General Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Broadway musical fans, does it make you sad that Phantom of the Opera is going away for good?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 31st, 2022 from iPhone

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18 Answers

janbb's avatar

I have to confess that while I like musicals, I’ve never been drawn to Andrew LLoyd Webber’s of which Phantom of the Opera is one.

zenvelo's avatar

Compared to many musicals, there is no song from Phantom that stands out in the American musical consciousness. I have listened to a lot of musicals over the years, but does Phantom have a single tune that anyone whistles to themselves?

I have broken out in “Tradition” from Fiddler on the Roof at appropriate moments of every day life, same with 76 Trombones, and the occasional Oklahoma! , even the occasional “Don’t Cry for Me” from Evita. Nothing from Phantom. I was surprised it ran for so long.

rockfan's avatar

Maybe it’s because I’m already obsessed with musicals, but I constantly hum Music of the Night and Phantom of the Opera

Caravanfan's avatar

What do you mean “going away for good”?

rockfan's avatar

It’s ending it’s broadway run. I’m kind of shocked to be honest. Glad I was able to see it a few years ago

elbanditoroso's avatar

I realize that it has been on Broadway for a generation or more, and i even saw it one time (in 1990 or so) – but there are many musicals I like far better than Phantom.

All thing must pass.

Demosthenes's avatar

I’m glad I was able to see it this May. I think it’s run its course and I’m all for other musicals getting more of a chance. That said, I don’t agree that no tune from Phantom is memorable. But maybe that’s because I first listened to the soundtrack when I was 10 and it’s essentially the musical that got me interested in musicals in general (along with The Music Man).

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

As a gay man of a certain age, it is my duty to have an opinion about this closing.

Like @janbb, I am not a huge fan of Andrew Lloyd Webber. I find his works exhausting. They are all performed in near hysteria. I need variety of emotion.

I’m glad the musical was successful, and I hope it has a peaceful rest for a very long time.

rebbel's avatar

As a man from a certain age, can I ask, respectfully, and sincerely, @Hawaii_Jake,what has the fact that you are a gay man (of a certain age) have to do with opinions on musicals?

Forever_Free's avatar

Nope. Saw it twice. Opening run in LA in the 80’s and in the 90’s in Boston.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@rebbel A common stereotype of gay men is that we worship Broadway musicals. In my case, it fits. I love musicals.

cookieman's avatar

I love musicals (Company, Man of La Mancha, Rent, West Side Story) but Phantom of the Opera is awful, in my opinion.

Melodramatic schlock about a stalker. I actually fell asleep when I saw it on Broadway.

mazingerz88's avatar

Loved and enjoyed listening to the music of Phantom since 1988. The melody of some of the songs got seared in my brain since I first heard them.

Lyricists Stilgoe and especially Hart wove words into Webber’s music that never failed to enchant and stir swelling passion, to the point of reducing me to tears whenever the song “The Point of No Return” came on the screen in the movie or on the stage at the Majestic.

It broke my heart that I saw it last Saturday and for the very last time. All things end. Must they?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeeky and I saw it twenty some years ago loved it and the music, it had its run oh well.

JLeslie's avatar

It doesn’t bother me. I’m sure the musical will still be done in plenty of theaters.

Smashley's avatar

It’s not like we were lining up to catch the show every weekend. You can still listen to your old CD of the soundtrack, or watch the movie, and not wax on about not being able to drop a grand on a trip to New York City to see an important, but really old show.

I can’t remember the specifics of the plot, but doesn’t it feel dated like everything else from that era?

SnipSnip's avatar

There will always be other productions of it for us to enjoy.

Pandora's avatar

I love Phantom of the Opera. I went with my husband and his cousin and her husband. Neither my husband or her husband are a fan of musicals, but both of them totally enjoyed themselves. They didn’t think they would but were in awe of the acting and beautiful singing. Her husband said he didn’t remember the last time he had enjoyed a show as much as he enjoyed this. I’ve seen the movies and liked them but it’s nothing like watching them live on stage.

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