I hope I can say something useful for you. I will try my best and take some time to think of the answer. If it doesn’t resonate with you then just trust that I meant well.
I very much understanding the feeling of loneliness. I also very much understand what it’s like to be an outcast with no friends. I also understand what deprivation, isolation and even suicidal ideation is like. I understand what its like to not know intimacy. I understand what its like to have to work had and not feel like a real contributing member of society because everyone else has “real” jobs. Or to not have any job. I understand what its like to know as well as everyone that there’s something wrong with you which alienates you from everyone. And I understand what its like watch the years go by and realize its not fixing itself.
This is where a certain directed effort comes in. I’m not saying you lack effort. I’m saying it may lack direction. I had the attitude that life will take care of itself. Well, it does but its not that simple. You see at a young age we are filled with false ideas about ourselves and the world and life and what life is about.
For some this takes the form of a certain conviction that joy and happiness is to be found in certain worldly things such as material possessions, social status, or pleasure. This is an unfortunate path to end up on and most in the world I think end up on this path. Chasing happiness in the world of lots of fancy things and other people.
For others, ignorance leads them down a path of turmoil. This seems unfortunate at first but they in a way are the lucky ones. Because it is much more likely for them to see the futility of this false pursuit of happiness. Also, that turmoil is what drives personal growth. Nobody ever attained character in comfort. Personal character is forged in hardship, turmoil, adversity and calamity. But it depends on whether you overcome it or succumb to it.
I can say this truthfully, you have no idea what a valuable opportunity it can be to be isolated in the middle of nowhere and alone. I’m not saying “don’t be ungrateful for your problems”. As I said, I know how much they can hurt and how hopeless it can seem. But the very simple fact that you are on this site, asking this question, is already an indication in my mind that there is something in store for you of true value. What it is I can’t say. Only you can figure it out.
Practical advice for your situation:
1. Keep your attention focused on what it is you think you want out of life. Study it. Even follow it but pay keen attention to it and whatever happens. I promise you that there is information and lessons and truths in every single thing in life if only we can locate it and decipher it. And we do that with something called attention. Learn the art of attention and the powers of awareness to uncover the secrets of life.
2. Invest your emotion in longing for love in animals. They are far less treacherous, hostile and destructive than humans. You will necessarily need to experience this at some point when you’re ready but in the mean time keep your heart beating and alive by loving animals. Otherwise it will wither and life will become dark and bleak and lose all of its magic.
3. Try grab hold of your attention and point it at yourself rather than the world and the things you lack and the longing for companionship. The outward direction is the default for the mind. In fact you will at some point discover how the mind intentionally runs away from self knowledge by not only chasing things in the world but actually creating and perpetuating problems and lack and turmoil. It takes deliberate conscious effort to turn that around and study yourself. Your mind and thinking habits. Maybe learn a bit about psychology or if you have the means do psychotherapy or something like that. But learn how your psyche works.
4. Develop your ability to feel. As a women you have one advantage over us men in that your ability to feel is much more intense. The world of feeling is far more important than your thought space. And you explore that world by relaxing skeletal muscles and breathing. I shit you not.
5. Learning how to breath is a benefit to every single thing in your whole life. Including all the things I mentioned.
6. Learn physical relaxation. Like progressive relaxation or just pay attention to your body and muscles and posture.
7. Remember that your most powerful tool is just attention or focused silent awareness. And that when we are speaking, that attention is diluted with thought.
Good luck