since the question asked how it will be in 100 years and he’s already two, plus he has 5 brothers who I’m sure will have or want power and their shares of the money.
@smudges ”...am wondering how @gorillapaws thinks X AE A-12 is going to live over 100 years since the question asked how it will be in 100 years and he’s already two, plus he has 5 brothers who I’m sure will have or want power and their shares of the money.”
The 5 brothers will tragically perish in a failed lunar dome collapse. As for how he will have such a long life, it’s simple. The serfs will be required to offer our organs for transplant upon request, including skin, bones and others necessary for life. Sadly the economy requires our sacrifice to the job creator, all hail capitalism…
Voting in elections will be discredited and abandoned. The country will be governed by the dozen companies with the greatest market value and the richest billionaires. The internet will by then have become an uncontrollable open sewer of hate and mindless rage. Everyone is manipulated by the advertising industry into thinking everything is really OK and global warming, environmental destruction, overpopulation, and pollution don’t matter, or don’t exist. Oh wait! That’s all happening now. In one hundred years? ......maybe flying cars?
OMG, these are some amazing answers and some disturbing ones. @JLoon please tell me ” my hologram will be available for recreational use” is NOT what I think you mean? (gulp)
Unlike many here, I have a positive outlook. I do think climate change is going to be painful but we will ultimately survive the changes or even thrive. I think we will reverse much of the damage we have done to ecosystems, I think quality of life will likely improve. I think what we know now as “work” will be dramatically different as machines, automation and AI remove the need to do so. I do think we will see some sort of UBI and that collecting “stuff” and wealth will be seen as old fashioned. I believe we are entering a critical period where that future will be decided and if we are not exceedingly careful it could turn out to be a dystopian nightmare. We have got to be guardians of that future and approach change carefully. Right now I’m not seeing anything but recklessness in that regard. My outlook is still positive though. Hopefully we just don’t nuke ourselves in the next few years. That could happen.
Advanced AI and robotics will all but eliminate work.
Poverty will be eradicated, with wealth and prosperity for all.
Fusion power will provide abundant energy.
Free healthcare for everyone.
Space tourism will be a safe and regular thing.
Advanced geo-engineering technology will perfectly regulate the climate and weather to eliminate extreme and destructive weather events, and ensure optimal growing conditions for crops.
Livestock will be replaced with ‘lab grown meat’.
Average life-spans will be over 100 years.
Crime will be eliminated because of the huge leaps in shared prosperity and advances in psychology.
The most popular recreational hologram will be @JLoon‘s
@Kropotkin I’m glad you share a positive outlook.
Beyond 100 years and perhaps sooner, I think the trend will continue as humans can move beyond exploiting resources found solely on Earth.
Again, the next ten to twenty years are critical though.
@Blackwater_Park @Kropotkin I LOVE your POSITIVE outlook, that makes me feel so much better than all the doom and gloom. I’m still a little upset about the use of @JLoon‘s hologram though. :}
@flutherother – I’d rather think of it as boundless potential…
The way everyone should see the future ☆
Don’t buy ocean side property for homes.
No, but seriously.
It’ll be a Mad Max-esque wasteland.
Well, even though I could tell it was probably sarcasm coming from you I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.
People have been predicting the doom and gloom scenario for as long as society has been around and somehow, those things never seem to come to pass. I’m not saying there won’t be dark times ahead, just that the future is likely positive. Certainly not a mad max hellscape.
@Blackwater_Park “Certainly not a mad max hellscape.”
Well the War in Ukraine can largely be viewed through the lens of climate change and global access to fossil fuels. Ukraine had control over the aqueduct to Crimea, and after Russia’s invasion Ukraine blocked the supply of water. the island was destitute for water, especially exacerbated by the increasingly arid climate there.
Also the mass migrations and conflicts with ISIS are also climate-related.
We’re going to continue to see mass migrations of people, and conflicts of resources like water. This will undoubtably lead to more wars, and inciting “racial hatred of desperate immigrants” in many more places globally. That will lead to the global rise in racist fuckhead leaders. And when we have increasing natural disasters, we’re going to have the religious folks (in many faiths) claiming it’s God’s wrath for allowing homosexuality or whatever, and nothing to do with climate.
Certainly parts of the occupied Donbas are already a Mad Max helscape: warlords, torture, rape, mass executions, people living in squalor and the ruins of destroyed villages.
@gorillapaws I understand, but war and conflict over resources has always been with us. In all honesty, on average it has been much worse in the past. Like a lot worse. If you trend that sort of thing over time, it is predictable in a good way. The trend goes all the way back into prehistory.
I make no apology for having a positive future outlook. One caveat though, if we let Putin pop off a nuke ..all bets are off at that point.
@Blackwater_Park I think there’s a number of differences to past ‘doom and gloom’ predictions.
About all past predictions of world ending and civilisational collapse were religious and eschatological in nature, and not really based on any sort of evidence or projected trends.
Past civilisations have collapsed, and sometimes catastrophically. The difference today is that we have a single global civilisation that’s highly integrated, so if it goes—the whole thing goes.
These predictions have been coming and going in just the last hundred years. Specifically, the last 50 and they have been mostly made by people outside the religious context. Many of them were even academic in nature. Predictions about how bad it will be have consistently been wrong. They have been even more wrong than predictions of what technology will be like. I think it’s in people’s nature to catastrophize. I’ll drop the caveat though, you’re right about the global entanglement being new. And right now it’s vulnerable, but that’s mostly a temporary situation. If we can get past this period my view is largely positive.
Hope dawns eternal, huh Raya? Well I won’t rain on your parade, but I’m not feeling optimistic. But I’ll be long gone anyway. My progenies issue to work out. For the here and now, the space travel appeals to me. If for no other reason than to get away from these ambulance chasing lawyers dogging me about Camp Lejeune water contaminates.
Sometimes HOPE is all we have @Nomore_Tantrums but sometimes HOPE is all we need!
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