General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

If Biden were riding in the presidential limousine, would he fasten his seat belt?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) December 14th, 2022

It’s second nature for me to fasten mine, whether I am driving or as a passenger. In the presidential limo, do you think Biden fastens his?

What about on Air Force One? We plebs have to be strapped in for takeoff and landing. Do travelers on AF1 have to follow the same rules?

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12 Answers

Smashley's avatar

I have to believe a guy who lost a daughter and wife to a motor vehicle accident would buckle up.

And is there actually a limo for general usage? Maybe Inauguration Day, but generally when vips are moving around DC you see a horde of identical black suvs.

filmfann's avatar

I would bet No. The Secret Service would probably prefer him be unrestrained.

kritiper's avatar

I must agree with @Smashley .

JLeslie's avatar

My guess is he usually wears his belt in the car. There might be exceptions.

Here is an article from when Obama was president.

As for the plane, maybe for take off and landing, but after that I doubt it unless they hit turbulence. Half of the reason you have to stay seated on a flight is so the flight attendants can serve a drink or meal. Biden wouldn’t need to deal with that. The other half is if they hit unexpected turbulence, it is way better to be belted.

Obviously, if the captain knows there is turbulence in the area he/she will have everyone on the plane wear their seatbelts.

JLeslie's avatar

Clarification: I think the recommendation on Air Force One would still be that any time you are seated you should be belted for safety, but my guess is no one is enforcing being belted while the flight is in the air, just like on a commercial flight no one is checking if you have your seat belt on when you are 30,000 feet up in the air. I don’t even know if all the seats on the plane have seatbelts? What about his bed? My guess is all of the furniture does not have seatbelts or restraints. The living room and conference rooms probably look like a room on the ground except for furniture being bolted to the floor.

As a side note, I have flown military flights and we were belted, and technically Air Force One is a military flight. I have also flown in private jets and people wear their belts when the captain tells you to, but some jets don’t have seatbelts. I realize Air Force One is a special circumstance, but I think the president would do as asked by the captain.

filmfann's avatar

On Jan. 6, 2021, Trump reportedly attacked his Secret Service driver, using a headlock, and grabbing the steering wheel with the other hand.
This would be impossible if he were wearing a seatbelt.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’m with Smashley as well. With his history I think he’s precautious.

Forever_Free's avatar

We know that Trump didn’t
The F’ing President doesnt need to.

Zaku's avatar

Sounds like some people relate to seatbelts, and not just the laws around them, as emasculating power grabs. Interesting.

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