So is anyone you know rushing out to buy Trump collector cards?
Asked by
December 16th, 2022
I mean they are only $99 each what a deal.
I don’t even have the strength to mock this because it’s just sad and pathetic .
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29 Answers
Satirists’ bane. He’s made himself into a cartoon character. How could it get any loonier than that?
Never mind, I know: there’s no limit. How glad I am to have a limited enough mind that I could never think up such a thing. I wonder if his kids are mortified. They should be.
The next logical thing is a Saturday-morning cartoon show. Or (gasp) a movie?
Anyway, the so-called cards have sold out.
Sold out in one day, 44,000 of them netting him 4.4 million, according to Forbes. I guess he’s laughing all the way to the bank. I don’t get it – it’s total schlock, undignified, and not the behavior of someone who supposedly is a billionaire, but who knows.
They sold out??
I wouldn’t give a $1.50 for a hundred of them.
LOL!!!!!! Oh, a serious answer…LOL!!!!! Sorry, I’ll try and compose myself….LOL!!!!!!
Know no one personally who is that pathetic and got sh@&t for brains.
Putin AND Musk will be buying lots !
I only associate with sane people.
@jca2, we can actually think of more than one billionaire who behaves in a disgraceful manner. Riches are no assurance of class. What we can’t reconcile with this behavior is a person’s dignity, circumspectness, and fitness for high office.
Right now it seems like practically the whole outfit is being run by buffoonish amateurs who lack any ability to rise to the offices they occupy. We’re lucky that there are still some who take governance seriously.
I bought the one of him staring directly into the sun without protective glasses.
If they say it sold out, and the values are increasing, I suspect a con game in the works.
@gorillapaws Is that the one you chose…OR the one they sent you???
My sister told me he already sold over $4 million worth of the cards. I don’t know her source.
The awfulness of these cards is hypnotic. I would like to be amused enough to smile but I am in the presence of something not fully human, but cold and reptilian and basking in the sunlight of the adulation of millions. I want to say it is all crap but it would be futile. Having stared into the abyss I feel the abyss staring back. I’m going to buy one.
PS No I’m not.
They’re sold out. So I know 3 Trump voters (that have admitted it). My father (since passed) voted for him in 2016, but I know my father’s politics, and he wasn’t a Trump guy. This was a Not-Hillary vote.
I also know two legit Trump guys. One is an arm’s length Trumpy who defends Trump, voted Trump, and everything, but constantly layers in ‘But I’m not a Trump guy’. I’m like ‘Dude. You quack like a duck and walk like a duck. You’re a duck.’ The other is an all-in Q-Anon Trumpy, but he’s not what you would expect from the stereotype of a Trumpy.
I’m 100% sure that neither of them are buying Trump NFTs. I haven’t had the chance to talk to them about it, but I’ll be shocked if even they aren’t rolling their eyes.
@LadyMarissa It was my second-choice. My first choice was Trump using a sharpie to retcon the hurricane Dorian forecast, but it was sold out. I also had my eye on Trump holding the Bible upside-down after he had peaceful BLM protestors violently cleared for his trip to the church, but it was too expensive.
@JLeslie I googled it yesterday and quoted it above, with the source Forbes. It’s all over the internet (sources).
@gorillapaws Just one more Q…what’s too expensive??? IMHO, $99 is too expensive!!!
@LadyMarissa If trump gave ME $99 that would be too expensive. I wouldn’t be caught dead with one of those stupid ego inflated cards.
@LadyMarissa I think it was 30 pieces of silver or something like that…
So, the cards are digital? Are they password protected or something? I don’t understand.
@RayaHope I hear ya LOUD & clear & I TOTALLY agree!!! I have 2 friends who I’m assuming probably bought at least one each, but I don’t know that for sure. Spoke with one of them today & he wouldn’t admit to it, but I don’t blame him for being ashamed!!! I’m pretty sure that my BFF did it, but I’ve not spoken with her since Thursday. It’s almost Christmas & she’s got 4 kids & 9 grandkids, so she should be very busy!!!
@gorillapaws IF you win the one-on-one with him, I suggest you give it to @RayaHope for Christmas as I think she has something she’d like to say to him!!! ROFLMFAO
@gorillapaws When I was in school in the US in the late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s we learned about the stock market crash or 1929 and the Great Depression that followed. I had grandparents who lived through it. I would assume everyone learns about it, and people older than me especially know about it. Then you have mini crashes all the time and housing softens. It happened in 1999–2000, again 2006,7,8, and now. That’s recent examples, but we can go back more. That people seem clueless about speculation and how market bubbles and bursts happen is beyond my comprehension.
We also learned about gold backed money and how currency values go up and down for various reasons.
This should be included in this discussion.
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