General Question

MakeItSo1701's avatar

How would one transport 3,524,229lbs worth of dollar bills?

Asked by MakeItSo1701 (13876points) November 5th, 2022

As asked.

All in one trip.

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12 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

I think you’re limited to rail or ship because it’s too heavy to fly in one trip. Between the two, we’d have to know the origin and destination (I’m happy to accept it if you’re looking to send it to Virginia). Are you going to explain why you have such a specific amount in mind?

MakeItSo1701's avatar

That is 1.6billion dollars worth. Powerball jackpot.

flutherother's avatar

It would have to go by rail.

tedibear's avatar

That’s over 1,700 tons, so I think @flutherother is right about going by rail.

LuckyGuy's avatar

That is a lot of paper. If possible ask for it in $100 bills. That will only weigh 35,247 pounds which is easily transportable in a tractor trailer. And it can be drop-shipped right to your home.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The average weight maximum for railroad cars is about 285,000 lbs. So you’re talking about half-dozen freight boxcars to hold your winnings.

basstrom188's avatar

1,573 long tons or 1,600 metric tonnes

SnipSnip's avatar

In more than one vehicle.

smudges's avatar

Hey there ole buddy, ole pal! Need any help? hehehe >;D

Brian1946's avatar

In the trunk of my Honda Civic.

I just to remove the ball of neutron-star matter to make room. ;p

MrGrimm888's avatar

Don’t forget about the security threat of such a transport. And then, having it stored in a home…
Is there something I should know? Can It not be wired to a bank account?

That way. You could lean on the bank’s security , as the money would be insured. Even then, you’d be wise to have personal security. :Mo money, mo problems.”

KRD's avatar

I take a couple thousand pounds of dollars of your hands. Oh wow that is a lot of dollars. Stop the money printing and stop inflation.

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