Why would Trump announce his candidacy nearly 2 full years ahead of the election?
Asked by
HP (
November 16th, 2022
from iPhone
Other than deliberately extend his torture of the Republican party for an additional year, what is this about?
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54 Answers
It’s a con game. He is profiting from running, and he thinks it will protect him from government investigations.
He can’t bear to not have the focus be on him and he is trying to retain control of the Republican narrative. And what @filmfann said.
For probably the same reason Joe Biden announced his bid to run in 2024.
@seawulf575 Did Biden announce his bid? I didn’t see that.
@chyna It make makes sense. They both believe they are the incumbent President. It is assumed of course that a first term President will be successful and run for a second term. A twice impeached, disgraced President booted out after a single term is a new situation for the country. Perhaps he will continue the precedent setting records and be the first Presidential hopeful to campaign from prison.
But it’s an interesting thought. In view of the last 6 years, who here predicts that Mr. Trump will have less baggage in the coming year than he has accrued thus far?
Money. Adoration. Time to change his mind before the primaries start.
Change his mind? Really? My guess is that it affords him an extra year to determine who will fall in behind general Custer and effectively attempt to manipulate the destruction of any reluctant “volunteers”. He assuredly is guaranteed the ideal crop to cultivate. The spineless and the mindless.
I’m pretty sure no candidate, particularly a challenger has thrown his hat into a nonexistent ring 2 years ahead of the election.
OMG, is this true? Why is he NOT in prison yet?
OMG! @RayaHope you are finally back! No more leaving.
Fox News cut his announcement short and I think they may not be his propaganda outlet in the future.
“OMG! @RayaHope you are finally back! No more leaving.”
I’m sure she’s been busy hitting the books, which I advised her to do last summer, when she was still in her beach bunny phase. ;p
^^^ HA, I’m baaaaaaaaaack! Just in time to terrorize you guys again :)
He is overly anxious to get the ball rolling. His ego just couldn’t wait.
@RayaHope do your damnedest. Someone should wake this place up.
He has to be the center of attention and keep himself in the news. Nothing more.
@HP I’ll try, but for now I have to go to bed. School tomorrow:(
I hope Trump spends lots of money and loses big time. lol
He started running for 2020 the day after he was awarded the win in 2016. That was not the norm, and people were surprised. Who’s surprised now? It was said then that he just loves to hold rallies. It’s all about his bottomless craving for attention. And of course he makes tons of money off campaigning, and he treats it all as his own.
Election campaigning used to kick into high gear right after the conventions in July. Until then we didn’t have the official nominees. Trump is happy to campaign nonstop from 2015 through 2024 (and probably beyond), but for most of us that’s a killer. We need a break.
I think the fact that the announcement assures the money rolling in is a really BIG factor. Clearly the media platforms vulnerable to his exploitation have shrunk considerably. His treatment on Fox and at the hands of the New York Post notwithstanding, he is guaranteed to say and do things forcing media coverage. Negative press serves the same purpose. I’m wondering at what point the levels of revulsion will cross the threshold of tolerance for even the most obtuse of our gullible.
I believe he believes that running for President will shield him from unfolding legal procedures.
IMHO, it’s because Trump feels the GOP slipping away from him and wants to reassert his dominance.
Even before the midterms, there were alot more Republican voices pointing out that Trump’s candidates were weak and polling poorly. There was already an emerging consensus that Trump and his 2020 fakeout have been a massive drag on the GOP.
So how does Trump reassert his dominance? Pull the spotlight and conversation back to him. But he needs an event. Something that can get attention. The announcement was what he had.
BTW, I’m not even sure this announcement REALLY means he’ll run. Don’t get me wrong, i think he probably will run. But it wouldn’t be hard for him to ‘change his mind’, especially if he can coerce some kind of concession, like making DeSantis explicitly endorse the 2020 fraud rhetoric.
@HP If he senses he has no chance to win he will make an excuse to not keep running, but that will not happen any time soon. He has a good 16–20 months to receive the tithing from his congregation.
If he doesn’t get the nomination then he can run as an independent as others have mentioned.
He could make money just doing lectures and appearances too. It’s probably not as lucrative though. I’m surprised he hasn’t created a Church of Trump.
All Trump ever does is campaign. He campaigns constantly, before announcing his candidacy and after announcing his candidacy. If, God forbid, he should win another term it will give him a better platform from which to campaign. There will never come a time when Trump will stop campaigning, it is all he does. It is all a giant ego trip for him.
If it has any purpose beyond this it is so he can frame the many charges now laid before him in a political context as a “witch hunt”. MAGAGA indeed! Come on America wake up!
Campaigns have been getting earlier and earlier. Trump made this leap to give himself the opportunity to redefine himself and to redefine Biden. His announcement speech was quite different than his normal campaign speech and was much more focused on the issues. I like most of you am weary of the political campaigns and hope they are merely background noise for the next year. If nothing else it will be some relief from Biden’s fuck-ups.
His run for 2024, IMHO, has as much to do with the fact that the various investigations can’t won’t be prosecuted if he is pres.
That might certainly be enforced IF he is convicted. The problem with it is that the Republicans will control the House come January, and enough of them must be enlisted in the process for the measure to pass. Perhaps there are enough of them now aware of the carnage their creature threatens on the party. It may be the only remedy available to eliminate him as mascot of the gang.
I have a question for you @HP. How is it that if enough Republicans get together they can overturn a written Constitutional law? Isn’t it a fact that “Donald Trump engaged in insurrection on January 6th with the intention of overturning the lawful 2020 election results” What more is there to figure out?
The Daily claims it’s because he wants to appear inevitable to opponents, as well as complicate matters for the courts.
@RayaHope He has yet to be convicted. We all saw him do it, but until one of several of the jurisdictions in pursuit of the pig formalizes what we all watched with a conviction, porky can continue rooting ip the country at will.
@RayaHope No it isn’t a fact. In fact no one on J6 was charged with insurrection as far as I can see. It kinda amazes me how Donald Trump who specifically called for a peaceful protest can be charged with insurrection when no one else was. What IS a fact is that the media and the Dems keep pushing this same illogical story as fact.
@seawulf585 Like your answer up there where you flat out lied and said Biden said he was running in 2024? Typical Republicans. Lie about everything.
@chyna So who was charged with insurrection?
I see 3 reasons…(1) His NEED to be the center of attention. (2) Ron DeSantis appears to be taking his place with Fox & the Republican party. (3) Pence was releasing his book on the same day that he announced. Oops, just thought of a 4th…(4) he thinks that it will protect him from prosecution & he can’t run his con without it!!!
@seawulf575 Biden hasn’t said he is running in 2024. According to the “facts” you provided this is what we know:
While Biden allies have said he will seek re-election, he has shied away from declaring it unequivocally.
“I think everybody wants me to run, but we’re going to have discussions about it,” Biden told reporters, indicating that he would sit down with his family over the holidays and announce his decision “early next year”.
President Biden on Wednesday said he would run for reelection in 2024 if he’s “in good health,”
Nowhere, not even once, has Biden stated definitively that he will run, either officially ot unofficially.
@flutherother From the NBC News item: “President Joe Biden told the Rev. Al Sharpton that he will seek a second term in a private conversation at the White House last month, Sharpton informed his National Action Network staff in Washington later that day.” That is followed up by: “While Biden allies have said he will seek re-election, he has shied away from declaring it unequivocally, at least in part to avoid triggering campaign finance reporting laws.”
But Al Sharpton works on MSNBC. So he told the press in no uncertain terms that he is going to run. And Al spread the word. So while he might be trying to avoid having to account for his income under campaign finance laws, he has said he is running.
Do you understand “hearsay evidence” @seawulf575 ?
Al sez is not straight from Biden’s mouth. . . !
Ahhh…so when Al Sharpton and MSNBC report on something you don’t like, it isn’t real but any other time is set in stone. Got it.
T W’s point is rather stark. A “he told me” rumor initiated through Al Sharpton is dubious to say the least against a nationally televised declaration of intent. The pig’s declaration makes his candidacy official, thereby allowing any money from the poor yokels trusting him the tax dodge of “campaign contributions”. Trump is now allowed to shovel in an extra year’s worth of slop from the gullible suckers comprising his base. All of it TAX FREE.
@HP how many cheeseburgers and diet cokes is that ? ?
@HP and everyone
And never forget that “tax free” literally means “government subsidized” We ALL pay for his butterhose.
The pattern & m o are familiar and undeniable. As usual with the pig, everyone gets screwed. And it must be noted, that an incumbent President rarely finds it necessary to declare an intention seek a second term. His party normally all but insists on the incumbent as the best prospect. The pig is running in direct defiance and at the expressed revulsion of his own party. There is no disguising said party’s assessment of the pig as a toxic and fatal liability.
The problem with the claim that Trump declared so he could get rich off donations is that all that money now has to be accounted for to the last penny and there are strict limits on what a single person can give to a candidate. If he were to collect donations without declaring he could get lots more without having the limitations.
@seawulf575 I don’t think the declaring matters. I don’t think most of the people who donate to him look up how much has been donated or if they do if they care about the total. I’d say that about all candidates.
@JLeslie It isn’t the people donating that track it. It is the Federal Elections people that do. If someone donates $10,000 before he declares it is okay. If they donate after he declares it is a violation of election laws. That is why Biden doesn’t want to declare…so he doesn’t have to report donations.
@seawulf575 Or maybe he wants to see how his health is at that time. He’s almost 80. Maybe there really is nothing shady or sneaky or underhanded.
@JLeslie. Look at the paragraph above then ask yourself the following
1.If someone “donates” before a candidate declares they are running, exactly WHAT are they donating TO? Is it possible to donate to a campaign before the campaign exists?
2. Consider the reason fabricated for Biden’s failure to formally declare his own candidacy 2 years ahead of election day, then ask yourself what other incumbent President in the history of this country EVER pulled such a stunt.
3. Anyone with half a brain understands that an incumbent President has no need to declare his candidacy. HIS PARTY CAMPAIGNS FOR him. Biden doesn’t declare, because as with all other incumbents, his party carries the load. Which party backs the pig? Porky is greedy for money because he is isolated from the Republican piggy bank. Thus the begging commences 2 years in advance. Get it? Not only is he isolated from that piggybank. That bank will be put to work campaigning AGAINST porky.
@chyna Maybe. But from the same article I referenced from NBC: “While Biden allies have said he will seek re-election, he has shied away from declaring it unequivocally, at least in part to avoid triggering campaign finance reporting laws. ”
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