Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Should Mondays be cancelled?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25105points) October 21st, 2022

I have hated Mondays every since I was in grade 3. Saturdays were perfect. Cartoons all day.

Even Garfield the cat Hates Mondays.

What absurd change would you make in your situation?

Like payday every day after a shift, and none of this twice, or once, a month crap.

Humor welcome:

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8 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Oh God! Yes! Cancel Mondays now!

filmfann's avatar

I used to work four tens a week, and that was terrific!

I would like to see wait times between sentencing in court, and the beginning of prison terms.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Tuesday would be the new Monday. Nothing would change.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso Maybe we should not observe any days. People where free in cave men days. Other than the constant fear of death we probably where happiest, and more natural. That’s the whole point of camping or vacations. They are from unwinding and being more natural. Including forgetting about time, and living in the moment.

My childhood would be more happy without bells and buzzers, schedules and time. Instead of being heared and controlled by systems and schedules.

If I could have a do over I would love to stay in special education permanently. No bells or buzzers. Only freedom and independence. Free to read in the library, and learn at my own pace and curiosity.

filmfann's avatar

Correction: I would like to see wait times between sentencing in court, and the beginning of prison terms removed.
Too often I see people convicted (usually high profile) out for months, sometimes years, having not spent a moment in jail, awaiting doing their time.

smudges's avatar

I do better psychologically with a routine and suspect that most people do also. The whole world would absolutely fall apart without schedules and clocks. Need a doctor’s appt? Go sit in their waiting room until they decide to see you, if ever. Have an emergency? Wait until the firemen or police or ambulance drivers decide to come.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Monday isn’t the problem. People who don’t work don’t have problems with Monday. Besides, it’s just part of time and if it ended up getting erased out of existence, another day would just come in its place and take on the terror.

The root cause of our misery around Monday is work. So cancel work now! ~

smudges's avatar

^^ The root cause of our misery around Monday is work.

or having to go back to work after the weekend. So maybe cancel weekends?

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