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elbanditoroso's avatar

[potentially NSFW] Which is the proper adjective? 'tidy' or 'tighty'?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33698points) December 9th, 2022

In the last week, I read chapters in two (fiction) books where the authors made reference to mens’ briefs (underwear).

One author used the term ‘tighty whiteys’ – the other used the term ‘tidy whiteys’.

I always thought it was “tighty”.

Norma Loquendi and I would like to know what’s the correct adjective.

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9 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

Must be “tighty” because they sure aren’t tidy. Back in the day when I wore briefs they usually had skid-marks also know as grass stains. Don’t usually have that with boxer shorts.

zenvelo's avatar

The only “tidy” whities are briefs that have been folded and placed in one’s underwear drawer.

The proper term is “tightie” as representative of the snug fit and rhyme with the diminutive of white.

Entropy's avatar

It’s ‘tighty’. The contrast is to boxers which are loose fitting. Whomever used ‘tidy’ is mishearing it. Like me everytime Elton John sings about wanting Tony Danza to hold him close.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@Entropy funny reference to Tony Danza… I will never hear that song again without thinking of your interpretation.

LadyMarissa's avatar

According to Merriam Webster it is tighty-whitey…meaning snug white underpants for men : white briefs. The plural is whities preferred over whiteys.

HP's avatar

Depends on whether you want snug or neat.

LadyMarissa's avatar

^^ How about neatly snug??? ;-}

SnipSnip's avatar

If the briefs are clean and neatly put away they are tidy.

If the briefs are simply snug fitting, they are tighty.

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