In your opinion will the Republican complaining of the open southern border stop after the mid terms?
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October 25th, 2022
Just wondering will they turn real quiet about the border after the election?
Because here in Canada we only hear about how bad that border is, is during elections.
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13 Answers
If you’ve only been hearing about it during election season, then I think your news source is the reason. Conservatives are very agitated about the topic and there is a large logistical problem that is falling on their states and towns. And they’ve been complaining about it pretty constantly for the last couple decades.
Remember the 2000 election when Al Gore was complaining that Pat Buchanan’s position on the butterfly ballot caused people to mistakenly vote Buchanan instead of Gore? Buchanan was running on an anti-immigration platform and his movement was the precursor to what Trump co-opted when he jumped into the fray.
So this definitely isn’t a new thing.
Well, open border rhetoric and talk of caravans and “invasions” are spoken of more before elections, certainly. It’s not a new issue but rhetoric is ramped up when it’s politically advantageous to do so. According to these narratives, the border was apparently “closed” during Trump’s tenure and is now open, though that is not true and the numbers don’t bear it out either (border crossings were down during the pandemic for obvious reasons, but were high during the first couple years of Trump’s presidency, so it’s not as if it’s only Biden and the Democrats that oversee a problem with illegal crossings). It’s an ongoing issue that neither side has been able to adequately address.
They complain more around elections, but my impression is most who complain about that don’t seem to ever stop complaining about it.
No. It’s a big unresolved issue that matters to a lot of people. Republicans will keep banging that drum into power but only to maintain power. They would never intentionally reform the system. Privatize perhaps. Militarize, definitely, but not reform.
No. Besides, it’s just as much the Republican’s fault as it is the Democrats, if anyone is to blame.
I think it depends on what you are asking. Are the Republicans on the street going to continue complaining about border? No. They will continue to push on this regardless of who wins the majority in Congress. Will the politicians running for office stop pushing it as a topic? Some will, some won’t and some of that will depend on who wins. For several decades now people have been complaining about the illegal immigrants pouring across the southern US border. And politicians have used this as a vote-getting thing. Dems and Repubs have all “promised” to do something about immigration and as soon as they are voted into office they completely ignore it until the next election.
Probably. Got to distract their base voters attention from JB Fatwallet hiring all of them he can, while they look the other way.
This is a long standing issue that will not go away until something is done about it.
It’s interesting that those who don’t like immigrants are descendants of immigrants.
Ya know @Strauss as much as I disagree everything political with @seawulf575 I do agree with him about illegal immigrants, do it legal and welcome.
They really shouldn’t try and circumvent the immigration process, be it American or Canadian.
Thanks @SQUEEKY2 I knew we had common ground somewhere ;-)
Not wanting wide open borders has nothing to do with not liking immigrants. It has to do with the need to be more pragmatic about immigration.
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