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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Is Trump really selling, or licenseing, Trump collector cards?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25193points) December 15th, 2022

If yes what do you think about it?
Can someone explain it in more detail?

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31 Answers

LadyMarissa's avatar

YES. The cheapest one is $99. They are NFT’s. If you’re willing to spend more than $99, you can get to meet him one on one or via a Zoom call or possibly play golf with him at one of HIS golf courses. He didn’t say who would be paying the course fees, but I can pretty well assure you that it WON’T be him!!! It will be added to the cost of your NFT. He seems to think we need a super hero & he is willing to fill in until we can find one!!!

kritiper's avatar

If a person had enough of them they could line the inside of the outhouse with them to keep the cold winter wind from blowing through the spaces between the boards.

filmfann's avatar

It’s true!

pardon me while I go check the dosage strengths on my medication.

LostInParadise's avatar

Why didn’t I think of that? Trump is an NFT!
Good grief, is he ever going away?

flutherother's avatar

@kritiper They aren’t even good for that as they have no physical existence. They are digital cards only with no inherent value whatever, much like Trump himself.

rockfan's avatar

I think his political advisors are trolling him at this point

jca2's avatar

When I say to people that I think Trump is acting like he’s desperate for money, they say “but he’s a billionaire.” He doesn’t act like a billionaire, selling schlock. He acts like someone who needs money.

janbb's avatar

He is losing any possible credibility he may have had. One January 6th insurrectionist complained that he is going to jail for “that grifter.”

JLeslie's avatar

I was going to write a Q about this, and luckily I noticed yours before posting.

If this does not prove that Trump laughs at his supporters I don’t know what does!

The graphics are just like the memes that were passed all around Facebook for four years to scare people. I called them QAnon memes. Heavy on the primary colors. I wish I had saved some in my photos, because I’m sure people will have amnesia.

Go ahead, keep giving him money. The same people who complain we help immigrants and not our own US citizens, they give their money to rich Trump. Got it.

Entropy's avatar

SORT OF. They’re not EVEN trading cards, they’re DIGITAL trading cards that you would buy an NFT for. And they’re bad. Real bad. And the website says they’re Sold Out.

It’s basically him photoshopped into various action hero-y roles like Superhero or wild west sheriff or astronaut from what I can tell. It’s the cringe-iest thing you’ve ever seen.

Trump got into politics (IMHO) as a way to raise his profile and make money after his reality show was cancelled. Trump needed a way to make money. Remember, this guy was selling Trump/White House branded merch while in office from his online store.

This to me is the funniest thing about Trump. Trump has never given a flying f—- about his voters. They are just a vehicle for him to make money off of. He doesn’t care about their lives or ideology. He just wants to milk them for more money.

smudges's avatar

^^ Trump needed a way to make money.

I doubt that. He was a billionaire. There are much better ways for a rich person to make money than go into politics. We’ve never even heard of most of the richest people in the world, or the U.S. for that mattter.

I think he got into politics to boost his ego, to “run the world”.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think Trump needs to make money, I think Trump likes to make money, and being a “televangelist” is lucrative. I have said that is what he is from the start. talking to his congregation that will tithe and follow him almost blindly. A few people have woken up, let’s see if some more wake up with this now crazy trading card thing. Electronic trading cards. How does that even work? Do people have a secret password so only people who have paid can have them?

filmfann's avatar

@smudges It is my belief that he isn’t a billionaire, but a con man making people believe he is.

JLeslie's avatar

Why does it even matter if he is rich or not? He owns plenty of property that he can sell, he is not going to wind up in the poor house. It’s a matter of taking advantage of people no matter how much money he has.

RayaHope's avatar

Please kill me now…

smudges's avatar

@filmfann I said he was a billionaire, responding to @Entropy intimating that he was in financial trouble when his tv show was cancelled.

Personally, I think he’s probably just a millionaire now. poor baby LOL

LadyMarissa's avatar

In his mind, being forced to sell any of his buildings is the same thing as being in the poor house. He doesn’t want to have to sell any of his buildings. I think I remember that he was forced to sell the 5th Avenue/NYC property where he used to live at a rock bottom price. With all the focus on his finances, he can’t get a loan right now because NO bank trusts his financial records…not even the low class banks. With ALL the legal situations he’s in right now, he’s hemorrhaging money & just can’t bring himself to admit that he’s going broke in rich people’s terms…NOT poor people’s terms. IF you read the fine print on the NFT trading card offer, it says NOTHING about proceeds going to his presidential campaign…it’s ALL going to him. He’s under a lot of pressure right now & he’s NOT handling it very well as he’s used to saying jump & people respond how high & he’s lost that control. YES, he created this situation himself, but he doesn’t see it that way!!! Forty years ago he DAILY budget was a half million dollars per day & with inflation, I’m sure that price has gone up. He’s assuming that the same people who were contributing to his phony campaign PAC are going to just hand over their hard earned money directly to him to use as he pleases..

JLeslie's avatar

@LadyMarissa You might be right that if he had to sell he would feel like he is in the poor house, but that has nothing to do with people on TV and social media saying Trump is no longer rich, because by any reasonable standard if he can sell a building and make millions, he is still rich. For some reason Democrats want to believe he is desperate for money and Republicans want to believe he is a millionaire or billionaire, I don’t get it.

It seems to me it is a better story for Democrats to say he is rich and still willing to fleece his supporters. Remember how Republicans thought it was so great that Trump wasn’t keeping his presidential salary. They like to believe he is rich and not trying to make money off of the people.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@JLeslie I don’t think that he can any longer sell his buildings & make millions. He’s mortgaged to the hilt & anyone who can afford to buy his buildings are aware of his high mortgages & his pitiful “need for cash” & they are NOT willing to pay the top dollar he would need to come out ahead. Anyway, his building are his wealth & he can’t afford to buy new buildings. He’s a shitty businessman & he’s faked it for so long that he began to believe his own bullshit. Now, he’s having to face a reality that he’s managed to hide from himself since he first broke on the scene in NYC in the late 70’s. He’s always lived off the bank’s money & the banks are wising up to his schemes & they NO longer want to play!!!

His image is way too important to him & his image is becoming way too fractured for his liking!!! I’m in NO way trying to say he’s not rich…I’m just saying that he’s NEVER been as rich as he wants others to think!!! Forbes has been saying for years that he’s known for anonymously calling in to inflate his net worth so he could be on their list of richest men in America. They didn’t feel the need to WASTE the resources to prove him wrong, so they posted what he made up!!!

cheebdragon's avatar

Everyone’s age is really showing in this thread. Trump isn’t doing anything new or outrageous, he’s just trying to keep up with current trends and stay relevant. Most celebrities are selling NFTs, $99 is cheap as fuck, anyone remember the Nyan Cat? a 2011-era GIF of a cat with a pop-tart body, it sold for nearly $600,000 in February. And NBA Top Shot generated more than $500 million in sales as of late March. A single LeBron James highlight NFT fetched more than $200,000.

RayaHope's avatar

@cheebdragon Seriously? WOW Biggest scumbag of this country and you’re sticking up for his giant ego cards. lol! He should be behind bars. Trump isn’t doing anything new or outrageous…LOL!!! have you seen them?! haha

smudges's avatar

I understand that actual, physical trading cards can sell out because there’s only a certain number of them made. But how can something that’s digital sell out?

cheebdragon's avatar

@RayaHope Calm the fuck down, I’m not sticking up for anyone, I’m just pointing out how ridiculous it is to be upset about Trump selling NFTs.

janbb's avatar

@cheebdragon I don’t think people are upset. I think most of is see Trump as a pathetic laughingstock for this maneuver.

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RocketGuy's avatar

The “trading card” sellers raked in $$$!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Apparently ALL the digital art was stolen, I smell a bunch for law suits ! Maybe they can get punitive damages and three times the amount of money he raked in.

He would do better selling “snake oil” ! The dolts that follow him would be happy paying $25.00 a bottle; for 8 ounces of caster oil, pureed carrots and roasted garlic. Drink a bottle day and spend your time in the john.

RocketGuy's avatar

The creators photoshopped stock photos. Not sure how copyrights work with those. Are people free to use them as desired?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Most cases NO; @RocketGuy if it is for profit ! ! ! !

RocketGuy's avatar

Ah right! If you make $ off of it, you have to share.

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