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Have you heard of this approach to relieving back pain? Do you have an opinion on it?
“I Have to Believe This Book Cured My Pain”
The article discusses an emotion-oriented response to back pain as described by Dr. John Sarno, author of several books, including Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection, which says that chronic pain is mostly mental. If we’re looking at vertebrae and discs and their abnormalities, we’re looking in the wrong place: the pain is muscular and tension-based.
I’m not far along in reading the book, but so far it’s consistent with the NYT article.
I’m not much for woo-woo theories and spooky medicine, but I sense that there’s something to this. Right now I am suffering almost constant, debilitating back pain, and I need to do something. If you’ve read the article and/or the book(s), or have any related personal experience to share, please comment.
(And yes, I am also taking the conventional medical route of seeking consultation with a back specialist.)
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