Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Should Russians fleeing their country to avoid being drafted to invade Ukraine be given the 2023 Nobel Peace Prize?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) October 20th, 2022 from iPhone

As asked. Thank you.

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

No. While I support them fully and am glad they are fleeing, they are doing it largely, I believe, to avoid serving in the army and thus save their own skins, not to serve the cause of peace.

ragingloli's avatar

No. They are fleeing the country purely out of self preservation.
I would bet money on a large portion of them, probably even a majority, being in favour of the invasion, as long as they are not the ones being killed.

That being said, I am also not in favour of sending them back to Russia, because the less people that Putin can ship to the frontlines, the better.

Jeruba's avatar

Certainly not before the ones who are staying and daring to protest in the streets. They’re risking their own necks to condemn the war, not running to save them.

I don’t fault the ones who flee, but they’re not what the Peace Prize is about.

RayaHope's avatar

Not the Nobel Peace Prize but they should be supported in their decision to not murder innocent people. I applaud them for that.

kritiper's avatar

No. That would only serve to aggravate Putin all the more.

Entropy's avatar

Sure, why not. The Nobel Peace Prize doesn’t really mean what it used to. They gave one to Yasser Arafat a committed and UNREPENTANT terrorist who at the time was still verbally in favor of the complete destruction of Israel. So….great company!

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