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Demosthenes's avatar

Is voting where you live easy or difficult or not an issue?

Asked by Demosthenes (15425points) October 29th, 2022

How do you normally vote? By mail? In person?

In my California county, everyone gets a mail-in ballot. I voted early and turned it into one of the many nearby drop-boxes. Voting could not be easier here. What is it like where you live?

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20 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

Easy. My county has advanced-voting sites – 7 or 8 of them across the county. I went after work. Three minute wait. In person, got the sticker.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Very simple. All voting in the state is done by mail. It was a short ballot this year. Not too many questions and amendments. I put in the mail the day I received it.

chyna's avatar

Here you have to request a mail in ballot and I missed the deadline. Early voting is at the courthouse which is pretty far from my house, so if I drove from work to my town, then went to the courthouse, we are talking not an easy task.
So I will vote in person on the day and that is about 3 minutes from my house.

flutherother's avatar

It is very easy here. There are many places to vote in person and they are open from 7.00am to I always vote in person and the nearest polling station is only a couple of minutes walk away.

janbb's avatar

Easy here, mail in as an option with drop boxes, early voting and regularpolling places.

Glad I’m not in Arizona with people with guns are allowed near drop boxes!

Jeruba's avatar

I’m in Northern California, so it’s easy for me too. Ballots and several pieces of ancillary material came in the mail. A few days ago I went through everything and marked my ballot, and then I dropped it in the corner mailbox.

I wish it were that easy for all of us.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Already voted, early voting. There are three sites for early voting; there are 55,000 voters in the county. On regular voting day there are 25 polling places.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I used to live in the county seat. Didn’t realize how easy that made everything!

For reasons similar to @Chyna’s we’re voting the day of.

JLeslie's avatar

It’s pretty easy.

Anyone can vote by mail. You can sign up for vote by mail via online form, via email, write in, or go in person.

Once you turn in your mail-in ballot you can track your ballot online to see if it was counted. One thing that sucks is in my county you need to hand your amil-in ballot to a person at a voting center if you don’t put it through the mail, which can mean waiting on the same line as people voting that day, I think that is just stupid, it probably varies by county.

Mail-in does have a signature match. If they find a problem with your signature, they are supposed to contact you to cure the problem. You can update your signature before the election if you know it has changed.

My governor changed the mail-in ballot counting during covid to starting to count 21 days before Election Day, rather than starting to count on Election Day. I hope that is still in force, but I don’t know for sure. If not, if that expired, then I would see that as a problem.

We usually have just over two weeks of early voting. Early voting is in select locations, but there are a reasonable amount of locations. The first day early in the morning there are always long lines. After that the lines are usually short or non-existent as long as you go in the afternoon. The mornings usually have some more people, but nothing like the first day. Election Day there are very many locations to vote, you have to go to your assigned location, and lines vary from 5 to 25 minutes.

You do need ID to vote.

My governor changed the law so one person cannot mail or hand in multiple ballots for other people. I think that is BULLSHIT! Why should it matter who hands in or mails the ballot as long as the ballots are sealed? Spouses can still hand in for each other. Also, a caregiver can hand in a ballot for the person they care for, but I don’t know if there is some sort of limit on how many.

The Democratic Club here reaches out to the community to provide transportation to the polls to people who need it. They usually only get about five people who take them up on the offer.

Seven years ago when I moved to my county I emailed elections on a Sunday to move my registration from Palm Beach Count to Lake County, and the supervisor wrote me back that night (not expected) and said she took care of it. I always feel comfortable calling the county directly if I have any questions about voting or anything else.

I feel confident the ballots are handled well where I vote and the people working at the polls take their job seriously. Our ballots are paper, large font size, bilingual English and Spanish, and it’s clear what bubble to color in to select your choice.

Entropy's avatar

Very easy. Prior to covid, I always voted in person. My polling place is close by, there’s never a line of more than a couple people, and it’s never taken me more than 15 minutes. You hear stories from time to time about people waiting in long lines, but that’s never been my experience.

in 2020, for the first time, i used a drop box for a ‘mail-in’ ballot. I don’t love that mechanism, but I had heard they were having difficulty getting poll workers b/c of covid fears, so I did it that way. My state pre-mailed ballots to people which is reckless and inviting fears of ballot security, even though I think the right’s reaction to 2020 was completely unjustified, there was unnecessary chaos and fear sown by public officials overreacting to the challenge of holding an election during covid.

I will definitely return to in person voting this time around. Not because I distrust mail-in voting but because it’s actually more convenient to just stroll in and use the machines.

SnipSnip's avatar

Voting is not hard or an issue anywhere as far as I can tell.

Jeruba's avatar

Great find, @raum. GA.

It’s alarming to see that ten states rate “low” on “protect[ing] the security, integrity and independence of our elections.”

raum's avatar

Yeah, had the same thoughts. :/

It’s also super interesting to see the maps when you deep dive into the individual issues.

JLeslie's avatar

@raum I guess there is a typo regarding the percentage under the fair category. I clicked on my state to see the parameters, and FL received an X for voter registration, I guess because we do have deadlines to register before Election Day.

It has me wondering if there is any sort of cross check in any state when people register to vote. Is there any type of check to see if they are citizens, not felons, or is registration purely on the honor system?

janbb's avatar

@SnipSnip I guess you don’t pay attention to the news. People with guns are intimidating voters trying to put their ballots in drop boxes in Arizona. Georgia had passed a rule that you can’t give water to people waiting in line to vote and removed drop boxes in Black areas. That doesn’t sound like it’s easy to vote all over.

Smashley's avatar

Easy enough. I always need an absentee ballot as I’m usually doing election work somewhere else, but the board knows that and sends me an absentee application before I can forget. I once had to drive to the next town over for early voting when I did forget the absentee deadline, but for an archaic system, it works pretty well.

SnipSnip's avatar

One more reason to outlaw drop boxes other than those inside government buildings and monitored. We did fine without them or mail voting. Americans are capable of getting to a polling place to vote. Going back to that would be a very positive move for the integrity of and trust in elections.

My comment has nothing to do with my news consumption. @janbb

KNOWITALL's avatar

Easy. In person always. Total time is usually 15 minutes if I go around 7am CST. Open early and late, huge parking lot, handicapped parking and special voting rights. I think a worker brings the ballot out to them but not positive.

RocketGuy's avatar

I live in N Cal – voted by mail and dropped off at the post office last Sat. Easy!

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