Social Question

canidmajor's avatar

So, jellies, let’s discuss wrapping! Do you wrap? Fancy or simple? Are gift bags thoughtless and lazy or resource wise?

Asked by canidmajor (21820points) December 16th, 2022

There are so many choices and opinions about gift presentation, what are your preferences?

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20 Answers

Entropy's avatar

I do wrap. I don’t gift bag. I do it pretty simple. I don’t bother with a bow, but I do sticker-labels. I sometimes use joke wrapping paper or joke gift boxes even though they’re more expensive just to add an extra thing to talk about and have happen on the day.

janbb's avatar

Can gift bags be thoughtless and lazy and resource-wise at the same time?

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I wrap big items that won’t fit into gift bags. I’ll use scraps to wrap very small things. Gift bags save time, look good and are reusable. + I hate wrapping.

canidmajor's avatar

Aww, @janbb, where’s the controversy in that?

chyna's avatar

I buy the boxes that look like they are gift wrapped. I get them after Christmas when they are really cheap. My wrapping skills are that of a 5 year old, so it’s in the best interest of all.
If it’s a huge item, I’ll stick it in a gift bag.
I think it’s the gift that keeps on giving! :-)

jca2's avatar

Sometimes I use gift bags, sometimes I do wrapping paper. For big gifts or a bunch of things going to the same person, I will buy the resusable pretty (fancy) shopping bags from stores like Home Goods or TJ Maxx which have pretty Christmas pictures on them, that are about 1 or 2 dollars each but they hold a lot of weight and don’t break, and the recipient can reuse.

I always admire the very simple wrap that is sometimes shown in magazines, which may be brown kraft paper with twine or maybe a red bow, and some greens and natural things – rustic and pretty.

I have so much wrapping paper that i have been giving some away. It takes up too much space and I’ve reduced my gift giving a lot so…..

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I have wrapping paper, so I wrapped gift yesterday. My gift bags are buried in the closet, so I use what’s handy.

snowberry's avatar

I don’t mind wrapping, but I hate all the expensive gift wrap. Next time I’ll buy light weight painter’s paper in a big roll, and spend my money on fun ribbon instead.

zenvelo's avatar

I get one wrapping paper pattern for my son, a different one for my daughter; I do not use any name tags.

As to gift bags, it depends on the gift. If it is something relatively shapeless and not delicate (like a t shirt) I will use a gift bag.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I detest using using giftwrap and ribbons. That sort of giftwrapping is my most-disliked, most tedious household chore. I also dislike the idea of those materials going into the refuse stream after a single purpose.

But, pretty gift bags look great, are easy to assemble, and can be reused until they tear or otherwise wear out.

kritiper's avatar

Gift bags are lazy. I like to wrap using the colorful comics pages from the Sunday newspapers.

RayaHope's avatar

Bring your gifts here and I’ll wrap all of them to perfection! Bows/ribbons and glitter too! I love doing that around this time of the year. :D

*(disclaimer) not responsible for lost gifts. hehe

smudges's avatar

I used to love wrapping: plain brown paper with crayon drawings of a decorated tree and stick-figure kids skiing, skating, throwing snowballs, building forts, etc. Or pretty paper with coordinating curly ribbon, bow and nametag – like black with silver and gray accents.

Most of the time I stayed away from the traditional colors, or used different shades of them, like burgundy paper with gold accents or navy paper with silver accents. Once I used small brown paper bags for fellow employees and drew the stick-figure kids on them. Another time I used burlap and ribbons.

I was that person whose gift you didn’t want to open because it was too pretty. ;)

RayaHope's avatar

^^ Me too! Those packages were so pretty you don’t dare open them. I like decorating for all holidays, can’t wait for New Years!

raum's avatar

I’m good at wrapping presents. But don’t always have the time to do it.

canidmajor's avatar

Hahaha, @kritiper, I spend a lot of time making gifts for people, but if I use gift bags it’s “lazy”?

kritiper's avatar

@canidmajor Whatever blows your skirt up. (To each his or her own.)
And you brought up the term before I did. I just followed suit.

smudges's avatar

Wrap? You wan’ a wrap??

(in background) paffft chhh paffft chhh
A Mansion State of Mind
By Big Mugsy

Yeah, yeah. Ayo, jellies, it’s time.
It’s time, jellies (aight, jellies, begin).
Straight out the ugly dungeons of wrap.

The paper drops deep as does my gift.
I never tired, ‘cause to tired is the mama of rift.
Beyond the walls of presents, life is defined.
I think of christmas when I’m in a mansion state of mind.

In a mansion state of mind.
What more could you ask for? The green paper?
You complain about wrapping.
I gotta love it though – somebody still speaks for the newspaper.

I’m wrappin’ to the tag,
And I’m gonna move your drag.

Red, huge, cold, like a ribbon
Boy, I tell you, I thought you were papa fitzgibbon.

I can’t take the wrapping, can’t take the bow.
I woulda tried to sleep I guess I got no crow.

I’m wrappin’ to the drag,
And I’m gonna move your tag.

Yea, yaz, in a mansion state of mind.

When I was young my mama had a skyscraper.
I waz kicked out without no gold paper.
I never thought I’d see that gaper.
Ain’t a soul alive that could take my mama’s taper.

Thinking of christmas. Yaz, thinking of christmas (christmas).

In my mansion state of mind.

SnipSnip's avatar

I don’t do gifts at Christmastime. I do birthday gifts for children, and I wrap them in brown paper with pretty bows.

JLeslie's avatar

I love wrapping boxes with gift wrap. I rarely do it. I do think it’s wasteful and I buy very few gifts anyway.

I recycle gift bags a lot. When I’m given a gift in a gift bag I usually use that bag to give a gift to someone else.

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