Can you help me think of a word?
Asked by
jca2 (
November 8th, 2022
I’m looking for a word that describes the person who is communicating with the rest of the group.
A friend made dinner plans with three people, and she’s the one who is communicating with the group about the plans. When the plans get changed, she texts or calls the group to discuss the changes.
What do you call the person at the hub of the communications?
I looked online at the Thesaurus but I can’t think of a word to put in to search. She is the “planner” or the “communications hub” but that’s not totally accurate. I put in “rendesvous” but that’s not her role, either.
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24 Answers
The organizer or the point person
The fixer.
The negotiator.
Or go with @ragingloli‘s liaison.
We use point person or point of contact like @janbb.
Initiator. Launcher. Usher. Originator. Inaugurator.
master of ceremonies (M.C.)
I particularly like some that others suggested, too: liaison, nexus, organizer
The word I was thinking of was liaison, which was what a few people mentioned. Thank you all!
Without reading the above answers, “coordinator” was my first thought.
I’d call her the organizer. She’s not a channeling information between the group as a whole and some other entity. She’s the organizer of the event and the connector among the participants.
Organizer or coordinator. In an activity as informal as dinner between 4 people/friends, liaison seems much too formal. I’d use liaison when talking about government/s or a large meeting between two corporations. That’s just me.
Coordinator is like an air traffic controller or a choreographer managing many relationships. A liaison is like a go-between for 2 companies/groups/people.
I would say coordinator.
Liaison is like a representative of a company or group.
I know you were thinking of the word liaison. But I think event organizer or event planner is actually a better fit. :P
@raum was the event organizer for the mini-flutherfest in SF last month.
@LuckyGuy More of a group effort on the fly. :D
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