Social Question

raum's avatar

How did “cheese” become the standard verbal prompt for smiling?

Asked by raum (13670points) November 17th, 2022 from iPhone

Why “cheese”? Does it have anything to do with cheese? Or is it just the mouth shape that the word makes?

What other words would make good mouth shapes for a camera? (At the last Picture Day at school, I noticed the photographer used “candy” as a verbal prompt.)

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5 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

It is because of the shape of the mouth. I was on a hike with an environmental group, and we were told to say trees for taking pictures.

zenvelo's avatar

En français, tu dis brie!

smudges's avatar

When I’m the one taking the picture, I always say, “say Mozzerel-l-la!” with an Italian accent. It always gets good smiles cause they’re not expecting it.

Demosthenes's avatar

Apparently in Sweden, they say ost, which is their word for “cheese”, even though the mouth shape of that word is not ideal. I find that hilarious.

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