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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Can you help me with a math question, about grades?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25195points) October 23rd, 2022

If I receive a 30% on an exam in a class that is worth 20% of my grade what grade do I need in the classroom component (weighted at 80%) to receive a 50% or basic pass.

Not a homework question.
In general.

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7 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

55% of (80%) is 44% plus 30% of 20% is 6% plus 44% = 50%

Is this correct?

I just plugged in random numbers and changed the values until they balanced out.

If you’re interested I failed grade 12 physics 25 years ago. I had a 51% classroom component grade, and 30% diploma exam weighted at 50%.

The weighted grade is now worth 20% from a change in policy, and I think that It might be worth it to take another try at the classroom component

I want to take grade 12 chemistry for the first time and see what doors open up for me.

LostInParadise's avatar

That is correct. You would need to score 55%. Here is the algebra you could use. Just solve for x in (.20)x(.30) + (.80)x=.50

Where would you be able to take grade 12 chemistry? After all these years, could you re-enroll in a high school class?

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@LostInParadise I can take both classes in Red Deer Polytechnic. I would have to wait till next semester and I also need to save $500 per course.

On the flip side I can self study and take my diploma exams in physics and chemistry, during set times. For $26.75 each and they keep each exam as 100% if they are higher than the classroom component grades. Also the highest exam score is kept so no harm no foul.

Also thanks for the formula.

smudges's avatar

Are you serious? $500 for a course in high school chemistry at a technical college?! That’s outrageous! There must be a way around that. Don’t you get a discount in tuition for being a resident? It’s worth checking into. I’m just guessing, but here in the states I would think that only a PhD level course would be $500, and that’s at a university. I hope you find out that price is wrong.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@smudges Actually they are $500—$1000 a course and fees and bus passes. They are in Canadian dollars so it’s 25% less. I can audit a class but need to apply and pay before I start, and am on the hook for the whole cost if they don’t approve me.

I can buy the textbooks, and challenge each class from the high school end for $26.75 each.

I might focus on paying my bills and saving some money for now. I have lots of other places that I can spend the money. (Computer repair, new phone, new printer sensible shoes, food, eye exam and prescription glasses).

smudges's avatar

^^ I just had another thought – you could maybe take an online course. I’m betting it would be cheaper and you could do it from home.

LostInParadise's avatar

I thought about a way of determining the required grade that is easy to memorize for this type of problem.

You want to get an overall grade of .5. If you got a grade of .3 on the 80% test, then your total would be .2x.3 + .8x.3 = .3. To get to .50, you will need an additional .2. This will require use of only the 80%, since we have used all of the 20% to get to .3. So you will need to score an additional .2/.8. The total required score is .3 + (.5 – .3)/.8 = .3 +.25 = .55

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