General Question

How do I create a document for tutoring arithmetic for fractions?
It can be a Word document or html. I just want something that is relatively easy to create something that looks nice for showing how to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions and for creating homework problems. I have been using a textbook, but the book starts by doing addition for fractions with different denominators. I would like to start by first showing how to add fractions with the same denominator and then afterwards teach about least common denominator.
I checked online and saw several supposedly simple ways of doing this. Some of the things I tried did not work. I tried to find a step-by-step way of creating a Web page with math entries, but could not find anything. What I am asking for should not be that big a deal. I once had a very simple WYSISYG Web page editor that created html tags behind the scene, allowing you to edit them if you so wished. I forget the name of the product, but something like that would be helpful.