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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why do veterinarian clinics smell so bad?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) October 20th, 2022

Have you noticed?

Where does the smell come from?

What can be done about it?

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14 Answers

chyna's avatar

Fear rolls off of animals in many ways. Generally, when any animal goes to the vet, it’s not a pleasant experience. They get shots, something jabbed up their butt, pressed, prodded, poked.
So anytime they go, they are mostly fearful. They sweat, pant, fart, urinate or defecate. The vets I have been to keep it as clean as they can, but there are always animals on the premises.
That’s my theory, anyway.

janbb's avatar

I didn’t notice that mine smelled particularly bad.

canidmajor's avatar

Your vets’ clinics don’t seem to be very clean. There is always a certain smell of medical facility, yes, but all the regular vets I have had (over 40 years worth in three states) have not been in any way way, something I would describe as smelling “so bad”.

RayaHope's avatar

I think that would be kinda obvious as @chyna said. If fact, some hospitals, and nursing homes for people aren’t always so nice either. I’m sure the staff does the best they can but it is hard to keep up with every little thing when short-staffed and especially when saving lives is priority number one.

JLeslie's avatar

I’m basically with @chyna.

Plus, not everyone keeps their pets sparkling clean and odor free. Especially if the poor thing is sick. Then add in pet food, pee, most pet stuff doesn’t smell good and then you multiply it.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Mine have never smelled bad that I recall. One was below the vet’s home. The other is new, but other than the medicinal/disinfectant, no bad smell.

canidmajor's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 I didn’t realize you had pets. What do you have?

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yeah @RedDeerGuy1, you holding out on us animal lovers?

RocketGuy's avatar

Our vet clinic smells like alcohol. I guess they are constantly cleaning after every patient.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@canidmajor My mom and I looked after the bosses kitten for a week 15 years ago. I haven’t had a pet since.

canidmajor's avatar

Sorry, @RedDeerGuy1, but I think then that your experience in this area is very limited, too generalized to be relevant, and actually maligns most practitioners.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@canidmajor ok sorry. Then this one specific vet smelled. All the times that I visited. It was a heavy strong smell. I was career shopping at the time and was wondering if I could be a vet.

I just wanted to learn more about it. I did not mean to insult the whole profession.

I flagged my question.

canidmajor's avatar

That’s a little extreme, but just maybe next time word things a bit differently, recognizing that such broad generalization are inappropriate.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@canidmajor Ok thanks. Will do.

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