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jca2's avatar

What are you all doing for Thanksgiving?

Asked by jca2 (17251points) November 24th, 2022

What is everyone doing for Thanksgiving?

Happy Thanksgiving, to those who celebrate!

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11 Answers

Blackwater_Park's avatar

We are hosting it again this year, fun but exhausting.

janbb's avatar

Going to a restaurant with friends and their family. I miss my own family traditions very much.

jca2's avatar

Me too, @janbb. Our Thanksgiving is different now, but I miss the simple version from when my mom was alive. Fun, simple, homemade.

chyna's avatar

Same here @jca2 and @janbb.
I miss the old traditions my mom set up, but I’ll be going to a restaurant with my brother and his wife. Our family has gotten so small.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Turkey breast, sweet potatoes and asparagus. Wife, her older sister and me.

I remember doing large Thanksgivings with my family over sixty years ago. We also invited people that worked with my dad, the home office was on the East Coast and we were on the West. Largest was 28 people including all my cousins aunts, uncles and grandparents.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I got to spend all evening yesterday with my boyfriend, and it was truly delightful. We can’t be together today. This evening, I will have dinner with a dear friend. We’re both cooking. I’m going to stuff a squash. She’s vegan, and I’m vegetarian. Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate.

Hau’oli la ho’omaika’i!

Jons_Blond's avatar

My husband and I and our three adult sons went to an old feed mill for an amazing buffet. The only thing missing was my father who was at home recovering from pneumonia.

Our ritual was always to cook a large meal and everyone came to our house, but early November gave us Covid and we didn’t have the energy.

Today, Black Friday, we all went to see a movie. The Menu. It’s the best movie I’ve seen in years. All five of us loved this movie. This agreement rarely happens in the Wilcox household. Ralph Fiennes deserves an Oscar.

filmfann's avatar

Traditional Turkey feast.
I am probably late to this question due to a food coma.

KRD's avatar

I went to our family who lives far but in the state.

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