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tinyfaery's avatar

Do you love your pillow?

Asked by tinyfaery (44316points) November 30th, 2022 from iPhone

I want to love my pillow.

I sleep in all of the basic positions so I need some versatility. I know that there are adjustable pillows but I’m not sure I want to deal with that hassle.

Any recommendations? Do you have an exceptional pillow you want me to know about?

I’ve seen pillows into the $300s, and though I’m not willing to pay that much, I am willing to pay more than average for a really nice pillow.

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19 Answers

SnipSnip's avatar

No. I really do like the Hotel pillows that SamsClub sells. They aren’t expensive but have a lot of stuffing in them and they don’t go flat or have interior separating (which drives me nuts). They’re gusseted as well. I have always washed my bed pillows but these are just too big. I keep a mite-proof waterproof zippered cover on them and when and if they ever do wear out I will open my spare package.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I use a flat queen size stomach pillow. To hug and hold at night.

I rotate 2 my pillows and 2 others, from Amazon, and 2 others as they heat up.

I rarely use pillow cases.

HP's avatar

I prefer and expect it. That’s the best I can do. It’s the wife who tucks and piles pillows in extraordinary places. She’s bullet proof in both the bed alone and her recliner.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I love pillows made from real latex rubber like this one. Extremely comfortable while also giving support.

gondwanalon's avatar

I have 4 different pillows. One large synthetic, one small rectangular synthetic , one small round synthetic one large feather. I move them around and position them into different locations around my head, neck and chest throughout the night. Why? Because my arms have a tendency to go numb and then start to ache when I lay in any one position too long. It wakes me up. Then I rearranged the pillows and fall asleep again only to be awakened again in 1 or 2 hours later. Been sleeping like this for over 30 years. Spent a lot of money and time going to a neurologist and chiropractor to no avail. Getting old is not for wimps. HA!

RayaHope's avatar

Feather and down pillows, like sleeping on a cloud. :)

Jeruba's avatar

No. We have a pretty Platonic relationship. It’s serviceable, that’s about it.

When my late husband and I were shopping for mattresses, we noted a display of $200 pillows. He said, “I wonder what it’s like to sleep on a two hundred dollar pillow.” But neither of us was willing to pay to find out.

Anyway, I’m allergic to feathers, so no downy bed items for me.

@RedDeerGuy1, the virtue of pillowcases is that they’re easy to wash.

chyna's avatar

Following. I need good pillows, too.

JLeslie's avatar

I have to have two pillows, both not very thick, one a little firm the other softer. Between the two I can adjust them so my neck is comfortable.

I don’t spend a ton of money on pillows. $300 is crazy to me.

Once in a while I stay in a hotel that has great pillows, maybe I’ll check the name next time.

My husband has a pillow he hugs and it’s nothing special except that he likes it to have a flannel pillow case. I made him several pillow cases from very soft flannel fabric. So, in total he uses three pillows.

Entropy's avatar

I’ve tried ALOT of different pillows. I find none to be perfect. I wouldn’t pay $300 for one. I can’t even imagine.

I tried pillow cube, and that does have some merit…but not always or from all angles. I got MyPillow for Xmas one year, but I’d already gotten a generic that was similar…and better. But same basic premise – foam rubber filled pillow where you can adjust the amount of foam in it, and as such, how firm it is or isn’t.

Regular pillow are the worst though.

filmfann's avatar

I take my pillow with me on most trips, because it is very thin, which is how I am comfortable.

But, no. I don’t love it.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I have four pillows and they all suck. :’(

tinyfaery's avatar

I think we need a pillow revolution.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Or a pillow fight. :D

elbanditoroso's avatar

Not love, but we have a close relationship.

I bought my last set at Costco “Hotel Grand” model. Medium hard. I like them. There is no earthly reason to pay more than $20/pillow.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I have one with bamboo fill that seems to not only stay supportive but also comfortable. It’s also machine washable.

SnipSnip's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 What Jeruba said.

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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I had to toss my favorite stomach pillow. It was getting too nasty. I bought four cheap pillows/w/cases from Wal-Mart and they are fine for the short-term.

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