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Is there a new "Satanic panic" in the U.S.?
“The Satanic panic” refers to a period in late 20th century America (particularly the 1980s) when many Americans became concerned about Satanic influences in society, particularly in music and the media, and paranoia about “Satanic ritual murder” (usually of children) became widespread. Schools and teachers were falsely accused, Satanic influences were ascribed to deaths of children when there was little to no evidence of it, etc. and of course many rock bands and musical artists were accused of promoting Satanism.
I’m thinking of a recent story of a mural in a school in Michigan, painted by a teenage student, that included a Hamsa hand and imagery from the video game Genshin Impact. Parents at the school were outraged at this imagery (as well LGBT imagery in the mural), labeling it “Satanic”.
There’s a thread here that I’m trying to tie together, but I’m not an expert: there is a connection between pedophile/groomer panic, stranger danger, hostility toward public schools and school teachers, anti-LGBT, and Satanic panic. What do you think is the link between all of this? Are you seeing “Satanic panic” where you live? What are the psychological reasons for this increased paranoia? Someone who knows more about this stuff, feel free to chime in.
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