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How can I get my trust back?
There have been a series of events going on in my life that make me become more jaded than I want to. I used to be very good at seeing the struggle of people and give them compassion few could give. I used to be so good at listening to people who look unbearable on the outside and find the good things in them. But recently there have been a few people whom other people have a problem with for a good reason. They turn out to have actual problematic belief and behavior, they are just too absorbed in their fantasy to realize they have a problem. And I have been the one to sympathize with their stories and go along with them.
I feel so betrayed, like I put so much trust in the person being a good person at heart only for them to turn out to be as bad as people think they are. These days I can still listen to people, but now I can’t shake the thought of “this is another faker again”.
I feel like I have lost my compassion for some reason. I googled “empathy fatigue” but the symptoms don’t quite match my condition. So I’m not sure what I’m suffering from. What should I do?
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