I have heard Trump wants to ask Marjorie Taylor Greene to be his running mate in 20024, have you heard this as well?
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November 1st, 2022
I joked about it a while back and people just scoffed, now I see clips he is actually considering it.
Think he will actually ask her?
The Republicans won’t know what hit them with those two at the controls.
If she does get the job maybe she can stop those pesky laser beams from outer space starting all those forest fires.
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57 Answers
I hadn’t heard, but it’s a great idea:
1) it gets her out of North Georgia (my state) if they win, and that is a big improvement.
2) it pretty much guarantees that Trump will lose. Even some republicans think that Greene is a total idot.
GO for it, Donnie! Add the Qanon adherent to your ticket!
(I wonder if Donnie likes her because of her blonde hair)
Well @elbanditoroso You have to admit she makes him look smart, and with Trump that is not an easy task.
He will be dead in 18000 years, so that is perfect.
It means he will never run again before he dies.
I also asked a question about MTG being a potential VP pick a few weeks ago. I actually never thought she’d be asked. Her ideas are so unpopular, that it would probably tank Trump’s chances of winning the primary.
I’ve read that it’s being said; I just took it as a report of gossip. I never thought another VP candidate could make Sarah Palin look good, but that one would. No telling whether Trump would actually see her as an advantageous partner. Some sources say Georgians are too embarrassed by her to even want her back in Congress.
I keep thinking back to my ninth grade Civics class, where we learned about the meaning of democracy, the three equal branches of U.S. government, the president’s powers, the bicameral Congress, the role of the Supreme Court, etc. Very little of what we took to be safe, sure, and dependable in our government has withstood the assaults of the mad 21st century.
@SQUEEKY2 I think @ragingloli is referring to you mistakenly saying 20024 instead of 2024, thus, he’ll be dead by then. Touche’, loli!
You’re right I didn’t notice that sorry.
I hope trump isn’t running again!
I have heard it more than once; but, I’ve NOT been able to confirm it & I’m praying that it’s NOT true!!! As much as I’d love to watch her ass leaving the state of Georgia, I love this country too much to do that to us!!!
Trump is saying that he might run, so that people will keep donating to his fund. Got bills to pay.
I haven’t heard it. I don’t think Trump is actually that stupid.
If he chooses her, it is to ensure that during the next election, she would actually throw out the voting results and appoint the republican candidate victor, unlike Pence, who got cold feet.
Will make Sarah Palin look like a Rhodes scholar.
I hope DeSantis becomes the nominee and Trump runs on a third party.
^^Oh wow. Now, that would be interesting. I wonder what the Republican Party would do to try to get Trump to step aside. Or, do you think they would ask DeSantis to wait 4 more years? He’ll likely be governor of Florida in 2024, and still have 2 years left in his term.
Haven’t heard that, but it makes me wonder about a conspiracy theory I ran across. It puts out the idea that Trump is crazy like a fox, and is being voluntarily manipulated by shadowy forces to to make Republicans in general, and the Far Right in particular, look like raving lunatics. He seems to be doing a great job, regardless of whether the theory is correct or not. And this takes the cake. Good grief! But I have to add that I heard something similar about Alex Jones. But he’s the real deal Looney tune.
I hadn’t heard that. Seems stupid. First, let’s stipulate that if Trump wins the GOP nomination in 2024, he will lose the general election…probably in a landslide, and I don’t think his running mate nor whom the D’s nominate will matter. They could nominate an inanimate object and it could beat Trump after his behavior post-election.
But if Trump has any hope, the thing he needs in the general is to give moderates and independents something they can cling to. Traditionally a VP is chosen because (s)he brings something to the ticket the Prez candidate does not. Greene… doesn’t really bring anything. Trump needs a sober moderate that can appear to moderates and swing voters as a parachute…a ‘break glass in case of emergency’ hedge against Trump’s nuttiness.
Mind you, I don’t think that would work either…but that’s how he SHOULD think about a VP candidate. He needs to find someone that makes people think the VP can act as a brake against a repeat of 2020. But of course, Trump doesn’t think like that.
Who’s Trump? Never heard of him.
@SQUEEKY2 I’m tired of hearing about American politics. What’s happening in Canadian politics?
Is Canada still an independent country?
You voted for him twice, and you will vote for him again if he runs.
No, and I have no idea where one might hear what someone is ‘thinking.’
I as yet have not heard that Trump is actually running. If he was/is I don’t care a hoot about who his running mate may be.
I heard he wanted to get her in the Oval Office alone, he hasn’t seen the inside of Melania’s thighs since it became common knowledge that he had his lawyer pay a Bimbo $120,00 HUSH MONEY
@ragingloli and @smudges Yes I voted for Trump twice.
The first time I voted for Trump I had to choose between Trump and Hilary Clinton. I’m conservative so there was no way that I’m voting for that liberal old hag. I looked past Trump’s many asinine statements and tweets and voted for him again because of the strong economy (stimulated by tax cuts), roaring bull stock market, relatively secure southern, strong military defense strategy, and be broke through red tape to get a quick vaccine to the SARS-COV-2 virus.
Will I vote for Trump again? No.
Why not? I think that he is a reckless, bombastic old screwball. I don’t trust him after what happened on January 6th 2020. Also because of the Electoral College and I live behind the Blue Curtain of Washington State, my vote for US President doesn’t count. Therefore if Trump is the Republican nomination (extremely unlikely) then I simply will not vote. Absolutely no way will I vote for a far left Democrat.
I would absolutely vote for a far left Democrat, but none of them have even a slight chance of making it to the finals. Yes, I sound like @hat. But he’s right. Can’t wait for two more terrible choices in 2024…
What makes a politician far left in your opinion? Caring about the working class? Anti-corruption? Equal rights? Prison and police reform? Making sure everyone has healthcare? Sensible gun control? Taking care of the environment? If you think all of that is far left, then what does it mean to be far right?
@rockfan Too much of any good thing can be bad.
@janbb It appears that US politics is rubbing off on our Canadian friends. They now have a new Queen taking hold of the country. She has decreed that “Race Theory” is unlawful in Canada. “Sex Education” cannot be taught to anyone under the age of 24 & the “Age of Consent” for sex becomes over the age of 24. She has issued over 170 decrees. She appears to be gaining a following much like our own nut job. I have several local Canadian friends who are growing concerned about the stability of their own country!!!
@gondwanalon Your response doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
“Too much of any good thing can be bad.”
Said the half-dead man in the desert, as he refuses a bottle of water.
“Immortan Joe told me so.”
@rockfan That’s your problem not mine.
@ragingloli Yes Grasshopper, too little of a good thing can also be bad.
@all Ok, either my memory is failing or someone’s pulling my leg. I didn’t mean “Who” voted for trump twice, what I meant was How did anyone vote for trump twice? Like, what was he running for that he could be voted for twice? I only remember him running for anything once.
He ran for president in 2016 and won against Hillary Clinton. He ran again in 2020 and lost against Biden. So that’s twice.
^^ Duhhh! {{blushes}} thank you
Your’e using fallacious arguments and being kind of childish…
@janbb What’s happening here in Canada our government just past a a handgun ban nation wide NO new sales of handguns private or retail.
If you have a legal handgun you can keep it ,but thats it.
I keep bring up your politics because if not careful you Yankee are on the cusp of losing your democracy, and if you don’t believe me just wait and see if the Republicans get the house and senate back, your country will never be the same again.
@SQUEEKY2 Do you not think we’re fully aware of that, those of us who are not in the demagogue’s camp? Do you think your pointing it out time and time again is changing anyone’s mind?
And as for the nationwide ban in Canada, that’s great!
@janbb, thank you. I, too, am kind of sick of of those folks up north with their cute little, barely diverse, populations that assume that they can see better and interpret better what’s going on south of them. How about all us Yankees start expounding ad nauseam on missing and murdured indigenous women, residential schools, the Ford brothers etc. I’m sure @SQUEEKY2 would very appreciative.
The Residential schools makes all of us sick, @canidmajor I think you meant Murdered indigenous women that too makes us ill, as for the Ford Brothers they are Ontario’s problem have little to nothing to do with us out west.
The thing that you Americans fail to see is what goes on in the states has a way to affect us as well north of the border.
One example we had a vote to do away with the time changes twice a year and it passed HUGE everyone wanted to stay on the same time , but our Government wont implement it, because the western states want to stay with the twice a year time change.
^^ How did America influence not changing the time in Canada??
All our Government told us is that we would stay on one time once the western states did the same.
^^ SMH Makes no sense whatsoever. Don’t know why Canada would care.
Has to do with the trade industry,but can’t understand what the heck an hour would make any difference.
The time changes were put to a referendum vote, we voted and it was big time in favour of scraping it yet because the western states wont, so our Provincial government wont.
^^ Governments…go figure! ¯\(ツ)/¯
@SQUEEKY2 My understanding is that he US will be stopping DST as of Nov 5, 2023. Originally it was supposed to be 2022, but our government changed our minds & moved it out to next year. I don’t like DST & I’ll be glad when it’s gone!!! I HATE that it gets dark at 5:30. During the summer, I had until 8:30 to get out & shop IF needed. Now, it’s too dark to go out before my day is getting going good!!! The older I get, the more difficult it becomes to drive in the dark, so I’ve been rearranging my life for the latest time change & grumbling all the way!!! I just hope they don’t find a new excuse before Nov 5, 2023!!!
@LadyMarissa To my knowledge, it will still get dark at 5:30 in November because that is Standard time. It just won’t be as light late in the summer.
Not law yet @LadyMarissa only Senate passed it, not law until House passes it.
@Tropical_Willie You are correct. In this article I read the first part where it said that it had passed the Senate; however, I missed where it said that it was still awaiting the House vote. At the time that I read this, I was simply looking to see IF I needed to change my clocks on Nov 6, 2022 & once I thought I had found my answer, I went back to what I was doing & missed the House vote not happening.
@janbb According to this article, IF everything goes as planned, we will change over to Daylights Savings Time in March & then NOT go back to standard time in November, so we will be permanently on Daylight Savings Time & keep the extra hour in the evening.
I have absolutely NO doubt that this won’t get screwed up before November 5, 2023!!!
^^ Oh, I was misled by what you said in your first statement above which was that we would be stopping DST.
@SQUEEKY2 You know how fickle old 45 is…he’s now courting Kari Lake. She’s not as rabid as MTG, but she’s NOT much better except she’s easier on the eyes & that should give her the advantage in HIS eyes!!!
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