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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever discharged a fire extinguisher?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) November 11th, 2022

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I’ve never needed to use one.

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15 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

In the parking lot of the health clinic where I used to work (about 20 years ago) I used a CO2 fire extinguisher to put out a small training purposes fire. If I recall correctly the sequence is pull, aim, squeeze and sweep.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Many times.
The most recent was about 8 months ago when my neighbor accidentally set the woods between our houses on fire. He was burning trash and the wind took a few burning bits into the leaves on the ground. It burned an area about 40 ft x 50 ft. It took 3 extinguishers to put it out.
One time I had a car fire at work. I had removed the carburetor and did not put a warning sign on the dash and key tag. Someone decided they needed to move my test car and tried to start the car. It actually ran for about 3 seconds and then – Blam! That took 2 extinguishers.
I have at least 8 at my home in the barn, garage, basement, kitchen, living room, hallway, etc. I am ready!

chyna's avatar

“Engineers. Always at the ready.”

filmfann's avatar

I used one at work to help put out a car fire.

Once at work, I set one off accidentally. A Co-worker had one in one of his truck bins, and I had to move it to get to some tools. The pin was out, and I grabbed it badly, and WHOOSH!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Car fire at work a lady’s MGB caught fire at the fuse block, totaled the car. Two weeks later she tracked me down at work (over 10,000 people there.) She bought me a replacement extinguisher and thanked me.

Soldering a heating system in 260 year old house, flame caught a timber on fire, out with combo of water and extinguisher, before Fire Department got there.

One other fire I put out was in metal waste basket over 50 years ago, someone (not me through an ashtray into the trash and . . . .fire. I grabbed the basket put it up against the bottom the center drawer for twenty seconds. Put it out !

Blackberry's avatar

Basic military training. You have to learn how to retrieve one off a wall and use it in a situation.
I had no idea they were so heavy.
I think they have smaller, lighter ones now though.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. I used to work in a betting shop back in the 90’s (Note for Americans think tiny high street casino with no reddming features).
The punters would smoke constantly and the place had drifts of paper slips everywhere. Some idiot would manage to set fire the place on a daily basis. I would use CO2 which was not the “correct” type for paper fires but as I would be the one cleaning up the mess and CO2 made less mess.

I’ve also used a foam extiguisgher on a hospital patient who thought it was good idea to smoke while recieving high flow option. (It is not a good idea).
I saw them stick the cigarette under the oxygen mask from across the ward and started to run. They lit the cigarette just as I grabed the extiguisher and by the time I had extiguhsed the fire they had third degree burns to most of their face. They were on fire for less than 30 seconds probably closer to 10–15. It was pretty horrific.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I’ve also seen a patient set fire to another patients bed while the other person was in it. No one was hurt but there was no time to extinguish the fire as it spead rapidly so we had to eavauate the ward.

JLoon's avatar

Well, it sort of looked like it afterwards…

zenvelo's avatar

@Lightlyseared explains your screen name….

I used one on a grease fire in the home before it got out of control. Like the people here I was trained on one as part of Neighborhood Emergency Response Training.

I have even used the kind you flip upside down and it shoots out water. Great for pranks.

rebbel's avatar

Yeah, a couple of times.
I worked at a pesticide plant, in the eighties, and we had annual practises in extinguishing fires.
Thought it was fun, and educational.

seawulf575's avatar

Had to qualify on using fire extinguishers both in the service and when I worked at nuclear plants. Had to practice and show proficiency. They would light a big metal bin full of fuel oil and we would put it out.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I had to put out a fire with one for safety training.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I also have one in each car under the passenger seat in case I come upon a situation that needs it.

raum's avatar

Part of the training for working in a metal and industrial arts school.

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